I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 516: The average murderer dare not compare with you (on)

In the messy bedroom, there is no place for a foot. There are clothes and various books thrown on the floor. The coffee table is piled with various empty bottles, and there is no time to pack up the lunch box. The only neat thing in the whole room is the computer desk.

"Fan Cong, I have been playing games for a long time, and occasionally have activities to tidy up the house." Chen Ge walked carefully to the computer desk and looked at the computer screen.

There is a line of blood on the dark screen, you killed Xiaobu.

"This word is very much like a child's writing." Chen Ge also saw a similar font in Room 104 of Mingyang Community.

"Don't wear headphones when playing, that music will be neurasthenia." Fan Cong is very experienced. He taps the screen skillfully, and the line of blood words slowly disappears. The screen flashes and the game screen returns to normal: "Operation It ’s very simple, just keep clicking with the mouse, yes, what would you like to drink? Coke? "

"Okay, thank you." Chen Ge's attention has been attracted to the computer screen. The picture in front of him is completely that kind of cute girl-style game. The main color is pink. It looks very warm and cute: "You can put such a game Playing customs is also very powerful. "

"It's just boring, just playing around." Fan Cong was a little embarrassed, shoved out the door and shouted outside: "Brother! Come over with two bottles of ice cola."

After a while, Fan Dade walked in with a dinner plate: "I made two side dishes, and you can eat something if you are tired of playing."

After the things were put down, Fan Dade did not mean to leave. He also looked at the computer screen curiously: "Boss Chen, pay attention when you play, this game will suddenly appear very scary scenes from time to time, do n’t you I was deceived by its current style of painting. "

"Relax." Chen Ge didn't go to eat the food in the dinner plate. He had a habit. After leaving the haunted house, he didn't eat any food given by anyone.

Clicking the mouse, Chen Ge quickly started. He controlled Xiaobu to sit up from the bed and walked out the door.

Under Fan Cong's explanation, Chen Ge quickly figured out the game map, and the scene in the game is almost the same as the real Liwan Town.

Ten minutes later, Chen Ge found Xiao Bu ’s classmate ’s home, and was just about to open the door of the secret passage, and suddenly found that when the mouse clicked on the wall, a chat box would appear below the classmate ’s home. Do you want to go to the second floor? one look?

This sentence should be Xiao Bu's inner monologue. Chen Ge looked back at Fan Cong after reading: "Have you been to the second floor?"

"There is only one certificate for Xiaobu's classmates. I have clicked everywhere, and I used the rug method." Fan Cong was very sure.

Chen Ge thought about it or manipulated Xiaobu to come to the second floor, facing the most vivid part of the door alone with a certificate.

Clicking with the mouse, the dialog box once again showed that Jiang Xiaohu's performance was outstanding, and was rated as a three-good student.

"Jiang Xiaohu ?! This is not Jiang Long's child? I just saw it in the painting in Room 104!" Chen Ge stared at the screen, and it took a long time to react: "In such a large room, there is only a certificate. , What does this mean? "

He couldn't understand it, and then controlled Xiaobu back to the first floor, and opened the door of the secret passage to enter it.

The bright and lovely style of painting became spooky and strange in an instant. On the ground were the withered petals of sunflowers. There seemed to be one eye open and closed between the gaps in the bricks of the dense road. It felt like a beautiful dream turned into a nightmare instantly.

"Boss Chen, you must be careful from now on. The danger may come from anywhere. If you don't pay attention, you will die." Fan Cong also got nervous, clutching the Coke can and staring at the screen.

Walking out of the secret road, I saw the bus station platform and the woman in the red raincoat. Fan Cong in the previous plot has already been introduced. Chen Ge only needs to make the right choice.

"You said that the plot is stuck, where is it stuck?" Chen Ge has successfully passed the first few barriers, shed the red raincoat, escaped Ma Fu's tracking, got rid of the drunk artist, and fled the operation. , Under his control, Xiao Bu seemed to be alive, very flexible.

"After dark, you can't walk on the street, otherwise you will die inexplicably, and you have to hide in the building." Fan Cong pointed to the top of the screen: "Did you see the color of the sky? It's gray-black now, wait for it completely Turning to black indicates that it is dark, and the details of this game are very good. "

"So what should I do now?" Chen Ge manipulated Xiaobu to stand at the crossroads, somewhat confused.

"According to my previous experience, ten minutes before dark, you must find a safe house for Xiaobu within these ten minutes, and I was stuck in this place." Fan Cong put down the cola and scratched. Scratching his head: "You can't enter the ordinary house at all. I have tried many places. After dark, the whole town is only accessible by the unit where the hotel and Xiaobu's own house are located."

"Then you can't let her go home?"

"There is a corpse in her house, there is a female ghost in the neighbor's house, there is a murderer in the grass under the building is dismembering the victim, I have tried countless times, and there is only one end when I go home, that is death." After: "After dark, the difficulty of this game has soared ten times, and there is no way to stay alive!"

"It's really excessive, then let her go to the hotel." Chen Ge is still very calm, he is still calculating the time at this time.

"It's even worse to go to the hotel. The owner is a perverted murderer in disguise. The chef is a lunatic who is not normal. The tenant except for the cloth is all cold." Fan Cong seems to finally find someone to complain: "I am today In the afternoon, I chose the hotel very hard, and was chased by the shop owner for 20 minutes. The person who designed the game was a metamorphosis. Xiaobu died when he touched it, which meant that the entire game player would die, and if he died, he would start from scratch. Start."

"As you say, is this a game of spelling?"

"The only way I can think of now is to play hide-and-seek with the shop owner for one night, wait until dawn and then leave the hotel, and there is no other way to stay through the night." Fan Cong broke the pot.

"Let me try it." Chen Ge looked at the table below: "It's still seven minutes before it gets dark in the game. I'll take a look at Xiaobu's house first."

He manipulated Xiaobu to come to an upscale community in Liwan Town. After the painting style changed, the warm community became deserted and the passionate neighbors were all gone.

"Go home will definitely die." Fan Cong couldn't bear to look at it any more. Every time Xiao Bu died, he had an unspeakable sadness in his heart. The game seemed to have affected him in reality.

The grass clattered and Chen Ge manipulated Xiaobu to avoid it.

She went directly into the family building. At this time, the elevator just opened and a person wearing a black raincoat came out. The person lowered his head deliberately. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ A chat box popped up under the screen. You did n’t see his. Face, but you remember his body characteristics.

Take the elevator back to your home, Chen Ge controls Xiaobu just opened the door, and the chat box appears again. You find that your stepfather was killed and fell in the pool of blood.

Entering the house, three options popped up on the screen.

One: Call the police immediately, and then seek help from neighbors.

Two: I found needle thread to sew the wound for my stepfather and made the stepfather into a rag doll.

Three: Regardless of him, sleep.

Chen Ge thought for a while and chose the No. 3 option.

"Brother, calm down." As soon as he finished the selection, Fan Cong stood up immediately: "Are you sure you want to choose three?"

"You also said that the neighbor is a female ghost, and the number one is a mortal option. The number two is not in line with the thinking of a normal person. In comparison, choose number three." Chen Ge answered seriously.

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