I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 517: The average murderer dare not compare with you (below)

"Do you think that No. 3 is in line with the thinking of a normal person?" Fan Cong covered his forehead with both hands and pushed his hair up.

"Fortunately, sleeping in a room with a corpse for one night is not completely unacceptable to most people." Chen Ge motioned to Fan Cong to sit next to him and look at it carefully: "Watching chess is not a real gentleman. Get serious. "

The success of this game aroused the interest of Chen Ge.

"Don't do it casually! I suspect a ghost lived in the game. If you let it go, when you run away, our brothers can do it!" Fan Cong cried with a sad face, he saw Chen The serious expression of the song makes me feel uneasy.

"No." Chen Ge no longer takes Fan Cong and controls Xiaobu to wander around the house.

In the living room lies the body of the stepfather, still bleeding outside. After choosing the third option, the cloth in the game seems to be completely invisible as his stepfather's body, walking around the room.

"The house where she lives is quite big. I'm curious about what Xiaobu's parents are doing. And why is there a dungeon key in her mother's pajamas?" Chen Ge became more and more curious about the plot. He controlled Xiaobu into the bathroom , The dialog box pops up again. You glance at the mirror and find that you are not in the mirror, and you hurriedly stepped out.

"The mirror can't show the figure of Xiao Bu? Is Xiao Gui a ghost? Or is there a ghost living in the mirror?" Chen Ge entered the bedroom again without tangling the problem. As soon as he opened the door, the dialog popped out. You heard There is a sound of "Dong, Dong" on the bedroom wall, it seems to be coming from next door, what are you going to do next?

One: The other party is asking for help and immediately calls the police.

Two: Open the window and look over.

Three: Regardless of her, sleep.

"Boss Chen, this is the voice of the female ghost. Her head has been bouncing on the wall. If you choose one, the voice of the female ghost will be heard when you pick up the phone; if you choose two, half of the female ghost will open the window. Come in; so you can only choose three, but three is also a must-have option. In the middle of the night, the rumbling sound disappears. You will find the female ghost ’s head coming through the wall when you open your eyes. "Fan Cong has given Chen Opera in advance Thoroughly: "I tried all the options, there is no chance of survival."

Chen Ge thought about it or chose three: "The head of the female ghost will come over in the middle of the night, and now there is still a chance to struggle."

After choosing three, Chen Ge found needlework and cloth in the bedside drawer again. This should be a tool for making his stepfather into a rag doll: "The details are well designed. I am a little curious about the second option now."

Chen Ge was regretting that a message box popped up under the screen and the doorbell rang, someone was standing outside.

"Who will come at this time?" Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to the door of the living room. Three options popped up on the screen. The person claimed to be a policeman. He received a report from the residents of the community, saying that someone had witnessed a murder. Please cooperate with the investigation. What will you do next?

One: Open the door, cooperate with the police investigation, catch the murderer, and avenge the stepfather.

Two: Tell him that his stepfather has been rescued by you and turned into a rag doll.

Three: Regardless of him, sleep.

Looking at the three options on the screen, Chen Ge thought about this for a while: "The guy outside the door should not be a policeman, it is probably the raincoat man that Xiao Bu met just now, that is, the murderer who really killed her stepfather. "

"Awesome, it is worthy of professionally designing horror scenes." Fan Cong realized this problem after playing several times. He found that there was indeed a big gap between him and Boss Chen. This gap was not intellectual, but mental. Yes, boss Chen can easily guess the murderous idea.

"A raincoat man and a small cloth encounter outside the elevator, thinking about cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, so he turned back to kill the small cloth, which is in line with the dark background of the game." Chen Ge slid the mouse over the second option: "The stepfather was rescued This sentence is easy to stimulate the murderer. He will definitely go crazy if he knows that he has leaked. It is estimated that he will forcefully open the door. Xiaobu is just a child. His physique is a deadly knife. For safety, choose three. . "

After listening to Chen Ge ’s analysis, Fan Cong could n’t help but nod: “The three options are the most suitable, but when you stay in the middle of the night, when the female ghost comes from the side, you have no place to run, you can only leave the house, and when you open it, The door will find that the murderer stands at the door, blocking the only way out. "

"That is to say, after I chose the three options, the murderer of the fake police outside the door did not leave, but kept at the door and waited for me to go out?" Chen Ge stared at the screen: "This game is really desperate."

"Yeah, all options are mortal, there is no way to live." Fan Cong grabbed his hair, somewhat angry.

"There is no way to live." Chen Ge thought for a while, manipulated the small cloth to open the window of the balcony, clicked on the backpack, and threw the needle thread and cloth just obtained outside the window.

"What are you doing?" Fan Cong couldn't understand it.

"Attracting the attention of another murderer, don't you say that there is still a pervert in the grass that is dismembering the victim?" Chen Ge calmly discarded the cloth, which means that he can't shout in the game, and there are no other items around him. No, he will definitely throw some heavy things down.

"Attract the attention of another murderer?" Fan Cong and Fan Dade couldn't understand Chen Ge at all. This way of thinking is no longer on a single level.

"Serial murderers are lonely, mostly lone wolves, because of their flawed personality, the more people they become, the more uneasy they will be, and they can only believe in themselves. In this case, the two murderers meet, The most likely thing is that the two of them fought. "Chen Ge threw the cloth for a long time, and a man in a factory uniform walked out of the grass ~ www.readwn.com ~ He looked up at the small cloth.

After the interview, Chen Ge immediately manipulated Xiaobu to retreat: "The next time is the most critical time."

"Are you sure he will come up?" Fan Cong had never had such an operation when he played, so he did not know what would happen later.

"You don't understand the murderous man. When he looked at him just now, he should have been on the number of floors to determine the location of the small cloth room. The grass was cut to remove the roots, so he would definitely come up." Chen Ge seemed to realize what he said after he finished speaking. I added another sentence: "I just know the behavior pattern of murderous people better, don't get me wrong."

He didn't explain. Fortunately, both Fan Cong and Fan Dade's hairs stood up.

Fan Cong is actually okay. Fan Dade was completely scared. As a bystander, he felt the deepest.

In the same game, my brother played and scratched his ears, suffering, desperate, and feeling that he was about to get depression.

However, Chen Ge completely changed the style when playing it. He was not in a hurry. He even seemed to find long-lost fun in such a game.

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