I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 510: Weird things in Mingyang Community (four thousand)

Facing Tian Lei's eyes, Chen Ge was silent for a short while, and then said something that surprised everyone.

"Last night, when one of my employees and I sent Huang Ling home, she confided to us that her husband was a mentally ill with strong control."

"It's not her crazy? Is it her husband?" Tian Lei put down his phone: "What evidence do you have?"

"Huang Ling has been working outside to support her family. Her husband Jia Ming shuts herself at home, is not in contact with others, and is closed to herself. From a life attitude, Jia Ming is more likely to be the patient." Chen Ge looked at Yan team: " I also asked Yan team to investigate Jia Ming before. You can ask Yan team for the specific situation. "

"You haven't seen a real person, but just through a peripheral survey, how can you easily reach a conclusion? I have contacted both Jia Ming and Huang Ling, even Huang Ling felt that she was sick, but you said that her husband is sick, is it better than the patient? I still know myself? "Tian Lei was worried about an accident. After receiving the driver's report, he rushed to Huang Ling's house early in the morning. He did not see the so-called murder and there was no domestic violence. Huang Ling did not have any body. Scars.

"I still insist on my opinion. I feel that you are all deceived by Huang Ling's husband. He used to be a simple and kind person, but people will also change. Maybe he has lived in the body after experiencing the devastation of life. There is a devil. "The development of the matter is completely different from what he thought. Huang Ling has been controlled without hearing the news, which makes Chen Ge feel a sense of crisis:" This time the opponent is very cunning and can't carelessly. "

Chen Ge and Tian Lei said nothing to me. The taxi driver next to him was dumbfounded. Who is mentally ill and who is lying? He has never thought about it, but one thing is certain, he will never again. Dare to drive to the eastern suburbs late at night.

"You two are quiet." Yan team motioned to Chen Ge and Tian Lei to stop arguing: "Have you any records of Huang Ling and her husband?"

"Only Huang Ling's husband, Huang Ling had just been ill last night. We were worried that if I irritated her again, we simply asked some questions." The Dongcheng police station where Tian Lei is located has a more human touch than the Xicheng police station. On the contrary, human affection will affect the subjective judgment.

"Your direction was wrong. It was Huang Ling who was with Chen Ge last night. She left the phone number for the driver and it was still her who drove away. This woman is the most critical person in the case." Team Yan threw the transcripts organized by the Dongcheng Police Station on the table: “Let ’s go, we will go to Huang Ling ’s house now, and I just want to see them too.”

"Do you want to go too? No, let's just leave it to us." Tian Lei did not realize the danger behind the case, and felt that their police station was fully competent.

"Since you have encountered it, go and see. Regardless of whether it is a policeman's job." Yan team directly opened the door of the office and walked outside. Li Zheng and Chen Ge followed, and the house soon Tian Lei and the driver are left.

"Comrade police, what's the situation now? Can I go?" The driver no longer expects more compensation.

"Let's go together, you are the victim, you can't be away at this time." Tian Lei put on his police cap and walked out of the office: "Xiao Qing, A Wen, you two stayed to see the house, tonight to work hard, something happened Call me."

"Team, where are you going?" Xiao Qing just cleared the ground, but the drunk man vomited again.

"Handling the case." Tian Lei waved his hand and led the driver out of the police station.

At nine o'clock in the evening, two police cars drove downstairs to Huang Ling's house.

"Yan team, we don't inform them, so it's not good to go directly?" Tian Lei trot after getting off the car.

"Did you notify them during the day?"

"It's illegal ..."

Several people came to the fourth floor and knocked on the door for a long time before they heard footsteps coming from the house.

"Who?" The man was very alert and did not open the door.

"Police, please open the door immediately and cooperate with the investigation."

"Sergeant Tian?" The security door was opened, and a gaunt middle-aged man leaned his head out. "Why are you here? Didn't you ask again during the day?"

"Go in and say." A few people entered the house, Chen Ge followed, very low-key.

The room is not big, it looks very simple, the sofa is worn, it should be second-hand, there are stains on the coffee table, and a bag of fruit candy is thrown on it.

"Sit casually." The middle-aged man looked much older than he was. He ran to the kitchen and poured out a few glasses of water.

