I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 509: It's this person!

Li Zheng drove and took Yan team and Chen Ge to the Dongcheng police station.

Chen Ge didn't say a word on the road and seemed a little silent.

The Dongcheng police station used Huang Ling's mobile phone to make a call, stating that they had questioned Huang Ling, and Huang Ling probably provided himself, but he didn't know if Huang Ling also spoke about the 104 bus.

Last night, Huang Ling drove a taxi back to the eastern suburbs, the driver has been in the car, and Chen Ge did not know what happened to them.

Now that the driver reports to the police, Chen Ge must make all preparations and not let things go in a direction that is not good for him.

Within twenty minutes, the three arrived at the Dongcheng Police Station.

"Laotian, it's so hard. I'm not going home yet." Yan team saw several policemen talking in the room as soon as they entered the door, and he said to them looking at the strongest policeman.

"Thank you for a trip in person, sorry." Tian Lei said a few words to the next policeman, and then walked towards the office: "Let's go talk inside."

"Good." Yan team and Li Zheng followed, and Chen Ge stood in the hall for a while.

The atmosphere of the Dongcheng police station is completely different from that of the Xicheng police station where Li Sanbao is located. The house is tidy and tidy. There are two rows of chairs in the corner. On the left is a drunk drunk, and on the right is a dull old man. .

The two policemen who talked to Tian Lei just now patiently talked to the old man and asked the old man's address, but the old man couldn't tell.

Another policeman rolled up his sleeves and took a mop to clean up the drunkard ’s vomit. He frowned and was very dissatisfied: "The Xicheng police station is responsible for serious and serious cases every day. Home, is to send these drunks home, but we are policemen, not nanny. "

"Stop saying a few words, the director will surely beat you when he hears it, and he is not satisfied if there is no problem? Do you not know how much they envy us from West City?" The policeman beside him gently rubbed the old man's hand, Helping him relieve tension and promote blood circulation, it can be seen that he is definitely not the first time to do such a thing: "Xiaoqing, after he was busy, he poured a cup of hot water for the old man, and then took the blanket I used for duty. "

"Don't call me Xiaoqing!" The young policeman put the mop on the wall and was very dissatisfied. "This is completely different from the police life I think."

He walked towards the drinking fountain and saw Chen Ge still standing at the gate: "They all went in, why are you still standing here?"

"I just look around." Chen Ge walked past the young policeman, and he looked familiar. "Actually, you don't need to envy the Xicheng police station. I feel that the Dongcheng police station will be busy soon."

"It's better to be busy, or your body will be rusty." The young policeman looked at Chen Ge's back and felt a little familiar with it.

Pushing open the door of the office, several eyes focused on Chen Ge instantly, and at the same time a familiar voice sounded: "It's him! It was this man who took my car last night! I went to the Dongjiao Waterworks at night. It has long been seen that he has a problem! "

"I saw the problem early, why didn't you say it sooner?" Chen Ge was quite speechless, and he was clearly the most innocent.

"Comrade police, have you seen this? How arrogant is this popularity!" The driver was not very old, he was afraid of dying at that time, and now he just slowed down.

"I don't want to say a few words." Tian Lei had some headaches. He didn't expect the Yan team to come over. This disrupted his previous plan: "Yan team, the transcript has been seen by you. We also looked at New Century Paradise The monitoring at the door was indeed the eastern suburbs where Chen Ge took a taxi last night. "

"Did you find the monitoring in the future? The biggest controversy is now in the Dongjiao Waterworks. The driver said Chen Ge took some special measures to stun him, but he could n’t remember the specific measures. If the way of committing the crime cannot be determined, all the charges are difficult to stand firm. "Yan team looked at the transcript and randomly picked out some problems.

"The monitoring of the Dongjiao Waterworks has also been destroyed in advance. I feel this is a premeditated crime." Tian Lei came up with another piece of information: "We checked with the technical department during the day to check the traffic on the taxi. Both the recorder and the car video are malfunctioning, the means of destruction are very clever, and there is no damage to the casing. This may still be a high-tech crime. "

Team Yan looked back at Chen Ge and put down the notes in his hand: "Do you think he looks like a high-tech criminal?"

"It may be that knowing people knows faces but not hearts." Tian Lei still insisted on his own views.

Team Yan felt that he could n’t persuade Tian Lei and looked at the taxi driver again: “In the transcript, you said that you were unconscious at the Dongjiao Waterworks, but after waking up, you found yourself in a dilapidated family home in Dongjiao?”

"That's right." The taxi driver knew how to look and watch. He saw that the Yan team seemed to be a leader, and his voice was low: "When I woke up, there was a note next to me with the phone number and the number written on it. My name is Huang Ling, and I live on the fourth floor. "

"So you haven't lost your money or mobile phone? People have kindly left a note without avoiding responsibility?"

"That can't be said!" The taxi driver's anxious DC Khan: "I'm a normal driver. I was waiting for someone in the car, and then I was dizzy. I woke up and found myself in a completely strange place. Who can bear it? There is that phone, and I get angry when I say it. I never thought of calling the police at the beginning. At that time, I was afraid of death. I wanted to call and ask about the situation. Guess what? "

All the people in the house looked at the driver: "What did the person over the phone say? Threatening you? Are you unwilling to compensate you?"

"It's not a matter of compensation or non-compensation anymore ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ My mother, I just didn't speak when I got through the phone, there was just like a murder, there was a woman's desperate cry for help, Save me! Then the phone was hung up without waiting for my second sentence. You touched your conscience and said, are you afraid of such a thing? "The driver got a little excited and stood up from his seat.

"You said you called the woman? She was calling for help?" Chen Ge's eyes became dignified and he stood up: "Did you go upstairs and see if the woman was in an accident?"

"Why dare I go upstairs? This is also the place where I am most angry. I thought there was a murder case. After the dawn police came, I went to the house and found out that my wife suffered from intermittent mental illness. Last night was She is sick. "

"I can prove that we have communicated with the woman's husband." Tian Lei signaled the driver to sit down and took out an evidence bag from the drawer, which contained a mobile phone: "This is the phone of the woman who is mentally ill. All call records have been deleted, but we found a very strange place. "

He looked at Chen Ge: "Why did that patient set your number to one-touch dial? What is your relationship with her?"

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