"It's not impossible to advance, we have had precedents before." Yan team picked up the record made by Li Zheng before: "On the way, I logged into the internal system of the public security and looked at the case. In the case you mentioned, There are indeed many strange places. "

"A lot of things are involved behind this case, which may hide a large child trafficking gang, so I will be anxious." Chen Ge's speech speed became faster, he didn't dare to say everything he knew.

"Because this case may involve other things, we should be more cautious." Yan team looked at the information compiled by Li Zheng, and tapped the desktop unconsciously: "The situation recorded in the case is similar to what you said, but there are I was puzzled by this. The murderer was completely comatose when he was thrown at the entrance of the police station. The doctor said he was greatly stimulated ... "

Chen Ge has realized what the Yan team wants to say. He has a cold tone: "It may be because he killed the child and suffered huge mental pressure every day, so his brain will have problems."

"It seems that when you caught him, he was already half crazy." Yan team added this sentence at the end of the record.

"No matter who asks, I will say so because this is the truth." Chen Ge responded quickly and immediately understood what Yan team meant.

Nodding gently, Yan team collected Chen Ge's record and handed it to Li Zheng: "Bring it together, I'll make a few more calls."

Taking out his mobile phone, Yan team walked out of the office and called.

"Ginger is still old and spicy." Chen Ge looked at the back of Yan team, he suddenly thought of a problem.

When talking with other policemen, such as Li Sanbao, Li Zheng, etc., they often say that they must follow the instructions in the city or the above requirements, but Yan team has never said so if.

Three minutes later, Yan team pushed open the door of the office: "Li Zheng, go to drive, we two will go with Chen Ge."

"it is good."

Things went better than Chen Ge imagined. At 8:30 in the evening, Yan Team and Li Zheng had already brought Chen Ge to the Dongcheng Detention Center.

After showing their credentials, they stopped outside a single room under the guidance of a special person.

"Ma Fu was temporarily detained in isolation. It is estimated that he knew that he could hardly escape and die, and he had completely collapsed. He was half crazy and stupid." When you are interrogating, you must pay attention to safety. Those who are about to die may not do anything. "

Several people were talking outside the single room, and Ma Fu in the room seemed to hear the movement. Footsteps sounded in the single room, followed by a banging door.

"Save me! Let me go! They are back! There are ghosts! There are ghosts in this house!"

This is the voice of a middle-aged man. The foreword does not follow, the voice is very loud.

"It's just a habit. When he first came in, the lunatic didn't even dare to cover the quilt or dress, and slept naked against the wall every night." The caretaker said Ma Fu also frowned.

"Don't dare to cover the quilt? Don't dare to wear clothes?" This is the first time Li Zheng heard of such a thing. He subconsciously looked at Chen Ge.

Shaking his head gently, Chen Ge didn't speak. In fact, he knew very clearly why Ma Fu became like this.

That night, after Chen Ge and the mobile phone ghost found Ma Fu, the mobile phone ghost used his abilities against Ma Fu, inspiring the scene he was most afraid of.

At twelve midnight, Ma Fu, who was sleeping in bed, felt something was moving in the quilt. He looked at the quilt, and there was a dead gray child staring at him.

He was suddenly awakened and opened the quilt at once, and found that the bed was surrounded by children, all of whom were kidnapped or passed by him.

That face, with all his hands, grabbed him and burrowed into his skin, and soon he was covered with children.

Screaming and wailing, people who have been hurt by him will always come back.

"Noisy, noisy! Retreat!" The guards shouted into the iron gate: "You can go to the side and wait, we will control him later."

Three guards stood beside the iron gate just to prevent accidents.

"Let me go out! I beg you! Let me go out! There are ghosts! There are ghosts in this room!" The middle-aged man kept hitting the iron gate with his head and hands, and his emotions completely collapsed.

"Now I'm scared, why don't you think about it when you commit a crime?" The guards seem to be very restrained considering the presence of outsiders: "Several, do you want to go outside first? I will send you to you Go to the interrogation room. "

"Do you also have an interrogation room here?" Chen Ge spoke for the first time after entering the detention center.

"This is?" The people in the detention center had no impression of Chen Ge. They received a notice from the leadership that they cooperated with the criminal investigation team of the Municipal Branch.

"My name is Chen Ge." Ignoring the guards, Chen Ge stood at the door and looked in through the iron window on the door.

His pupils shrank and his voice was not loud. Only a few people around him could hear: "So you called Ma Fu."

The middle-aged man who thumped the door in the single room seemed to be sick. After hearing Chen Ge's voice, he suddenly stopped all movements.

He slowly raised his head, and when Yu Guang swept to Chen Ge, he screamed, his body seemed to be electrocuted, and he stepped back several steps in a row.

"Ghost, ghost!"

His eyes were full of fear, his lips trembled, and he repeated the same word.

This scene shocked several guards and the police. Just looking at it, he was scared like this. Is the young man so terrible in front of him?

"Open the door, I want to have a good talk with him." Chen Ge stood at the door, but at this time the guards were hesitant again, and they always felt that something would go wrong with them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Very worried about the prisoners before the verdict Directly scared to death in the detention center.

The door opened, and the three guards entered the house to control Ma Fu.

"If you have anything to ask, just ask, you only have twenty minutes." One of the guards was caught between Chen Ge and Ma Fu: "Keep a distance, just ask."

"Okay." Chen Ge got a new message through some things that Fan Cong told. Ma Fu may have seen the hands behind Dongjiao: "A few years ago, did you abduct a child named Tong Tong? boy."

"I don't remember." Ma Fu was shaking all over, and he didn't look like he was lying.

"Then do you remember that you killed a child and put it in the water tank on the top of the building? Did you bring a big stone and pressed it on the cover of the water tank?" Chen Ge said slowly, his voice was like A sharp saw cut Ma Fu's nerves.

"Remember ..." Ma Fu's expression twisted painfully.

"Tell me, who originally bought this child from you? Tell me everything you know about him!"

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