"How about your wife? Is she better ill? We have a few questions to ask her." Yan team is asking Huang Ling about his face. In fact, his eyes have been staring at the middle-aged man's face, watching His expression changed.

"It's much better. I'll call her." The middle-aged man walked to the door of the bedroom and knocked gently on the door: "Huang Ling, the police want to ask you something."

After a moment, a woman with a sallow face looked out of no spirit.

"You are Huang Ling?" Yan team carefully looked at the woman in front of her for a long time. She was very different from the photos on the profile: "Where did you meet Chen Ge last night? Why did you set his phone to one-touch dialing?" ? "

"I don't remember. I didn't remember what happened last night." The woman was sitting on the sofa, and she didn't even look at Chen Ge.

"Don't have any impression?"

"No, no, no!" Huang Ling's voice suddenly became louder, and she hit her head with both hands.

Jia Ming, who is nearest to her, didn't pass by immediately, but Chen Ge and Tian Lei, who were a little further away, went to grab Huang Ling's arm at the same time: "Calm down!"

"I didn't see it! I didn't see anything last night!" Huang Ling was very emotional.

"Like us coming in the morning, just asking what happened last night will make you sick." Tian Lei said to Yan team after controlling Huang Ling: "She was sick herself, and it was estimated that she was frightened again last night, leading to an aggravated condition. Now. "

"There must be a cause for the change in the condition." Yan team looked at Jia Ming standing on the side: "What were you doing last night?"

"I've been at home all the time. When Huang Ling came back, it was a bit abnormal. It seemed that she was coerced by someone. Like the symptoms she just showed, when I asked her what she saw, she beat her head wildly." Jia After Ming said, he glanced a few people secretly: "What did they experience last night, you should ask the taxi driver and the man named Chen Ge, they were together last night."

Jia Ming knew very well about his wife's illness. After Huang Ling stopped struggling, he picked up a piece of sugar from the coffee table and put it in Huang Ling's mouth.

It was strange to say that after the sugar was put in the mouth, Huang Ling quickly calmed down.

"Like candy?" Both Yan and Chen Ge noticed this detail, and they also thought of Ma Fu who had just seen in the detention center.

When Ma Fu was sick, he could only calm down quickly by eating sugar.

"Sugar is not a medicine? How can there be such an effect?" Yan team couldn't understand it, but Chen Ge next to him had a thought.

Ma Fu can calm down by eating sugar because the grievances of several children have penetrated into his body. The children seem to be very interested in sugar. Thinking about it, Huang Ling may also have one or several "children" in his body.

"This is very ordinary sugar, I don't believe you take a few." Jia Ming said and stuffed the bag of sugar to Yan team.

Team Yan did not pick it up, but just reached out and took one: "That's enough."

Huang Ling's emotions finally stabilized. The Yan team didn't ask her any more questions, and asked Li Zheng to help her back to the bedroom to rest. He and Tian Lei asked Jia Ming several more questions.

Until eleven o'clock in the evening, several people were ready to leave.

"Thank you for your cooperation, we will definitely find out the truth." Yan team walked at the front. After several policemen walked out of the room, Chen Ge withdrew his gaze to the bedroom.

At this time, only Jia Ming and Chen Ge were left in the room, and the temperature was slowly decreasing.

"This friend, do you have anything else to ask?"

"It's nothing. It's really not easy for you to take care of a crazy woman." Chen Ge patted Jia Ming's shoulder lightly, and didn't speak again, and walked out of the door.

Going downstairs, Li Zheng took out his mobile phone and quietly leaned over to Yan team: "I just went into the bedroom with Huang Ling and took a few photos of the internal scene. No problems were found. This Jia Ming should not be suspected of committing crimes.

"Huang Ling will be crazy, it must be related to Jia Ming." Yan team said with certainty: "When Huang Ling was ill, Jia Ming was the closest, but he was indifferent. There are many similar small details."

"According to Tian Lei's visit and investigation, the neighborhood neighbors sympathized with Jia Ming and felt that he was a good person. Haven't we seen this person's work history? He is a good person in every way, like this How can people torture their wives crazy? "Li Zheng also learned criminal psychology, personality abnormalities have signs and a process, Jia Ming's performance is not the same as the book.

