I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 499: I also made 1 pot of soup for you

"It turns out that way." Xiao Gu lost a trace.

"The body is not afraid of the crooked shadow, as long as you don't do anything wrong, live brightly, even if you meet a ghost, he will be afraid of you by three points." Chen Ge taught his secret, Xiao Gu deeply agreed.

"I understand, thanks to the boss."

"There are many things you have to learn in the future. I will take you to see more wonderful scenery." There is no one available around Chen Ge, and many things are inconvenient. The appearance of Xiao Gu makes Chen Ge feel his chance Here he is, he is going to train a qualified horror house employee himself.

"Don't tell anyone about what happened on the bus, including Xu Wan." Chen Ge opened the door of the haunted house and took Xiao Gu into it: "You go to the staff lounge to sleep tonight, remember, Do n’t run around, let alone enter the scene. "

"Where do you sleep that boss? Or should we squeeze?" Xiao Gu was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about me, I will accompany you to the bathroom to change clothes, and then go to the toilet, and then you should not come out of the staff lounge until dawn."

"I can just go to the bathroom by myself, and I am not a child." Xiao Gu has not realized his current situation, and the danger of the western suburban horror house is already the top of the Samsung horror scene.

"There are some props in the toilet. I'm worried that you might accidentally touch them." Chen Ge just made an excuse and stopped going on this topic.

He entered the staff lounge and took two sets of his own clothes and handed them to Xiao Gu: "Change them first, and just give me wet clothes."

After all was done, Chen Ge closed the door of the staff lounge: "Get a good night's sleep. I'll call you tomorrow morning."


The door closed, and Xiao Gu sat beside the bed, feeling sad.

He sleeps on his own bed, and the boss sleeps on the floor. This is the first time he met: "Brother Chen's tofu with a knife in his mouth. Although he usually doesn't say it, I can tell that he is a good person."

Lifting the thin blanket, Xiao Gu was about to lie up, and suddenly heard a meow, and he stood up quickly.

Under the thin blanket, a big white cat with double eyes of different colors glanced lazily at Xiao Gu.

That look seems to be saying, where is the weak chicken?

"Hello." Xiao Gu grabbed the thin blanket and stood grievously by the bed, wondering if he should pass.

The white cat did not bully Xiao Gu, biting a very cute puppet gently, and jumped very dexterously to the desk next to it.

The cat scratched and pressed the light switch, and the employee lounge fell into darkness again.

Holding the blanket, Xiao Gu stood innocently.

"Good boy, it will turn off the light itself ..."

Chen Ge stayed outside the door for a while and saw the lights go out before leaving with confidence.

He also put on a new set of clothes, and then carried a half-wet backpack into the prop room.

"The situation in the eastern suburbs is more complicated. This may be related to the out-of-control door in Liwan Town. Dr. Gao said that the door was once controlled by the Talking Society. I now want to obtain information about this. I can start with the members of the Talking Society. Try it. "

After turning over the boxes, Chen Ge found the chairman's letter of appointment and the case list of the third sick building, and brought these things to the underground scene.

Pressing the repeater switch, Chen Ge pushed open the door of the last classroom in Muyang Middle School.

The puppets in school uniforms sat down honestly in their respective positions, just as if preparing for the college entrance examination, and all looked solemn.

"Don't be nervous, I just want you to meet new friends." Chen Ge stood on the podium and communicated with the ghosts in the case list for the first time, letting out the souls of the lunatics inside.

They were the most pathologically distorted lunatics during their lives. After they died, their grievances were all gone, and they all turned into ghosts.

In the classroom, there were gusty winds, tables and chairs, doors and windows clashed, and the screams of screams rang loudly, and more waiting for the vicious eyes to pounce directly on Chen Ge.

"Xu Yin."

With blood flowing, Xu Yin appeared quietly beside Chen Ge, and all the crying and screaming in the classroom were instantly suppressed.

When the crazy ghosts transformed by the madmen calmed down, Chen Ge walked past them one by one. This group of ghosts is indeed different from the ordinary ghosts. Even if they are pressed by the red clothes, there is still a dangerous light in their eyes. Staring at Chen Ge kindly.

"Is there no way to communicate?" Chen Ge took out the long letter of appointment again, and he showed Dr. Gao's handwriting to Li Gui. When those Li Gui saw Dr. Gao's handwriting, there was a black and red in their eyes. It took only a few seconds for all the bloodshot eyes, and all the ghosts bowed their heads in front of Chen Ge.

"There is no way to communicate? Or do they complain to me and do not want to talk to me?" As the new president of the Talking Association, Chen Ge still has feelings for these old members. He summoned all the staff of the haunted house A madman surrounded him and walked out of the classroom.


