I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 526: Uncle, I should go home and fix the window

"There's a lot of interruptions tonight, and you go to bed early." Chen Ge concentrated on playing, but I didn't expect it to be so late.

"Are you going back again? Just staying with me for one night, my bed is big." Fan Cong threw the rumpled clothes and pants on the bed aside.

"No, my haunted house will be open tomorrow." Chen Ge waved his hands politely, he was ready to deal with everything, and then left: "I remember you said that there was an anomaly while playing the game, I feel the game What's inside came out? "

Fan Cong and Fan Dade glanced at each other. They were also wondering. Before playing, they turned off the background music, put the computer screen at the farthest position, and operated it at a distance of one meter. Be scared.

But when they watched Chen Ge play, the object they feared has unconsciously changed from the game itself to the person who played the game. This is the first time they have encountered this situation.

The two brothers didn't know how to speak, and finally the elder brother Fan Dade broke the topic: "It is estimated that it is because of psychological reasons. Now think about how things in the game can run out?"

"You two don't care, this game does have problems, and you'd better play it only during the day." Chen Ge explained Fan Cong again, and walked out of the bedroom after confirming that there was no problem.

"Boss Chen, it's not easy to get a taxi in this place. I'll take you back." Fan Cong chased out, maybe Chen Ge's operation calmed him down. At this time, he has a lot of things to discuss with Chen Ge.

"Stay away, don't have to give it away." By playing this game, Chen Ge's relationship with Fan Cong and Fan Dade was much better, and the brothers were very enthusiastic.

"No taxi will come here at night in Liwan Town. You have to walk to the Dongjiao Commercial City to get a car." Fan Cong took a key from the drawer: "You can ride my electric car, tomorrow I'm just right Ready to go to your paradise, then you can just give me the car. "

Speaking of this, Chen Ge did not quit and took over Fan Cong's electric car key: "Thank you."

Pushing open the door of the living room, Fan Dade and Fan Cong sent Chen Ge downstairs together. The entire community was dark, and only Fan Dade's house was still lit.

"How do I think there are very few residents in your community?" Chen Ge recalled that Fan Dade's door to the house, there was a mirror that warded off evil spirits.

"It's too remote here, the traffic is very inconvenient, and all that can be moved over time will be removed." Fan Dade took Chen Ge to the electric car: "Be careful on the road, see you tomorrow."

Chen Ge checked the power, thanked Fan Dade and Fan Cong again, and left on an electric car.

After a while, the lights of Fan Cong's house also went out, and the entire Liwan town fell into darkness.

"This eastern suburb is really a bit evil." Chen Ge glanced back: "Or go to the corresponding place in the game tonight?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Ge gave up this idea: "It's better to be safe. After Fan Cong has figured out all the dangerous areas, I will look for that out-of-control door."

After sailing out of Liwan Town, it took more than an hour for Chen Ge to return to the New Century Paradise.

Entering the haunted house, Chen Ge's tense nerve finally relaxed.

Resisting his sleepiness, Chen Ge found a backpack in the employee lounge, and then opened the iron gate leading to the underground scene and entered it.

Sitting in the last classroom, Chen Ge pressed the switch of the repeater, then opened the comic book again and released Mennan.

Men Nan, who was only a little higher than Chen Ge's knee, drilled from Yan Danian's comic book. He looked at Chen Ge with a bit of resentment.

With a dry cough, Chen Ge was also embarrassed: "Are you still in the habit of staying?"

"When will you take me home! If the broken window in the world behind the third sickness building door is left unattended, terrible things will happen!" Men Nan looks like an adult with a cute face. Chen Ge.

"What will happen?"

"The door of the third sick building is already showing signs of being out of control. During the period when I was in a coma, the world behind the door was slowly overlapping with the world outside the door! They were interacting with each other, and the doorkeeper could never close again, regardless The negative emotions inside the door will be vented to the world outside the door. "Men Nan wanted to explain to Chen Ge the seriousness of the problem.

"Negative emotions inside the door will vent to the world outside the door?" Chen Ge thought of the scenes he saw in the game. The whole town is full of perverted murderers and ghosts. Everyone seems to be crazy. .

"Yes, if the door is not closed for a long time, it will slowly affect everything around." Nan Nan climbed to the chair, he hated to talk to people with his head up: "Everyone within the influence of the" door "will When there is a problem, the beginning is a subtle psychological change, such as suddenly becoming introverted silence, losing interest in everything, etc. Over time, the physiological habits will also change, just like eating steak, I used to like eight mature, now like Three mature, even gradually began to like raw beef with blood. "

Men Nan described the process of a normal person slowly "perverting".

"Is this process irreversible?" Chen Ge knew clearly that the door of Liwan Town was out of control. The enemies he faced this time were not only ghosts, but also mischievous people and monsters running out from behind the door.

"The best way I can think of now is to keep the door out of control. Of course, you can also find a psychiatrist to treat them one by one, as long as you are not afraid of trouble." Men Nan hinted Chen Ge, he was eager to go back, but he couldn't fight The brutal ghost on Chen Ge made him very tangled. He felt like he couldn't get down when he got on the thief ship.

"Can the runaway" door "close?" Chen Ge has his own thoughts ~ www.readwn.com ~ He is very calm at all times.

"You have to figure out a logical sequence first, because a" door "cannot be closed, so it is said that it has run out of control." Men Nan's answer was somewhat pessimistic.

"Can't the door pusher close himself?" Chen Ge leaned on the seat, a little unwilling. His original plan was to find the door in Liwan Town, then enter the door and look for a small cloth, and then use reasonable means. Let Xiaobu close the door.

"Pushmen may have a way to close, but this is different because of" people ". Different pushers have different strengths and completely different abilities." When Mennan said this, his eyes were more disgusting. The reason why he didn't sneak away was because he was not good at fighting, and even after the third sick building, he was not Zhang Ya's opponent, so he stayed honestly in the comic book.

"I have said everything I can say, and you ask me, I don't know." Before Chen Ge started to ask, Men Nan stared at him and continued: "It's really terrible that the door is out of control, I have to Going back, without me staying behind the door, sooner or later, Xijiao will become the same as Dongjiao. "

"Will Xijiao become the same as Dongjiao? Do you know things about Dongjiao?" Chen Ge was stunned. In the conversation just now, he did not mention the word Dongjiao.

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