I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 520: hostel

"What is he doing?"

"I do not know."

Fan Dade and Fan Cong did not dare to disturb Chen Ge, they felt that Chen Ge had entered a certain state.

In fact, Chen Ge couldn't take care of talking to the two brothers at this time. He concentrated on manipulating Xiaobu to escape on the dark streets.

The creator of this game is absolutely a pervert, and there are countless murders hidden in the dark.

Suddenly outstretched arms in the window, murderous maniacs met around the corner, female ghosts chasing behind them, and laughing wild dogs who do n’t know where they came from, if only these things, Chen Ge would not be too nervous , Another thing that really worried him.

After running for about half a minute on the dark street, Chen Ge saw something standing behind Xiao Bu, which seemed to be her own shadow.

"What ran into her shadow? Or could the town at night awaken the shadow of living people?" Chen Ge is now in a state of high tension. He dare not be distracted, but his mind flashed unconsciously. After the encounter with the water plant in Dongjiao that night, all the ghosts in Dongjiao seemed to be related to that shadow.

The shadow of the small cloth in the screen stood up, lying on the shoulder of the small cloth and talking, and the speed of the small cloth began to slow down.

"Fan Cong, how far away is that hotel?" Chen Ge didn't look back and spoke very quickly.

"On the front, the only building at the end of the street that opens!"

"Dare to open the door late at night, this hotel is not ordinary." Chen Ge has seen the dilapidated building in the distance, he controls the small cloth to dodge left and right, the sound of the mouse and keyboard echoed in Fan Cong's house.

In the fifty-seventh second of leaving the residential corridor, Chen Ge ran into Xiaobu and ran into the hotel. The red ghost in her head stopped outside the hotel and did not follow Xiaobu.

"Dare the female ghost come in?"

When Chen Ge saw that the female ghost had stopped chasing, he immediately stopped Xiao Bu and stopped at the door of the hotel to seduce the female ghost.

"Boss Chen, what are you doing? Provoking her?" Fan Cong couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm not going to get her into the hotel, I'll wait for you to deal with the shop owner? Xiaobu is just a child with no help, how can he fight those perverted murderers?"

Xiao Bu stood at the door and ran around. The woman in red was eager to try. The expression of the human head in her hands was tangled. It seemed that she was in a fierce ideological struggle.

"As a man in red clothes, he is still scared, and the quality of the ghosts in the eastern suburbs is not enough." Chen Ge struggled for a long time, and it seemed that he was finally bothered by him, and he was ready to go into the hotel.

But before she came in, a fat man with a shotgun suddenly ran out of the next room and closed the hotel door.

At the same time, a sentence popped out of the door of the hotel and a knock on the door of the hotel was heard. A guest outside the door would not know when to come in.

Click the dialog box with the mouse, and then the second sentence pops out. This sentence carries the picture of the fat man. It should be that he is talking. Every night, there will be strange guests visiting the door. They are very dangerous. Now his father ’s There is only one bullet left for the shotgun. Be careful.

"This is the perverted boss you said? It looks kind." Chen Ge pointed at the screen. After entering the hotel, Xiaobu's shadow has returned to normal. According to Chen Ge's own guess, this should be a certain addition added by the game designer. This kind of game mechanics, you cannot stay on the street for a minute after dark, otherwise you will be killed by your own shadow.

"Don't be fooled by his appearance. This madman has killed all the guests in the whole hotel. His hotel has no entrance." Fan Cong's voice quivered, and the hotel owner has become his psychological shadow.

"Tell me when the hotel owner went crazy? Let me be prepared in advance."

"I didn't get a room card. When I entered the hotel, the boss kindly gave me a room." Fan Cong began to cry and told his experience: "I have been staying in the room honestly, thinking about staying up until dawn, the result It did n’t take a few minutes for the door to open, and I saw the boss standing at the door with a kitchen knife. The most perverted thing was that he stood at the door motionless, with a smile on his face, and if you did n’t care, the room The door will open wider and bigger, and finally he will rush in and chase after someone! "

"Is it so scary?" Chen Ge clicked on the screen. The hotel owner asked him if there was a room card. Chen Ge clicked on the backpack again. He took out the raincoat man's room card No. 4 and let the boss glance at it.

After seeing Chen Ge's room card, the boss told Chen Ge that the kitchen would be preparing for supper at twelve in the morning, hoping that all the tenants would pass by.

"Preparing for supper at twelve in the morning? Are the ingredients tenants?" Chen Ge looked back at Fan Cong: "Have you experienced this scene?"

"I don't have a room card, our plot is completely different. I have only seen tenants in several other rooms. Of course, when I saw them, they had all turned into corpses." Fan Cong spread his hands helplessly, he was very I want to help Chen Ge, but I am weak.

"Do you know the information of several other tenants?" Chen Ge was a little surprised. This was a windfall: "Tell me everything you know, maybe I can unite other tenants and find a way out."

"Room 1 lives with the father of the hotel owner. He still has a picture of himself and the hotel owner in his room. This man seems to have the spare key of the hotel; room 2 lives a woman, wearing very exposed clothes, and should be engaged in That kind of special job; Room 3 is a student, he is carrying a school bag with a mobile phone in the bag; Room 4 is empty; Room 5 is home to a person wearing a police uniform, I do n’t know if it ’s a liar, or it ’s true Police. "

"And the police?" Chen Ge nodded, and Fan Cong provided him with crucial information.

"There are other tenants, and I'm more confident of living tonight." He controlled Xiaobu to return to his room, but as soon as he entered the door, there was a gunshot in the background music, and then a dialogue model popped up on the screen. You heard the sound of a shotgun fire. There is a suspected murder in the hotel. Please make a choice immediately.

One: Go to the boss and ask what happened just now.

Two: Find the police and seek the police's help.

Three: No matter they ~ www.readwn.com ~ sleep.

The mouse moved among the three options, and Chen Ge was ready to choose the third option without much hesitation.

"What are you sleeping at this time!" Fan Cong quickly stopped Chen Ge: "Don't be impulsive, I always feel weird about these three options, which may affect the plot behind."

"Don't think about it, the shot was just shot by a shotgun. The shot should be the hotel owner. The first option is the death option."

"Then we can also go to the police!"

"What police do you want?" Chen Ge directly chose the third option: "The innkeeper has only one bullet. In this case, he will definitely start with the police. Now he may be in the police room."

"The boss is in the police room?"

"You can think about it from the point of view of a murderous man. The police may have a gun in his hand. After obtaining the gun from the police, he can continue to kill other people in the hotel unscrupulously, so there are only two options except the number three option All are mortal options. "Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to open the door of Room 4 and ran towards Room 1 away from the police.

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