I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 524: 1 life pass!

"Any murderous man's appearance is related to the environment in which he lives. The hotel owner and the old man will be so indifferent to life, there must be an incentive, and this incentive is probably the old man's wife." Chen Ge gloomy eyes: "You pay attention to notes In the content above, on March 1st, the wife was imprisoned. She said that her husband was mad and only gave him three pieces of bread and a glass of water every day. This amount is barely enough for ordinary people to live. The old man may be intentionally restricting him Wife's food. "

"Looking at the following content, the wife's diary is all around a word for eating, and the way the old man tortured her is not to break her hands and feet, but to extract her teeth, which shows that the old man hates women eating."

"In a normal family, why would a husband hate his wife's eating? Does his wife have binge eating disorder?"

"On March 1st, when the wife was imprisoned, the husband prohibited the wife from contacting customers. Why did he do this?"

"On June 6, the husband pulled out all his wife's teeth. What did the wife do to make the husband so angry? What did she eat to make her husband make such a crazy move?"

Fan Cong and Fan Dade, a few words from Chen Ge, are a little scared: "Does the wife like to eat human flesh? She killed a customer on March 1st?"

"It's very possible." Chen Ge pointed to the last note: "June 6th, the wife's teeth were extracted, and on November 1st, the wife wrote the last diary. She can no longer eat meat, which means It is very likely that she could not tolerate the days without meat on November 1st and committed suicide. "


"Yes, his wife's death was the beginning of the hotel's transformation." Chen Ge didn't say anything. He guessed that his wife had become a ghost after death. The old man and the hotel owner began to commit crimes in order to satisfy the wife's wishes.

"But what does this have to do with your choice of teeth on your body?" Fan Cong still didn't understand.

"You'll know it later." Chen Ge has a lot of experience in dealing with ghosts. He knows that most ghosts have an item that can be obsessed with their own obsessions. His wife was nagging and eating meat every day of her life. I will definitely care about teeth.

"These teeth are definitely useful in the old man's drawer." Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to run out of the house and went straight to the kitchen: "The hotel dared to open late at night, indicating that they are not afraid of ordinary ghosts, and their confidence should come from Yu became Li Gui's wife. "

When Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu into the kitchen, the old man covered in blood ran to the No. 1 room, and the other tenants and chefs in the room had been resolved by the head ghost. At this time, she was chasing the house. Kill the hotel owner.

"It's terrible." Chen Ge didn't delay any more. He entered the kitchen and stood in front of the refrigerator: "The note says that the old man had imprisoned his wife in the back room of the refrigerator."

Looking at the refrigerator, there are four advertisements for promotion.

The first picture shows a young woman wearing a chef hat taking large pieces of meat from the refrigerator, the second picture shows a woman cutting large pieces of meat, the third picture shows a woman cleaning large pieces of meat, and the last picture is The woman presented the prepared cake to the tenant, as if to celebrate the tenant's birthday.

"It seems my guess is good. Women do like to eat human flesh and have killed tenants." Chen Ge stared closely at the four pictures on the refrigerator.

"Is this a very ordinary advertisement?" Fan Cong was not sure either. He was now suspicious of everything.

"The first three women are dealing with meat, why is the last one serving cake to the guests?" Chen Ge asked Fan Cong.

"Why?" Fan Cong has given up thinking.

"You will see it if you look upside down." Chen Ge pointed to the fourth picture: "The order is reversed. The woman first puts a cake filled with medicinal drugs to the guest. After the guest faints, the woman starts washing the guest and then cuts the meat. , And finally the first picture, the woman ’s action is not to take the meat at all, but to put the meat in the refrigerator. "

After Chen Ge explained, Fan Cong and Fan Dade felt that the whole person was bad: "Then we are still far away from this cannibal mad woman."

"Why stay away from her? She is the key to our breakthrough tonight!" Chen Ge clicked on the refrigerator with the mouse, the door opened, the back of the refrigerator was hollowed out, and there was a monster with thin limbs and a bulging belly.

The monster opened his mouth with no teeth, closed his eyes, and seemed to be waiting for someone to feed her something.

Seeing the monster in the refrigerator, Fan Cong and Fan Dade moved back, and they felt extremely uncomfortable.

Looking back at Chen Ge, he slides the mouse, adjusts the position of the small cloth, and looks at the monster in the refrigerator.

After confirming that the monster was wearing a red dress, he had a satisfied smile on his face, and no one understood what was said in his mouth, like what only the red dress can deal with the red dress and so on.

"Throwing her teeth into the monster's mouth, she should be able to wake up." Chen Ge clicked on the backpack, but did not lose his teeth immediately. He controlled Xiaobu and ran to the kitchen door. He silently watched the ghost girl chasing the hotel owner everywhere. run.

After all the murderers in the hotel were resolved by the head ghost, she opened the kitchen door and threw her teeth into the refrigerator.

After the teeth fell into the monster's mouth without teeth, the monster's eyes opened sharply, looking at the small cloth standing at the kitchen door.

At the same time, the head ghost who had just opened the killing ring also found Xiao Bu.

The atmosphere is a little subtle. Whether it is the two red ghosts on the screen, or the real fan Cong and Fan Dade, everyone and the ghost seem to be frozen.

"The female ghost did not expect to meet the female ghost."

Chen Ge moved his finger, and when the two female ghosts hadn't responded yet, he controlled Xiaobu to run to the side.

With a move on his side, the monster in red in the refrigerator rushed at the same time as the ghost outside.

The head ghost had just solved the husband and son of the ghost in the refrigerator, and the body was still thrown on the ground. The refrigerator ghost's eyes were red, and she directly killed the head ghost.

The two female ghosts killed each other, and Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to avoid it. He sneaked to the body of the hotel owner and clicked on the body with his mouse: "What about the gun?"

Nothing popped up on the screen, and Chen Ge took the cloth to the dining table and picked up the kitchen knife used to cut the cake.

"Without a gun, a kitchen knife will do."

Under Chen Ge's control, the cute and simple cloth seemed to be completely blackened. She carried a kitchen knife and stood at the door of the hotel, patiently watching the fight between two female ghosts.

It seems that it is because of eating many souls. The female ghost who ran out of the refrigerator was obviously stronger than the head female ghost. She soon suppressed the head female ghost, and she was about to eat it together. .

"It's time to leave." Chen Ge is quite satisfied with the result: "After the head ghost is eaten, the community will become a safe zone, and finally there will be a place to stay overnight ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Bu ran out of the hotel, closed the door of the hotel intimately, and then ran back to the community.

When she returned to her room, the completely dark night sky turned grey, and the game was dawning.

"Not bad, this game is not as difficult as expected."

Chen Ge stretched his waist and turned his head to find out that Fan Cong and Fan Dade were both sitting far away from themselves: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay, you don't have to worry about us." Fan Cong looked at Chen Ge, his skin twitching lightly. The man's operation in front of him could no longer be judged simply by strength and weakness.

He first let the murderer kill the murderer, and then let the murderer actively provoke the female ghost in the neighbor's house. While using the neighbor's female ghost to kill the murderer, he also seduce the female ghost to clean up the entire hotel's murderer. Finally Use the female ghost in the hotel to solve the female ghost in the neighbor's house.

Not only did he survive the first night, he also cleared a safe area, and even more incredible, he even got a kitchen knife in a simple puzzle game!

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