I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 521: Only 1 good person?

It only took a few seconds from seeing an option to making a choice, Chen Ge showed an amazing calmness.

When Fan Cong finally wanted to understand that when he was afraid after the beginning, Chen Ge had manipulated Xiaobu to come outside the door of Room 1.

He clicked the door with the mouse, and a message popped out at the bottom of the screen that your room card could not open the door. You lay on the door panel and heard a sigh from the room.

According to Fan Cong's description, the father of the hotel owner will soon die in Room One. The old man may know that his child is a perverted murderer, and he knows he is running out of time.

Room 1 couldn't be opened, and Chen Ge didn't stay too much. He rushed directly to Room 2. It was a woman who was wearing a leak and was suspected of special work.

The mouse clicks on the door of the second room, this time no dialog box pops up, the door is not closed, and it is opened directly.

"Doesn't this woman lock the door at night?"

Entering Room 2, Chen Ge saw a woman in underwear only crouching in front of a large box in the corner of the room, seemingly choosing clothes.

"Boss Chen, be careful. When I entered Room 2 before, there was no big box in the house." Fan Cong reminded, Chen Ge also stopped, and the guests living in this hotel are likely to also It's all murderous.

Chen Ge tried to click on the woman with the mouse, and a new option popped up on the screen. This lady who looks sexual, beautiful and beautiful is choosing clothes for herself. Do you want to tell her about the murder that just happened?

One: Tell her that the hotel is very dangerous, let her be more careful.

Two: Pick up the desk lamp on the table, aim at the back of her head and smash it down.

Three: Regardless of her, go back to the room to sleep.

Looking at the three options, Chen Ge fell into contemplation: "People who have good intentions will choose the first option, but it is very likely that something close to the other party will cause an accident. I can't trust this woman for the time being; people who have evil thoughts, It is estimated that the second option will be selected, but a rational analysis, with the strength of the small cloth and the weight of the table lamp, no matter which way you put it down, there is no way to smash or kill the woman. This option is not sincere, if It ’s almost the same to provide the knives. "

Chen Ge's analysis made Fan Cong next to him cold, and quietly put the fruit knife on the computer table far away.

After a moment of hesitation, Chen Ge chose the third option. When he made the choice, the woman squatting in the corner turned back and glanced at the door.

She had no skin on her face, she had a knife in her hand, and half of the slender white tender arm was exposed in the big box.

"Is this a dress change, or a face change?" Chen Ge quickly controlled Xiaobu to leave the woman's room and closed the door for her by the way: "The hotel owner is a murderer, the tenant is either a madman or a pervert, is it normal for the entire town to be me people?"

"Boss Chen, why don't we just leave the hotel, I feel this place is more dangerous than the community."

"There is a female ghost outside the door. Where do you run?" Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu and walked out of room three: "Isn't that high school student always a murderer?"

He was worried that after a while, the woman in Room 2 ran out, and decisively clicked on the door of Room 3, the dialog box below the screen popped up again and someone in the house was making a call. The sound was very low. You vaguely heard about your brother, mother, corpse, Secret room and other words.

"The tenant in Room 3 is very strange. Who is he calling on?" Chen Ge stared at the screen carefully, thoughtfully.

"Is it his father? My brother and mother were mentioned on the phone, but my father was not mentioned." Fan Cong boldly speculated: "Boss Chen, the high school student in Room 3 is probably the only one who can help Xiaobu People. "

"Why do you think so?" Chen Ge was a little surprised.

"Don't you say you want to think from the perspective of the game maker? I played this game for a few weeks and died countless times, and I have a general understanding of its worldview." Under the guidance of Chen Ge, Fan Satoshi also began to think from the perspective of the game maker: "All adults are either lunatics or perverts, and children are mostly victims. Maybe this is the world in the eyes of game producers. Adults are hypocritical and terrible, only found in children. A touch of simplicity and kindness. Strictly speaking, high school students are not adults. He is between adults and children. I think you should try to get in touch with him. "

Fan Cong knows that this game is by no means a simple horror game, it has a deep level of connotation, but the level is limited, and only so many things can be seen.

"You think it's too simple. Xiaobu's worldview is completely desperate. To interpret the game world, you must first understand the protagonist of Xiaobu." Chen Ge looked back at Fan Cong: "The names of all the children in this game They are called Xiao Bu. All the children who died, were killed, and encountered misfortune are called Xiao Bu. Do you still expect her to be kind and kind?

Chen Ge looked back at the screen: "In fact, the longer I live in this desperate world, the more I feel wrong. You have also checked the news before. All the tragedies in this game are based on real cases. Adapted, that is to say, most of the scenes in it have happened in reality, have you ever considered a problem, if there is really a person in the real life, how is she after encountering these horrible things? Survived? "

Chen Ge spoke very quickly, neither Fan Cong nor Fan Dade responded: "What do you want to express?"

"I just controlled what Xiaobu did ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiaobu might have done it." Chen Ge has vaguely understood the core of the game, he still wants to say something more, but it appears on the computer screen New changes.

The door of Room 3 opened at this time. A student wearing a school uniform stood at the door, and the dialog box at the bottom of the screen popped out. It was dangerous. Room 3 worried about your safety and invited you to enter the room. You stood at the door and saw Room 3 with a family portrait in his hand. Dad and mom stood happily together, and there were two identical boys beside him.

Chen Ge clicked on the screen again, and new content appeared in the dialog box. You just overheard the boy ’s phone with words such as corpse hiding outside the door. You were scared and did not want to go in. In order to persuade you to swear to the tenant, he said that although he had killed someone, he was forced to do nothing. He was the only good person in this small town that he could trust.

"Look, what's my guess? This high school student should be able to help us a lot." Fan Cong was very happy, he felt he was helping.

"Good guys never point to their noses and say they are good guys." Chen Ge shook his head and clicked on the screen again. The last sentence popped up in the dialog box. You were curious about tenant No. 3 and decided to listen to him Make another decision.

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