I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 519: The killing in the night

"Living in a murderous home?" Fan Cong and Fan Dade looked at Chen Ge.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place." Chen Ge frantically clicked on the body of the raincoat man. When the mouse moved to the pocket of the raincoat man jacket, a dialog box popped up at the bottom of the screen. You opened the coat of the deceased, soaked in blood I found a room card in my pocket.

"I really can find something!" Fan Cong leaned forward to the screen and looked curious.

Putting the room card in the backpack, Chen Ge clicked on it for a long time, until the sound of "Dong Dang" hitting the door in the background music became louder, he walked downstairs very regretfully: "Still have not obtained the knife and It is estimated that it will be difficult to have such a chance in the future. "

Chen Ge clicked on the backpack to see the room card. The black card was stained with blood, and a number four was written on the back: "Fan Cong, how many hotels and hotels are there in this town?"

"There is only one, the small hotel I told you before. The owner is a murderer, the cook is a neuropathy, and all the tenants have been killed."

"Is the hotel far from the community?"

"Not far away, it's a street apart, but are you sure you want to pass?" Fan Cong didn't understand Chen Ge's idea too much: "Aren't we just dealing with the murderous maniacs in the community? Now we just need to stay in the community to be stable Spend tonight. "

He saw Chen Ge still hesitating and reached out to grab Chen Ge's shoulder: "Are you going to be prepared ... just rely on this little girl to kill someone from a hotel?"

"How did we even do it with the fruit knife?" Chen Ge controls Xiaobu to go downstairs. The strange thing is that the "dong" sound in the background music has not weakened because of the distance. Big.

"Then why are you leaving?"

"Pay attention to the background music. The rumbling sound was made by the neighbor's ghost. Now the sound has become hurried, indicating that after we tricked the murderous man into the neighbor's house, the ghost of the neighbor's house might run off in advance." Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to Yiyi Lou, looking at the dark streets: "Why do you inexplicably die walking on the streets at night? When you played before, were there any signs before each death?"

"There is no sign, it is suddenly dead, there seems to be an invisible killer on the street."

"Invisible killer?" Chen Ge shook his head: "A lot of scenes in this game should be adapted from what happened in reality, it is impossible to appear too outrageous."

"Brother, there are murderers and ghosts all over the town, isn't that ridiculous enough?"

"These are all acceptable, at least not against the game maker's own settings." Chen Ge controls Xiaobu to stop back and forth around the corners of the first and second floors.

Fan Cong really couldn't understand what Chen Ge was doing. After a long time, he still asked: "Boss Chen, what are you doing?"

"The situation is not very good." Chen Ge stared at the screen and said casually: "The operation of a game usually determines the way it frightens players. Have you found that as the survival time increases, the speed of the cloth moves faster? ? "

"This is a good thing." Fan Cong looked at the small cloth running back and forth in the corridor, feeling that her speed had indeed become a little faster.

"Game creators will not be so kind. This is a desperate game that cannot be resisted. The speed of the small cloth increases, indicating that we will encounter something faster and more terrifying later." Chen Ge held his chin with one hand: "If I guess if it ’s good, we wo n’t just be murderous in the middle of the night. ”

Chen Ge's words made Fan Cong feel cold: "The murderers, ghosts, traps, and the inexplicable death mechanism will be triggered. The game maker has never thought of letting players pass."

"You don't want to play this game as a game. Think carefully about why the game maker should make this game. Only by figuring out what the producer wants to express and conforming to his thinking can you find the answer." Chen Ge has always been Thinking about what the game maker wants to express, Fan Cong is playing the game, and he is experiencing the emotion of the game maker.

Any game will contain an emotion, including resentment, anger, sadness, etc. But what surprised him is that although this game is extremely desperate, it does not show any emotion. Xiaobu is like a robot without emotion. She is not afraid, painful, or worried about her family.

"The protagonist Xiaobu is very interesting. After seeing the body of his stepfather, he even has the idea of ​​making it into a rag doll. This is by no means a normal child, but how did she become like this? What happened to her again? ? Has everything I experienced now experienced by Xiao Bu? "

Chen Ge was thinking about it, and Fan Cong brought him back to reality in one sentence: "What shall we do next?"

"Our primary goal is to survive this night, and the corridor is temporarily safe, so we will stay here first. When the ghost of the neighbor comes out, we will go to the hotel." Chen Ge thought very clearly: "Now my only worry is that, When I crossed the street, I accidentally triggered the death mechanism and died inexplicably. "

"Do you really think so? How do I think you are waiting for the ghost of the neighbor's house? Want to use your body as a bait to lure it to the hotel." Fan Cong whispered.

"Not seduce, but seduce." Chen Ge controls Xiaobu to run back and forth in the corridor. He is already fully familiar with Xiaobu's speed and running style: "This is a free exploration game, we can't just live inside. One night, after the ghost of the neighbor's house was taken away, the community was completely safe, and I can rest assured to live here again in the future. "

In the background music, the sound of "Dong Dong" became louder and louder. Chen Ge put the mouse in a comfortable position: "She should come over."

The voice did not fall. On the screen, a woman holding her head appeared on the corner of the second floor. Her coat was dyed red with blood.

"Red clothes?" Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to rush towards the corridor ~ www.readwn.com ~ and did not forget to adjust the angle to observe the female ghost carrying the head: "Counting the red raincoat, this should be the first in the town Two red clothes. "

The female ghost with the head in the game is very fast, Chen Ge also took it seriously, and manipulated Xiao Bu to flee wildly.

It only took a few seconds for Chen Ge to control Xiao Bu and ran out of the cell.

There were no street lights on the street, and there was a dark paint. Chen Ge's pupils shrank. After using the Yin pupil, he barely found a way between dark and darker.

He controlled Xiaobu to run in the direction of the hotel. When he passed a window, the window suddenly opened and one hand was stretched out, trying to grab the cloth.

Fortunately, Chen Ge had a **** pupil, and his vision far exceeded that of ordinary people. He changed his direction as soon as he saw his hand extended, and he managed to hide from it.

"The killer is hidden in the darkness!"

Chen Ge shed a drop of sweat on his forehead, while Fan Dade and Fan Cong next to them looked at almost a black screen, and they didn't understand why the man was shaking his mouse and keyboard crazy.

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