I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 500: Scary husband

With a strange expression and a weird tone, Huang Ling ’s husband seemed to be sleepwalking. He stood on the bed, tiptoe, his neck seemed to be caught by something, and looked down at Huang Ling.

With her eyelids upturned and her eyes protruding, her husband, who lived with Huang Ling for several years in the dark bedroom, stared at her like this.

"I made the soup for you in the kitchen. Drink it while it's hot."

The room they rented is not large, the bedroom is narrow, Huang Ling is leaning against the wall, and grasping the mobile phone with five fingers.

She had a bad hunch in her heart that once she called, her husband would probably kill himself.

"I, I'm not too hungry." Huang Ling moved towards the door of the room. She grabbed the bedroom door handle, but before she opened the door, her husband jumped from the bed.

Jia Ming's body is very stiff, and all joints can't be bent normally. The impression is that a puppet is being held by a silk thread.

Pale hands grabbed Huang Ling's arm, and a cold burst came, and Huang Ling found for the first time that her husband's palm could not feel a trace of warmth.

She was speechless nervously, her body trembling slightly, her pupils beating nervously.

The husband's face came together, his eyelids turned up, and most of his eyes were occupied by his white eyes: "I'm done, you drink more."

"Okay, I drink ..." Huang Ling didn't dare to resist, she worried that she would die in this narrow and dark little room.

The bedroom door was opened by her husband. The familiar and strange man stood on tiptoe and took Huang Ling's hand into the kitchen in a weird posture.

The doors and windows are closed, and the house seems completely isolated from the outside world.

Huang Ling did not dare to resist and was dragged into the kitchen by her husband.

As soon as she entered, she saw that there was a soup pot on the gas stove.

"I have cooked it for a long time before you cook it. Come and try it."

Jia Ming tipped his feet, raised his hands stiffly, removed the iron pan from the gas stove, and placed it on the dining table.

Lifting the lid off, the room seemed colder.

He found two pairs of tableware and put them on the side of the pot, and then looked straight at Huang Ling: "Come and try, it's delicious."

"Yeah." Huang Ling nodded gently. She glanced into the iron pan. Inside was a shredded rag doll. Various pieces of debris floated on the clear soup in the pan. The most conspicuous is a plastic face.

A part of the doll's face was boiled, but Huang Ling still recognized at a glance that this doll was the first doll Jia Ming bought for herself.

It was very cheap. At that time, the two had just arrived in Jiujiang and had not yet been married. They were simple and pure, and full of hope for the future.

Looking at the shredded doll in the pot, Huang Ling felt that the precious memory in her heart was torn apart.

"How can you use it to make soup?" Huang Ling didn't hold back, but still said it.

Jia Ming didn't answer Huang Ling's question. He picked up the spoon in the pot and filled Huang Ling with a bowl: "Try it."

"This is a memory between the two of us!" Huang Ling stood beside her, feeling that the strength in her body was being drawn out little by little.

"Memory?" Jia Ming looked at the doll in the pot, and in a very confused tone, he said a more frightening answer: "Isn't this our two children? What does it have to do with memory?"

He swallowed saliva and made an unpleasant laugh in his throat: "Many children, they will come back after throwing them away, and they will eat all in their stomachs."

A normal person can't say such a thing. Jia Ming tipped his head and slanted his head on his shoulder: "Come on, eat it, eat it all!"

Huang Ling took the spoon in her hand. She looked at the floating debris in the bowl and the doll's face and felt a little vomiting.

Touching the screen of her phone with her finger, she wanted to call Chen Ge's phone, but then she thought about it, what's the use of making a phone call? Chen Ge cannot come over immediately, when he arrives, I am afraid that he has already suffered unexpectedly.

"Why don't you eat it? Isn't it delicious? Don't you like this taste? You listen! There are children crying in there? What a beautiful voice." Jia Ming took the soup spoon in the pot and drank Big mouth, obviously only clear soup, but he seemed to have tasted the best delicacy, showing a very enjoyable expression: "I hate children, especially those bad children who ran out of the red house, they stole the things in the door, think about it Eat them. "

After drinking, Jia Ming's upturned eyes slowly returned to normal, and he looked at Huang Ling: "Drink quickly! Do you want me to feed you?"

Squeezing the spoon tightly, Huang Ling couldn't keep her mouth down. Her tangled look fell into Jia Ming's eyes.

"Don't know how to sip? I'll help you." Jia Ming picked up the fruit knife on the dining table: "Let me cut it for you, it's okay, you will be able to drink all this pot soon, and later I will also make more delicious soup for you, using fresher ingredients. "

Jia Ming went to Huang Ling on tiptoe, his tone was very scary.

Huang Ling couldn't control it anymore. She threw away the spoon in her hand and directly pressed the one-touch dial. Coincidentally, when she pressed the one-touch dial, the phone page changed, and someone called at this time. The phone.

Her one-touch dialing call didn't get through, and her finger pressed on the answer button.

"Are you the one who took my car tonight? You made my car like this, and tossed two hundred dollars to think it could be solved? If you don't give a statement tonight, then I will ..."

"Help! Help! Call the police! I live on the fourth floor! My husband is crazy!"

Hearing the voice over the phone, Huang Ling was completely out of control. She shouted with the phone and rushed towards the living room door.

Like a drowning person grabbing the last straw, Huang Ling exploded with unprecedented potential, and she was fast.

The living room door is divided into two floors. The inner door is easily opened by her, but the anti-theft door outside is locked by someone. You must find the key to open it.

"Help! Help!"

Huang Ling's voice echoed in the corridor, and the cold wind poured into her sleeves, she was shaking the door lock desperately.

"I warn you, don't scare me." The voice of the young driver in the phone trembles. He was unconscious for most of the night. He just woke up and saw someone leaving a note next to the phone, so he only called the phone. For what happened, ask for some compensation.

Huang Ling is still shouting. She hit the security door desperately. The sharp voice can be heard clearly throughout the building.

"Take a sip." The husband moved quietly behind Huang Ling.

"Help!" Huang Ling shouted exhaustedly, her back hitting the anti-theft door, and her mobile phone was directed at Jia Ming. The picture in front of her made her even more collapsed!

Jia Ming's head was tilted on his shoulders, his eyelids were turned up, and his eyes were convex. In fact, he didn't tiptoe at all, but the shadow behind him pinched his neck and kept moving him around.

"Take a sip ~ www.readwn.com ~ Help! Don't come over!"

Huang Ling's voice spread very far in the corridor. About a few seconds later, the door opposite Huang Ling's house was suddenly opened, and an old lady glanced outside.

At this time, Jia Ming had poured the soup in the bowl into Huang Ling's mouth, watching Huang Ling's body fall down softly, and his eyes became dull.

The old man at the door seemed to be surprised at this scene. She opened the security door and walked to the door of Huang Ling's house, asking with a touch of sympathy: "Xiao Jia, is Huang Ling sick again?"

Jia Ming lifted Huang Ling, his lowered head slowly raised, his expression completely returned to normal, but his expression was a little stiff: "Hey, I have nightmares at night and I refuse to take medicine."

"It's really hard for you, guarding a patient." The old lady shook her head gently: "You'd better take her to a regular hospital to see it. This month, she has been ill three times. If you go on like this, you might see what happens thing."

"Well, sure." Jia Ming hung up Huang Ling's mobile phone and closed the security door.

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