I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 522: The average score

"I have a brother who looks exactly the same as myself, except that our two personalities are very different."

"I learn inwardly from the cowardly and listen to my parents very much. My elder brother provokes trouble everywhere and has a very irritable personality."

"Once there was a fierce quarrel between my brother and my father, the two fought together. My brother stabbed his father in a panic."

"I was present at the time. I never thought that such a thing would happen. I tried to stop my brother, but who knew that my brother wanted to kill me. In the end, during the fight, I stabbed my brother."

"When my mother came back, my brother and my father were dead, and my family was very divided. My mother knew that my character could not lie and kill. So she lied in the cross-examination behind the police and pushed all the crimes to her brother."

"Everyone in this town is not clean, except that I am the exception, because I don't want to kill people at all, it was just an accident."

What the third guest said flashed on the computer screen. After he finished speaking, an option popped up at the bottom of the screen. What would you do next?

One: Enter the room and tell him that the hotel is dangerous, so be careful.

Two: Resolutely not enter the room, and let him enter other rooms to explore the way.

Three: Regardless of him, sleep.

Entering the room is equivalent to giving life and death to that student, and asking the student to go to another room to find a way is equivalent to letting him die. The first and second options represent good and evil.

"Do you want to gamble? I don't think this student is a bad guy." Fan Cong had already finished drinking coke, and his eyes moved back and forth between Chen Ge and the computer screen.

"Bet a fart, this student is 100% problematic." Chen Ge was very decisive, he moved the mouse directly to the third option.

"He kills people in self-defense, and you see that his movements and character movements are completely different from those blood-stained murderers. They are a little inferior. Such children should not take the initiative to harm people." This time, Fan Dade, he The same as his brother.

"Inferiority and cowardice indicate that his personality is flawed. Most of the murderous childhood was spent in inferiority and cowardice. They are extremely inferior, but at the same time they are extremely eager to be respected, so the character will gradually become abnormal." Chen Ge has been too lazy to repeat. The explanation goes on: "This student is dangerous, he is not strong enough, so it is easier to shoot against weak people."

"You said he was lying?" Fan Cong opened another bottle of Coke and sipped a few sips. It was early in the morning, but he was not sleepy at all.

"I can be sure that this student must be lying. Think about it carefully. If his mother really put all the blame on his brother, why would he appear in this murderous town late at night?" Chen Ge's voice was somber: "I now have two guesses. First, he killed his brother and father, and then blamed everything on his brother, and used his mother's trust to push all the blame on his brother; second This student was faked by his brother. The brother killed his father and his brother who persuaded him. In order to evade legal sanctions, he disguised himself as a cowardly brother. "

After Chen Ge finished speaking, Fan Cong and Fan Dade didn't dare to speak. They really couldn't find a reason to refute, and they felt like they were air-cooling.

"The second guess is more likely." Chen Ge looked at the screen, selected the No. 3 option, and then controlled Xiao Bu to leave quickly: "He appeared in this town late at night, indicating that he is likely to be with his mother. It was solved, and the reason why he killed his mother was simple. Even if the twins were disguised in character, their biological mother could still be seen. "

Simply familiar with the road of the hotel, Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to walk towards the door of the hotel, preparing to put in the red clothes Li Gui: "There are no innocent people in this hotel, they should be able to win enough time for me."

Chen Ge came to the door of the hotel, but found a big fat man standing in the hotel lobby. This man was wearing a chef hat and was putting pieces of cake on the dining table.

"He is a hotel chef, a lunatic, but I have never seen him kill when I played." Fan Cong whispered next to him.

Chen Ge nodded, he controlled Xiaobu to avoid the chef far away, but as soon as he approached the hotel door, the chef walked towards her.

After spending a few minutes in the lobby, Chen Ge tried to click on the chef with the mouse, and a dialog box popped out of the screen. There were constant sounds from the door. At midnight, it is now the hotel ’s supper time.

After the dialog box disappeared, the old man, woman, student and hotel owner stepped out of the room without seeing the police.

The hotel owner and the cook stood together next to them, with four chairs side by side, and nine cakes on the table.

After the people arrive, four options pop up at the bottom of the screen. Please select a seat.

One: Sitting between the cook and the old man.

Two: sit between the old man and the woman.

Three: Sitting between women and students.

Four: sit on the outermost side of the table.

Finally, there is no option to go to sleep in these four options. Chen Ge looked at it for a long time but suddenly didn't know how to choose it: "Why did you suddenly choose the seat? What is the difference between these four positions?"

Chen Ge didn't understand it. For security reasons, he chose the No. 4 option and sat alone on the outermost side of the table.

After he made his choice, several characters sat on the seats. When Chen Ge also controlled Xiaobu to sit on the chair, a sentence popped under the screen. The chef put the kitchen knife on the table. He and the hotel owner smiled. Looked at you and gave you a problem: how to divide the nine cakes equally by four people with only one knife.

"Four people split the nine cakes equally? Cut the three cakes together and cut them from the middle? That's not good, he asked for a split." Fan Cong and Fan Dade fell into thought, neither of them found it, at this moment Chen Ge, who saw the kitchen knife on the table, was completely excited!

"This should be the owner of the hotel owner deliberately making trouble for the tenants ~ www.readwn.com ~ No matter how you cut it, there is no way to divide it equally." Fan Dade himself is a chef, he did not think of a good way for a long time.

"Yeah, even if it can be cut out, the cream on the cake will stick to the kitchen knife more or less, and it will not be able to evenly divide it." The two brothers were discussing violently, and suddenly they saw the screen, old people, women, The students and the small cloth controlled by Chen Ge all reached for the kitchen knife!

The four people are far away from the kitchen knife. The small cloth Chen Ge controls is the furthest away from the kitchen knife. The old man is closest to the kitchen knife that the cook put down.

"not good!"

Seeing that the kitchen knife was taken away by the old man, Chen Ge immediately controlled Xiao Bu to flee into the distance!

"What are you running?" Fan Cong and Fan Dade dumbfounded: "Isn't this answering the question? Why are you suddenly so passionate?"

Chen Ge ran towards the distance without turning his head back. I saw the old man holding a kitchen knife on the screen, who tried his best to wave the knife to the woman next to him!

"How do four people divide nine cakes in one knife, that is of course to make four people become three people!"

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