I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 498: Talk about the purpose of the association

Huang Ling and Xiao Gu Gang got off the hearse 104 and they knew it was full of ghosts.

When Jia Ming was involved in a car accident, the monitoring showed that he had actively rammed into the bus. Various abnormal behaviors seemed to explain that something special happened.

It was these special things that led to Jia Ming's car accident, which made his temperament drastically change, and even made such ridiculous things as shredding puppets and cooking in a pot.

"You mean, my husband was taken up by the ghost in the last bus of Route 104?" Huang Ling remained silent for a long time before barely accepting the reality.

"Upper body? Are you too optimistic?" Chen Ge looked at the woman's mobile phone: "You received a call from your husband on the 104 bus. The person who called you should be your real husband. He knows that you are here On the last train, and also know that this car is full of ghosts, the biggest possibility is that he was also in the car at that time, or that his soul and obsession were trapped in that car, and became the survivor of your current husband. . "

What Chen Ge said was difficult for Huang Ling to accept. If she had n’t been in that car before and witnessed all kinds of horrible ghosts, then at this moment he would definitely think that Chen Ge was a lunatic.

Opening his mouth, Huang Ling wanted to say a lot of words, but in the end a thousand words all converged into one sentence: "What should I do?"

She clutched the steering wheel helplessly, and she felt suffocated when she thought that her husband might have been replaced.

"Do you want to find your husband?" Chen Ge took his hand out of his backpack. With Huang Ling's tone and expression, he basically determined that Huang Ling was only a victim.

"Of course." Huang Ling turned her head again.

"If you want to find your real husband, then you have to start with the person who fakes your husband. He should know a lot about the last bus. Your real husband is on the last bus, we can only figure out about that car. Everything about the hearse is the only chance to find the last bus and rescue your husband. "Chen Ge's mouth pulled out an arc, and everything he did now was for the 104th bus.

He has never forgotten that there is a two-star horror scene in the black phone that has not been unlocked. The name of that scene is called Midnight Hearse.

In terms of difficulty, Midnight Hearse is similar to Muyang Middle School, but it is not easy to find because it is not a fixed scene.

"You let me go to Jia Ming's words?" Huang Ling instantly understood Chen Ge's meaning. She gently shook her head and was reluctant to do such a thing. She was not willing to believe these things in her heart.

"I haven't asked you to talk, and don't make decisions on your own. I just need you to observe Jia Ming secretly and tell me about his abnormal behavior." Chen Ge left his phone and WeChat to Huang Ling: "You can think of me as a way out for you, maybe at some point, only I can help you."

Huang Ling repeatedly chanted what Chen Ge said, and it took a long time to understand what Chen Ge meant ...

In her heart, although the man in front of him looked strange and terrible, it gave people an inexplicable feeling of trust.

"I often contact you in the future. By the way, do n’t tell anyone about anything that happened tonight, including your husband and parents." Chen Ge also wanted to drive straight back and tie Huang Ling ’s husband to force the question, but this effect is very poor. It is also easy to cause Huang Ling's disgust.

"I know." Huang Ling put away her phone and drove the car seriously.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Ge's mouth. He didn't say what he thought.

"I was the first to see the scene of being able to move by myself, and I must not let go. But then again, the last bus on the 104th bus, ghost passengers in the car, children, and the shadow that makes the red dress dread, these should be Have contact ... "

The taxi moved slowly in the heavy rain, and Chen Ge leaned on the back of his chair, closing his eyes and resting.

At two in the morning, Huang Ling sent Chen Ge and Xiao Gu to the New Century Paradise.

When getting off the bus, Chen Ge checked the driver ’s body again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he left double the fare.

"Be careful on the road. In addition, you'd better set my number to one-touch dial to facilitate contact." After a few more words, Chen Ge took Xiao Gu away.

"Boss, do you really want to help Huang Ling? This is a scary thing." After Huang Ling drove away, Xiao Gu came to Chen Ge with an umbrella.

"Helping her is just easy, my real purpose is to find the child in the red raincoat, don't you mean the child in the red raincoat is on the last bus?" Chen Ge said casually, and did not expect Xiao Gu to fall into a deep after listening Self-blame.

"This blame me."

"Don't think too much, you are my employee, what you encounter, that is my thing." Chen Ge walked in front of him, and the heavy rain washed his body.

Following behind Chen Ge, Xiao Gu looked at the back of his boss, hesitated again and again, and finally made up his mind to ask: "Boss, when you called the raincoat girl, you said you were the president of the whispering association. What kind of organization is this? ? How do you feel that you are not too afraid of those things? "

"Is it curious?" Chen Ge saved Xiao Gu's life, and more than once, plus Xiao Gu's character is relatively straight, there are not so many flowery intestines, so Chen Ge is more at ease with Xiao Gu.

"One thing, in fact, the past few months have made me a little scared." Xiao Gu said with a bitter face: "I was stunned by the murderer a month ago, and was almost divided. Two weeks ago, I just After being discharged from the hospital, he was sent to the emergency room because of a coma. Counting on the 104 bus tonight, this is the third time in the past two months that it has hit the evil spirit. I feel that I will continue to do so. It ’s only a matter of time before the incident happened ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Gu was worried and could not see the vitality of the past: "I may have been cursed. "

"In the future, if you move to live near the New Century Paradise, there should be no problem." Chen Ge couldn't help crying, but he also understood Xiao Gu, and it was estimated that he would have been scared if he came over.

"Boss, I feel like I will still have an accident in the future, so I want to learn more about some related things. See if I can join your association." Xiao Gu's words are not amazing, he is shy and entangled. Standing next to Chen Ge.

"Do you want to join the Talking Society?" Chen Ge stopped, he glanced up and down, and then gently shook his head: "Although the Talking Society is named Talking, it is actually a mental patient mutual aid association, and the patients encourage each other. Let everyone rekindle hope for a new life. "

"Is this the case?" Xiao Gu felt that the strange talk association Chen Ge said was not the same as he thought.

"That's all, don't think too much about it." Chen Ge stuffed the hammerhead with the cranial skull hammer out into the backpack and pulled the zipper: "We blame the association for three purposes: respect and care for people, right The understanding and acceptance of the heart, and the gratitude and reward for life. "

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