I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 523: The last secret in the hotel

The old man waved the knife to the woman's neck. When the kitchen knife fell, the woman hurriedly dodged, and the knife finally cut on the woman's shoulder.

Bloodstains appeared on the dining table, and the elderly, women and students fought together.

The old man wants to kill the woman, the woman desperately resists, and the student wants to take the kitchen knife. He thinks that the old man has not hacked the woman and has failed. Then it is his turn.

Of the four tenants, only Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to stay away: "It's really a group of lunatics. If you can sit down and talk, even if the hotel owner has a gun, the tenants are not without hope of turning over. It's a pity."

The chef and the hotel owner watched the three tenants fighting happily. Chen Ge took advantage of their attention to get around the hotel door and clicked the hotel door frantically with the mouse.

He finally found the opportunity to put the female ghost holding his head in: "This hotel can be opened at night, and there must be hidden secrets inside. When the female ghost mentioned the chasing Xiao Bu to the hotel, he hesitated for a long time. I just prepared to come in, indicating that she might have felt threatened. "

The female ghost standing on the dark street and knocking on the door for half a day with her head filled with anger. After seeing the small cloth controlled by Chen Ge, she rushed directly into the hotel.

"I didn't provoke her too much? Why do you vengefully? Is her death because of Xiaobu's stepfather? As a result, Xiaobu's stepfather was killed, and there was nowhere to vent her hatred, so she stared at Xiaobu?"

Chen Ge feels that the existence of the head ghost is more like a game mechanism, in order to prevent players from staying in a certain place for too long, and must always be vigilant.

Shaking the mouse and pulling away the female ghost, Chen Ge ran towards the depths of the hotel.

He calculated the distance between himself and the hotel door, and if the situation changed, he would leave immediately.

There were three consecutive gunshots in the background music, and the hotel owner seemed to shoot at the female ghost.

"Fight, the harder you fight, the better." Chen Ge controls Xiaobu to hide in the corner. At this time, the female ghost's head has been separated from the body, chasing a few murderers and running around.

"Boss Chen, what should we do now? Do you leave the hotel?" Fan Cong was really good tonight. After reading Chen Ge's operation, he realized that the game can still be played like this.

The originally peaceful hotel is now flying around, and the small cloth controlled by Chen Ge is a source of disaster that can be moved by himself.

"You told me before that the old man is the father of the hotel owner. He has the spare key for the hotel?" Chen Ge ran the small cloth against the wall and ran towards the guest room.

"Our story is different. When I came to the hotel, the old man had been shot. The key I found in the drawer of his room."

"Hold the key first and talk about it." Chen Ge controls Xiaobu to enter Room One. This room seems to be exclusive to the elderly. There are many pictures hanging on the wall, including photos of him and the hotel owner, as well as a young woman and a woman Photo.

"That woman is the old man's wife?

Chen Ge clicked the drawer with the mouse, and a dialog box popped up below the screen. You saw a rusty key, many teeth, and a shabby note.

"This old man's hobby is strange, like to collect teeth?"

Chen Ge clicked on the notebook, and new content appeared in the screen dialog. On March 1, my husband was crazy. He imprisoned me in the back room of the kitchen refrigerator. He only gave me three pieces of bread and a glass of water every day. Going out and forbidding me to contact customers, he is really crazy.

What delicious food is the chef doing on March 2nd? I smelled the smell of meat, so hungry, the lunatic was torturing me on purpose!

On April 1st, I have n’t been full for a long time, and I have to go out from here, yes, I will sneak out tonight.

On April 2nd, I was discovered. We quarreled. The madman was terrified. He was like a brown bear out of control, and finally pulled out one of my teeth.

May 5th, so hungry, stay here, I will be tortured to death sooner or later, I must leave!

Who can save me on June 6th, my husband is a devil, he even wants to remove all my teeth, this perverted lunatic!

On November 1st, I'm afraid I can't eat meat anymore, so hungry, so hungry ...

The content of the notes is strange. At first glance, it records the atrocities of the old man when he was young, but after reading it carefully several times, Chen Ge found that things were not simple, but before he wanted to understand, the background music came out again. There was a gunshot, and three options popped up below the screen. After reading the diary of the elderly wife, you know the biggest secret of the hotel. Please choose one of the three things you think is the most important and bring it to you.

One: You pick up the rusty key, think this key is likely to be a spare key at the main entrance of the hotel.

Two: You put those teeth in your backpack and think it is a very memorable collection.

Three: You put your notes in your arms and feel that there are important clues hidden inside.

Looking at the three options on the screen, Chen Ge frowned slightly: "Fan Cong, have you encountered this choice before?"

"Well, when you open the drawer, these three options will pop up. I chose the hotel spare key at that time. With the key, you can enter and exit the hotel door freely, even if you lock it." Fan Cong still wanted to struggle for the last time, he felt This time I should be able to go with Chen Ge.

"It seems that the first option can be excluded." Chen Ge seemed to be talking to himself, and the mouse moved between the two options.

"Then choose the third option, the notes are estimated to be of special use. I see a lot of horror suspense movies ~ www.readwn.com ~ in the notes will leave information about the murderer." Fan Dade just made choices based on his life experience .

"Notes are indeed important, but haven't we read the contents of the notes just now?" After listening to Fan Dade, Chen Ge shook his head and finally chose the second option.

"Teeth? What's the use of this thing?" Fan Dade and Fan Cong couldn't understand it at all, but they didn't dare to speak casually and could only mumble next to them.

"It should be the teeth." Chen Ge's brain was running fast. He said in a deep voice: "When the three options popped up, there was a sentence at the bottom of the screen, 'You have read the diary of the elderly wife and you know the biggest secret of the hotel.' . "

"But what can this prove?" Fan Cong still thinks that the key is the most important.

"The hotel's biggest secret lies in the elderly wife. In other words, the reason why the hotel becomes like this is because of the elderly wife." Chen Ge clicked the note with the mouse and looked at the content of the note.

"The old man's wife should be innocent, her husband and children are perverted. She was imprisoned, her teeth were extracted, and she was tortured. She was just a victim." Fan Dade did not understand Chen Ge's choice.

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