I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 525: I decided to play with them in reality

After dawn in the game, there are three options popping up below the screen. You lived through the first night with amazing luck. You were terrified and terrified. You began to hesitate and wonder if you would stay here to find your mother or return the same way. , Leaving this town.

One: You feel like you are in the water here. You really like the atmosphere of this town and decided to stay and experience another night.

Two: You miss your mother very much, but you feel that you have reached the limit and must leave.

Three: You are very tangled and very painful. Everything here is different from the world in your impression. You decide to stay here until you find your mother before leaving.

The mouse moved between the three options, Chen Ge thought about it. As a player, he prefers the first option, but if he is allowed to choose from the perspective of Xiaobu, he will choose the second option, leaving this gloomy In a terrifying world, Xiaobu may grow up healthily.

After a long silence, Chen Ge moved the mouse to the third option: "The first option is the most secure, the second option is the best for Xiaobu, and the third option may be Xiaobu's original choice. "

She can't leave until she finds Xiao Bu's mother, but if Xiao Bu's mother has been killed, then Xiao Bu will never find the person she wants to find, and she will always stay in this town.

Pointing at the finger, Chen Ge pressed the mouse, and he chose the third option: "If you really want Xiaobu to be redeemed, you can't deceive yourself in the game."

After he confirmed his choice, there was a new reading point on the game save page.

The original reading point is in the real world Xiaobu's own home. This new reading point is in Xiaobu's home after the painting style changed.

"With this new file reading point, I can rest assured to Fan Cong to explore all branch cases."

Chen Ge controls Xiaobu to stand on the top floor of the family building, looking at the gray sky outside and the small town shrouded in heavy fog.

"I don't know how many stories are hidden in this place. It's impossible to solve them all at once." Chen Ge knew clearly that he could use murderous madness to kill murderous people, or he could use Ligui to kill Ligui, but in the end Not a long-term plan: "I'm curious, if everything happened, how did Xiaobu live to the end?"

"Boss Chen, I don't think you need to think so much, just follow your own game rhythm." Fan Cong looked at the cloth on the computer screen and looked down at the small cloth in the entire town. He really felt that the style of the game has begun to change.

"The new file reading point has appeared, and the rhythm of the game will slow down later. I may not be able to clear the game tonight. In the future, this game will be handed over to you." Chen Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had some plans in mind. .

"Leave it to me to play?" Fan Cong rubbed his hands. After reading Chen Ge's operation, he was not embarrassed to play again.

"It's okay, just play casually, but you must remember to record the cause of death and the cases involved every time you die, and strive to pass all the places on this map in the past few days."

"All over again?" Fan Cong's lips moved slightly and whispered: "How many times do I have to die ... Is this too cruel?"

"Do your best." Chen Ge moved his fingers and released his eyes. He was not satisfied with exploring the town in the game. He was ready to bring all his employees and then find the town in reality.

The game mirrors reality, and in anticipation of all dangers in advance, Chen Ge decided to take the initiative to attack and "collect" the town.

"It is very dangerous at night, you just let Xiaobu stay at home, it is safer during the day, we mainly explore during the day." Chen Ge controls Xiaobu to run out of the community.

The town during the day looked very quiet, and all the blood on the ground was cleared away. It was impossible to see that there was a life-and-death pursuit on this street last night.

"Xiaobu discovered the key to the dungeon in her mother's pajamas. After entering the dungeon, she will come to a small town with a completely opposite style to the real world. The strange thing is that every time Xiaobu dies in the town, the game She would read in Xiaobu ’s own room. She was lying on her bed as if everything was her dream. "

Chen Ge thought for a long time, and came up with a possibility: "The game venue is very similar to Liwan Town. Dr. Gao said before the death that the out-of-control door of the Association is in Liwan Town. Combining the content of the game, can I I think that Xiao Bu pushed the door in the classmate's dungeon? She entered the world behind the door, and she was the gatekeeper herself! "

Manipulating Xiaobu to walk on the street aimlessly, Chen Ge's brain is running fast: "Assuming that Xiaobu is a door pusher, what did she see in the dungeon of her classmate's house? What is the reason for her pushing the door? Wearing mom's pajamas? "

Chen Ge would like to call out Mennan and consult him on the spot. After all, Mennan and Xiaobu are the closest in age. Both of them are likely to be doormen. There should be some commonality in their bodies.

"Xiao Bu can live in such a horrible environment, she must have a problem. If she is a doorkeeper, then it makes sense." Chen Ge looked at the screen and was simply cute, but she was holding The girl with a sharp kitchen knife had a strange feeling in her heart, like sympathy and regret.

"Perhaps I understand what the game wants to express. It should be to tell the game player that Xiao Bu is actually the most innocent." Chen Ge suddenly said, startling Fan Cong and Fan Dade next to him, Their thinking is completely disconnected from Chen Ge, but it is not good to show, so now no matter what Chen Ge said ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two brothers will echo.

Using the time of the day, Chen Ge manipulated Xiaobu to travel around the town, broke through many murders, and saw a variety of perverted murderers and ghosts, but nothing else was found.

In the game, the time of the day passed quickly, and Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu back to the community before dark.

The gray sky became dark again, and the second night came.

From time to time, weird laughter and slowly approaching footsteps sounded in the streets outside. Chen Ge controlled Xiaobu to close the door, holding a kitchen knife and sitting with the body of Xiaobu ’s stepfather: "The red ghost in the hotel should not Will come to trouble me, but she has to guard against it. After eating the neighbor ghost, she is estimated to digest it for a while. When she is hungry again, she will definitely eat along the street. After all, the murderer feeding her has been killed. "

"Wouldn't it be dangerous in a few days?" Fan Cong was worried. Chen Ge decided to hand over the game to him. He didn't want to live up to Chen Ge's trust.

"It's not a big problem. The female ghost in the hotel wants to digest red clothes for at least a week. This time is enough for you to explore the full map." Chen Ge left the seat and glanced at the table next to it. It was two in the morning. Half.

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