The rain was decreasing, Huang Ling was driving a taxi closer and closer to her home, but her speed was getting slower and slower.

She was very tangled in her heart, and when she thought of what Chen Ge said, she was afraid: "Will I go back tonight?"

I didn't know before, so I wasn't afraid. Now Huang Ling doesn't know who to listen to.

Chen Ge made a lot of sense, but Chen Ge is an outsider after all, and Jia Ming is his husband, who has lived together for so many years.

After thinking about it, Huang Ling couldn't make up her mind: "Don't go back, but where do you want to stay? Just stay in the car all night? What if the driver wakes up?"

The taxi drove to the door of the community. Huang Ling hadn't made a decision yet. Suddenly he saw a man standing in the hallway with an umbrella and anxious face.

"Jia Ming? Is he waiting for me?"

The coat was already wet, and Jia Ming looked a little embarrassed.

"Why did you come back!" Jia Ming's voice was a little angry, Huang Ling stopped the car, and just pushed the door, Jia Ming put the umbrella out of the door: "Follow me home!"

"I leave a call for the driver, and he wakes up to contact me as soon as possible." Huang Ling found a note on the taxi and wrote a note to the driver.

"What did you meet today? This driver is dizzy? Do you need to be taken to the hospital?" Jia Ming saw that the driver was still paralyzed in the back seat of the taxi, fearing something was wrong.

"My friend said that he was not in danger of life, but he was scared, and it would be fine after a while."

"Your friend? You don't make friends with those who do not know what you are going to do in the future. Today, those two are not like good people." Jia Ming held an umbrella and dragged Huang Ling upstairs.

The door was opened, and the warm light dispelled the chill and anxiety in Huang Ling's heart.

"My food has been heated for you seven or eight times, and I can't wait for you." Jia Ming pointed to the dishes on the table: "I also made a pot of soup for you."

"No, I have no appetite." Looking at the food on the table, Huang Ling felt a little moved, but the thought of the person in front of him might not be her husband, all the emotions were turned into an inexpressible fear.

"That line, I'll clean up. Hurry up and go to work tomorrow." Jia Ming was a little angry. He pressed hard and didn't get angry.

Huang Ling did not take off her coat and trousers when she returned to the bedroom. She wrapped a thin blanket and lay directly on the bed.

In the living room, Jia Ming was packing up the food, the pots and pans clanged, and the lights in the living room went out.

Someone entered the bedroom and lay beside Huang Ling, with a small distance between the two sides.

Darkness enveloped the narrow room, Huang Ling was sleepy, but she dared not fall asleep.

The more she feared, the more her palms kept sweating.

About ten minutes later, Huang Ling heard a slight snoring sound from her husband and determined that the other party was asleep before she was relieved.

After working for a day and driving for so long, she couldn't hold it long ago.

Closing his eyes, Huang Ling didn't know if he was asleep.

It took about an hour or two, vaguely, Huang Ling seemed to have a terrible dream. Her husband was holding a kitchen knife at the door of the room, talking about what to use for soup.

Cold sweat slipped and her head shook. After struggling for a moment, she suddenly opened her eyes.

The bedroom was dark and very quiet, and there was no standing person at the door.

"It's scary." Huang Ling rubbed her head, picked up the mobile phone beside the bed, and turned to Chen Ge's phone. She wanted to check whether the one-touch call was set up successfully.

In order to prevent being seen by the sleeping husband next to him, Huang Ling's body retracted into the thin blanket.

The cold light from the screen of the mobile phone was on his face. Huang Ling opened the address book and focused on the conversation tonight ~ www.readwn.com ~ These are from my husband. "Looking down, Huang Ling focused on dragging the screen and looking at the phone. But at this moment, a finger stretched out and pressed on the screen of her phone. It seemed that she was about to make a call.

Looking at the extra finger, Huang Ling shivered and sat up from the bed!

The phone dropped in the middle of the bed, and the cold light from the screen reflected on the face of the husband next to him.

His facial features are familiar, but his expression is a bit strange: "Why not sleep? Are you hungry?"

"It's okay." Huang Ling hugged the blanket and got up to turn on the lights, but the strange thing was that the bedroom lights couldn't be turned on.

Husband stood upright from the bed, his voice became weird, as if he had n’t heard Huang Ling ’s words, he said to himself, “Go hungry and eat, I ’ll make a pot of soup for you.”

PS: At six o'clock in the New Year's Eve, the air conditioner prepared a wave of red envelopes for everyone. Pay attention to the public account "I will repair the air conditioner." Six words, other similar>

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