I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 527: Tomen

Men Nan knew that he had lost his word. He knew that today it was impossible to fool it.

"What is the difference between Dongjiao and Xijiao? On the surface, it is clear that Dongjiao is calmer. In terms of public security, Dongjiao should be better than Xijiao. This can be seen by comparing the working status of the two local police stations." Chen Ge knew that Dongjiao was very dangerous, but this danger was hidden. He had n’t even seen the true face of the enemy until now.

"I advise you not to run to the eastern suburbs." Men Nan hesitated for a long time and said such a sentence.

"You always have to give me a reason? The night before yesterday at the water plant in Dongjiao, you and Xu Yin came out to stop me. That shadow is so terrifying? Neither of you in red is his opponent?" Chen Ge has long been I want to ask Men Nan this question.

Shaking his head, Men Nan looked at Chen Ge's shadow, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes: "If it wasn't your shot in the shadow that night, we might be finished."

"Zhang Ya fought with that shadow ?! How come I don't know?" Chen Ge felt nothing at all.

"I also blame the guy who was out of luck, he was going to take your shadow and turn you into his puppet, but who knows that you live in a top-level red dress in his shadow, he was hurt by the red dress in your shadow "Men Nan did not dare to call Zhang Ya's name directly, nor was it because he was timid. Normal ghosts would be afraid when they saw Zhang Ya.

"Is that Zhang Ya hurt?" Chen Ge was a little worried. He knew Zhang Ya's style. It was the kind of person who dared to have an idea for me, and I would tear up the bully, but that night, Zhang Yazai and the shadow After the fight, there was no initiative.

"The red dress in your shadow is injured, and one of her arms is covered with cracks."

"Crack?" Chen Ge remembered the scene where Zhang Ya and Dr. Gao met. In the end, no one knew what happened between them. The operating room was separated by Zhang Ya's hair.

"Your biggest dependant is injured and is recuperating, and that shadow is just a shadow, whose shadow is it, and how strong it is, we don't know, so it is better for you to go to the eastern suburbs less in the future." Men Nan stretched out his short arm and climbed to the table, and finally he no longer had to look up to Chen Ge.

"Is the body of the shadow above the red dress?" Chen Ge thought for a long time, as if to ask Men Nan, but also to himself.

"No one knows what is above the red clothes, or all the people I have seen are dead, and there are no souls left." Men Nan did not know himself, but he did not rule out the possibility of ghosts in the red clothes in the eastern suburbs.

"Everyone I have seen is dead?" Chen Ge remembered the doctor who committed suicide and made a ghost. The lunatic once had three doors alone, and he seemed to have touched the limit of red clothes after his death.

"Chen Ge, I ’m doing it for you. The eastern suburbs are different from the western suburbs. Did n’t you find that even the mentally ill in the third sickness building are not willing to go to the eastern suburbs?" Take him to the eastern suburbs: "The danger in the western suburbs is visible. For example, the madman in the third sick building, they do exist, and the most terrible place in the eastern suburbs is that we do n’t even have any danger. Yes. You can look at the local newspapers in Jiujiang. Dongjiao has the least serious cases, but more than 90% of the missing people in Jiujiang disappear in Dongjiao every year. Dangerous. "

"I know that Dongjiao is dangerous, but I have a reason to go. My parents also appeared in Dongjiao before the disappearance." The disappearance of parents is a knot in Chen Ge's heart.

When Chen Ge ’s parents were involved, Men Nan did n’t dare to talk casually: “I just heard about the madmen in the third sickness building. If you really want to know about Dongjiao, you can ask they."

"I also want to ask them, the key is that they are not used to their identity as ghosts." Chen Ge has the case list of the third sickness building, but unfortunately, those mentally ill Li Gui cannot communicate with Chen Ge.

After chatting with Men Nan for a while, Chen Ge couldn't stand Men Nan's begging, and finally decided to send Men Nan back. In fact, he was also worried that the door of the third sick building was out of control.

"The western suburbs calm down, and the paradise and haunted house can develop with peace of mind." Chen Ge took Mennan back to the comic book and walked out of the last classroom: "The eastern suburbs are so chaotic, the virtual future paradise is just opening there, and they really choose places. "

Leaving the underground scene, Chen Ge entered the employee lounge and fell asleep.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Chen Ge was woken up by the alarm clock. After washing, he started to clean the haunted house.

A new day has begun, the nine o'clock paradise opens, and tourists flock to it, and Chen Ge can obviously feel that the popularity of his haunted house is getting higher every day.

"My haunted house can still receive too few tourists at the same time. It would be nice if there were more scenes." Guarding at the gate of the haunted house, Chen Ge suddenly found that there were several familiar figures among the tourists: "Heshan? Why is this kid here?" ? "

He Shan also saw Chen Ge, and he waved hard: "Boss! Long time no see!"

"You still have such a loud voice." Chen Ge temporarily asked Uncle Xu to help sell tickets and walked into the crowd by himself.

"Boss, our school has made sufficient preparations this time, and selected the most daring students of all grades. The purpose of our coming today is to pass through two characters!" He Shan pointed behind him, standing behind Wutuo. A large group of people.

"Is this all from your school? Did you strike today?" Chen Ge didn't know which cramp was wrong in Jiujiang Forensic Medical School. So many people came at once: "Customs clearance is secondary, you still Students, do n’t waste your studies. "

Chen Ge ’s real thought is that if this matter is made known to several doctors in the underground corpse scene, the consequences will be very serious.

"Relax, we didn't skip class." Yang Chen stood beside Heshan with a black face: "Your haunted house even our school leaders know."

"Your school leaders know?" Chen Ge felt guilty for a while.

"Yeah, it's strange to say that our headmaster had the same dream for four consecutive days. His young teacher, standing in your haunted house, scolded him indiscriminately ~ www.readwn.com ~ Heshan He lowered his voice: "Our headmaster has been scolded for four days, and now when he closes his eyes, he feels that the old man is floating in front of his eyes, which is really unbearable. "

"Your principal has had the same dream for four consecutive days?" Chen Ge couldn't help crying: "Is his teacher called Wei Jiuqing when he was young?"

"Yes! It's the old man, how do you know?" Heshan was surprised: "Our principal later discussed with several mentors. Some people said that this is the old man's dream, and we think that our medical students don't even have bodies Frightened, but scared and dizzy in your haunted house, it's too shameful. "

"So your principal will take the initiative to let you visit me?"

"Almost, the principal means that a qualified forensic doctor must remain calm at all times, so that Taishan collapses in front of him and keeps his color unchanged, and the elk thrives on the left without blinking. He encourages everyone to come to your haunted house to practice in their spare time. Boldly, as a forensic doctor, even a small haunted house can't be conquered. How can you fight with those fierce criminals in the future? "Heshan imitated the principal's tone and learned a lot.

"Your principal is estimated to have misunderstood the meaning of the old gentleman." When the person came, Chen Ge would not drive them away, and would only do his best to give the students of Jiujiang Forensic Medical School an advice: "Other scenes you Visit casually, but forget about the underground corpse. "

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