"Is a good person always a good person?" Yan team looked at the sugar in his hand and pulled the sugar paper away.

"But good people still have basic morals in their hearts, and they don't do things that are too outrageous."

"You are wrong, good people become bad people, and they will be more thoroughly broken." Yan team put sugar in his mouth, and seemed to say something completely unrelated: "Because they know that sugar is not sweet anymore."

Opening the door of the police car, Yan gave the last order to Li Zheng: "Your criminal investigation team was previously responsible for the eye-digging case. Two cases in Xijiao took over temporarily. You are secretly investigating the case of Jia Ming and Huang Ling . "

"Yan team, is the Dongcheng police station responsible for this case? Isn't it good for our criminal investigation team to come forward?" The case is small and large. Li Zheng said that, but he was worried that there would be opinions from the Dongcheng police station.

"So I asked you to investigate in secret." Yan team's fingers tapped the edge of the window, and his expression slowly became dignified: "Pay attention, I always feel that this may involve a shocking case."

"It shouldn't be. The eastern suburbs have always been calm." Li Zheng also became serious, he knew that Yan team would not talk casually.

"It used to be calm, but now ..."

The Yan team hadn't finished talking, the door opened, and Chen Ge, who had just come downstairs, got into the police car very skillfully: "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay, Li Zheng. Let's go to New Century Paradise first and send Chen Ge back." Yan team and Li Zheng were very understanding and did not continue the topic just now.

"Thank you, hurry up." Chen Ge said casually, he had other things to do tonight.

Just after the police left, he touched Jia Ming's body. He wanted to test the other party with the ghosts on his body. He only remembered after the shooting. He didn't carry any ghosts except Zhang Ya in the shadow. The backpack was also thrown in the haunted house.

Zhang Ya and Chen Ge did not move, and he was worried that his actions would alert Jia Ming, so he planned to return to the New Century Paradise, grab all the props, and then immediately turned back to try in a more direct way.

The police car had not yet started, and a grandmother suddenly came out of the family house corridor.

The old man trembled to the police car and knocked on the window.

"Is there something?" Yan team opened the door and went out.

"That comrade policeman, my son bought me a house in the Mingyang community over there. It's been several years. The house hasn't lived in. Can you ask me, when will the house be completed?" Old man The tone is very pitiful, people can't bear to refuse.

"Mingyang Community? Okay, I will help you inquire. Go back quickly. It's windy outside."

Team Yan sent the old lady back to the car: "Go and call Tian Lei, he should be more familiar."

Li Zhengchao shouted at the back, Tian Lei stopped the police car, and ran to the Yan team car: "Yan team, are you looking for me?"

"How much do you know about Mingyang Community?"

Tian Lei shook his head: "The Mingyang community has been shut down for many years, and the owners will make trouble every year. We also sent police to deal with them and sympathize with their experiences. We also know that many of them have spent half their lives to buy houses , But this is no way. "

"No way?" Yan team raised his head.

"A total of three investors, the first one died of illness, and the second one was halfway through the accident ~ www.readwn.com ~ The third most of them stood in the unfinished Mingyang community at midnight and jumped off the building. Saying no luck, nobody dares to take over this project now. "

"There is something wrong with the three investors. It should not be a coincidence." Yan team said to Li Zheng after thinking about it. "We will go back and sort out the information of Yangming Community."

"Okay." Li Zheng compared a gesture without problems.

"Yan team, you'd better not intervene in this matter. The Yangming community is a mess. Whoever touches it is unlucky." Tian Lei seemed deeply touched.

"There is still you, go back and sort out a piece of information for me." Yan team climbed up the window, did not care about Tian Lei, who stood by the car with a sad face.

The police car started. After leaving the community, Yan team suddenly looked at Chen Ge and asked a question abruptly: "Chen Ge, did you know Jia Ming before?"

"I don't know." Chen Ge said subconsciously.

Team Yan nodded, and his expression eased a lot: "You have been more careful lately. I feel that Jia Ming has an inexplicable hostility towards you. During the questioning process, he will always try to push things to you."

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