I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 518: Suffocating operation

"I have remembered all the passages when I entered the family building. There are two ways to go up and down the stairs. Take the elevator or take the stairs." Chen Ge looked at the screen and was very calm: "It will depend on the situation, which one The road is farther away from the murderer, whichever way you choose to escape, of course, the best result is that the two murderers will die together. "

After talking, Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu again and entered the kitchen.

"What are you looking for?" Fan Cong raised his heart, and the game had entered a plot he had never experienced, so he was both nervous and looking forward.

"Look at whether there are kitchen knives, fruit knives and the like. After the two murderers fight wildly, the surviving party should also be injured. If we have a knife in our hands at this time, we will have a fight."

Chen Ge's explanation heard that Fan Cong didn't know what to say. This feeling was to play the puzzle game as a confrontation game.

After searching the whole room, Chen Ge did not find the knife. Only the needle and the cloth were in the room: "It seems that this game does not encourage resistance. Players can only passively avoid it and try their best to survive."

The quality of the game is very general, but the details are very good, so that people can be fully brought into the role of Xiao Bu, as if he is the lonely little girl.

When Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu again to the balcony, the pervert in the factory uniform downstairs had disappeared.

About a few minutes later, a dialog box popped out of the screen and the sound of fighting came from the door. The knife punctured the skin like a sack filled with water. Someone was running and someone was chasing.

"The two murderers are fighting!" Fan Cong looked at the dialog box that popped up on the screen, expressing more excitement than Chen Ge: "The two murderers chase and flee, and now is our chance!"

The murderer who blocked the door has left. Chen Ge controls Xiaobu to open the door of the living room, and the corridor is stained with blood.

"Blood stains extend towards the stairs. They walked towards the stairs. We took the elevator to leave!" Fan Cong said with a heart in his throat. At this time, he couldn't score, the murderer didn't know when to return, and the time was tight.

"Don't worry, it's already dark outside. Even if we leave by elevator, where can we go? Didn't you say that after dark, walking on the street would cause some inexplicable death?" Chen Ge's brain is running fast: "Let's say we take the elevator Go, the murderer will surely chase after he realizes, it is too unsafe. "

"So what do you say?" In Fan Cong's view, no matter what the ending is, it is death, at most it is to delay the time of death.

"The murderous man ran towards the stairs as I expected, because the elevator needs to wait, he wants to get rid of the chase, he can only walk from the stairs." Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to walk out of the house, and was extremely shocked at Fan Cong and Fan Dade Under the watchful eye, stopped at the door next to the ghost neighbor.

"What do you want to do?" Both brothers stared at the screen intently.

"I'm going to solve another murderer too." Chen Ge clicked on the backpack and stood at the door of the ghost neighbor's house and abandoned the only cloth and needles left in the backpack.

This scene fooled Fan Cong and Fan Dade. After a long time, Fan Cong first responded: "Do you want to create a false appearance that the cloth hid in the neighbor's house? Then tricked the murder into the ghost neighbor Home?"

"Ideally this is the case." After throwing the cloth, Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu and walked directly towards the stairs. The two murderers ran downstairs, and Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to stand on the upper and lower floors. Around the corner, that is to say, as long as the murderer returns, walk upstairs to find a small cloth.

"You are so brave." Fan Cong sighed heartily.

"No way, hiding at home will definitely be found, use the elevator to leave, the murderer will chase it, so I can only solve them." Chen Ge looked at the computer screen, a man wearing a factory uniform ten seconds later Ran upstairs.

"It seems that the raincoat man has been killed." Chen Ge manipulated the small cloth to stand against the wall. From this angle, the murderer could be seen.

What happened next was not the same as Chen Ge thought. The murderer in factory uniform was smarter than Chen Ge thought. It was not like a designed NPC at all. It felt like a real cold-blooded metamorphosis. .

He didn't enter Xiaobu's house to search, he ran directly to the elevator, and from time to time he looked back at Xiaobu's door.

A moment later, he came back from the elevator. No one had used the elevator just now, so he was sure that Xiaobu should still be on this floor.

Holding a sharp knife, the murderer entered Xiaobu's house. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a corpse lying on the ground. Interestingly, a line of text popped out at the bottom of the screen at this time. It seemed that the murderer was talking to himself! Four corpses are to be processed tonight! But I obviously only want to kill one!

A murderer wearing a factory uniform entered the house. He did not find the cloth. A few chat boxes popped up under the screen. Which little girl went away? She saw me handling the body, she should be hiding in this room.

The murderous man searched the room and found no small cloth, so he came out of the room again. At this time, he found the girl with the rag on the floor and left the room? The fabric was stained with blood. She wanted to bandage the dead? The fabric disappeared in the next room ...

The murderer stopped at the door of the neighbor's house for a long time, and then knocked on the door. I was a policeman. I received a report from the residents of the community, saying that someone witnessed a homicide. Please open the door to cooperate with the investigation.

After a while, the door of the neighbor's house actually opened, and the murderous man smiled and walked in with a sharp knife.

"It's our turn."

Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to run out of the corridor ~ www.readwn.com ~ clicked the door of the neighbor's house with the mouse and closed the door.

At this time, the dialog box pops up again. You hear someone calling for help in the house, but you are indifferent. Ten minutes later, a new "dongdong" sound came from the door.

On the screen, the little cloth stands at the door of the neighbor's house. The little girl in her mother's pajamas is cute and simple, and it is out of tune with the colors of the whole world. But in the eyes of Fan Cong and Fan Dade, this little girl is the most terrible existence.

"Do you still close the door for him?" Fan Cong was drinking Coke. He wanted to calm down. Fan Dade next to him felt that Chen Ge was definitely not an ordinary person. The whole set of operations made him afraid to speak loudly.

"Don't be nervous, I call this to kill the people." When the night came, Chen Ge didn't delay the time. He controlled Xiaobu to enter the corridor and found the body of the raincoat man. He kept clicking the body with the mouse.

"What are you doing again?" Fan Cong has given up thinking of Chen Ge.

"Looking for keys and usable things, there is a ghost living next to the Xiaobu's house. It is definitely not possible to go back and live. If we can find the key to the murderous house's door, then we will go to the murderous house tonight."

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