I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 507: Buyer

The atmosphere in the single room was dignified, and several of the guards were a little bit uncomfortable. Frankly speaking, their first impression of Chen Ge was very good, but it seemed that the gentle, sunny and kind people suddenly changed their faces when they said that they changed their faces?

"Answering my question, do you remember the buyer's appearance?" Chen Ge rarely spoke in such a tone. He was expressionless and looked directly at Ma Fu.

Ma Fu shrank in the corner, his body trembling violently. He seemed to remember something even more terrifying. Five fingers were dug into the flesh. His head hit the wall desperately, as if seeking death.

"We also asked him, but whenever he raised any questions about the buyer, he would fall ill." The caretaker put his hand behind Ma Fu's head, pressed down firmly, and pressed his head.

Seeing that Ma Fu's disease was more serious, Chen Ge thought of a possibility that the buyer had done the same thing as Chen Ge.

It's just that Chen Ge did that to avenge the ghost of the mobile phone, and the buyer frightened Ma Fu to prevent him from divulging his information.

Entering the single room, Chen Ge squatted in front of Ma Fu, looked at this half-mad and half-silly trafficker, and whispered in his ear: "Did you think of something terrible? I can see that you are living a very painful life. , Death should be a relief for you now? "

Chen Ge's voice is getting lower and lower. Only Ma Fu in the single room can hear clearly: "You don't say, the children who were killed by you will come to you. I have heard their voice now, it is from your body. They are sent out here. They look at you day and night, all the time, your backs are full of children, and the sins you have committed must be repaid slowly. "

Ma Fu desperately wanted to stay away from Chen Ge, but his shoulders were held by the guards and he couldn't move at all.

"Still don't say it? I can't ask, then I can only find a way to postpone your sentence and let you stay with them in this dark hut for a while. Just live like this, we will meet again in the future."

When Chen Ge was about to get up, Ma Fu raised his head. The blood vessels on his face were convex, and there was a large bloodshot in his eyes: "I remember."

"Remembered?" The guards next to him felt incredible.

"Li Zheng, take the recording pen." The Yan team first responded and entered the single room with Li Zheng. Several people surrounded Ma Fu in the middle: "Let's talk."

Ma Fu collapsed on the ground and lowered his head: "I was on the phone with the buyer. The man was very vigilant. He should have used fake sounds or voice-altering tools, and it sounded like a seven or eight-year-old boy. "

"Boy?" Ma Fu surprised the police and caretaker in the first sentence.

"Yes, I don't know how the other party got my phone, but I can be sure that the person is the buyer." Ma Fu's voice was intermittent, and there was no trace of blood on his face: "The voice sounds like a child, but he said Those words are not what the child can say at all. I do n’t know if someone taught him or practiced them specifically. "

"Have you never met in reality?" Chen Ge cares about this.

"He was very vigilant, changed several trading locations, and finally asked me to take the child to Liwan Town. When I arrived, the other party made a strange request, he wanted to add money to me, on the condition that I live in Liwan Town Three nights. "Ma Fu does not seem to be telling a story.

"What happened behind? Why did you kill the innocent child." Yan team was present, and no one else intervened.

"Someone took it to Liwan Town, and now it's a pity that I walked for a long time, and finally agreed to the other party's request." Ma Fu's expression was somewhat distorted, fear and various negative emotions mixed together: "Live the first night When I was there, I had a dream. I dreamed that there were children ’s handprints everywhere in the room, there were things running, and they finally converged into a shadow and stood beside my bed. "

"Don't bullshit." The guards heard Ma Fu more and more crazy, talking nonsense.

"Let him continue to talk down." Yan team waved his hand: "The height, shape, and what did the shadow do in the room? Can you still remember?"

"Shadow ..." Ma Fu's eyes were even more fearful: "The shadow I dreamed was as tall as me, and the body was about the same size, I felt it was me. That dream is very real, and I want to take a closer look at the shadow's face , It disappeared. "

"Wake up in the morning, everything is normal in the house, I thought I thought too much, and as a result, who knows the next night, I had the same dream again, the shadow appeared again, even more terrifying, this time it was directly from me Drilled from behind, it seems to have completely become my shadow. "

"I saw it clearly. I wanted to call for help, but my body couldn't move at all. I could only watch the shadow go down from the bed and opened the cabinet door."

"The child I brought was in the cupboard at that time, and the shadow watched the child silently until I woke up."

"On the third morning, the buyer called me again and asked me to send the child to Unit 104, Unit 3, Mingyang Community, Dongjiao after twelve in the evening."

"This community is next to Liwan Town, and it hasn't been built yet. It is said that many strange things happened in a few days of construction. In order to ward off evil, it was finally renamed Mingyang Community."

"You all know what happened next, and the police suddenly came to Liwan Town to search for a child. The child was crying and making trouble like he was evil ..."

Ma Fu was lying on the ground, secretly watching a few people present, and dared not continue to speak.

"Li Zheng, contact the staff on duty at the branch bureau immediately, check the address he just said, and within ten minutes, let them pass the information of the head of the household." Yan team walked out of the single room, and he was afraid that he could not control Ma Fu.

"Have you finished asking?" The guard looked at Chen Ge ~ www.readwn.com ~ Only he was still meditating in the house.

After listening to Ma Fu's words, Chen Ge remembered the shadow monster he encountered outside the Dongjiao Waterworks. It is exactly the same as Chen Ge's height and shape, and seems to have the ability to become a living shadow.

"Zhang Yazang is hidden in my shadow. Will the monster have already dealt with Zhang Ya that night?"

Do not understand, Chen Ge is not prepared to call out Zhang Ya because of this trivial matter. If Wan Yiya comes out and does not want to go back, then the matter is really serious.

Before leaving the single room, Yan team received a call from the branch office and the information of the head of the household was found.

"The construction of the Mingyang community has not been completed for seven years?" Yan team stopped. He looked at the information on the screen of the mobile phone and beckoned to Chen Ge. Investigate the end. "

"I found it so quickly? Your efficiency ..." Chen Ge said halfway, suddenly stunned.

"Jia Ming? This is not the name of Huang Ling's ghost husband? Right! The mobile phone ghost happened six or seven years ago. At that time, Jia Ming should not have been possessed by the ghost ..."

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