I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 530: 1 is crazy

It took a full minute before Dr. Pei spoke, and he looked at Jiang Xiaohu on the hospital bed, his expression very strange.

"I feel sick in their family, there is no derogatory meaning, as I said literally." Dr. Pei stood up and walked around the hospital bed: "Three years ago, Jiang Xiaohu's mother took him and his sister I came to see a doctor together. I still remember the scene that day. His mother is called Zhang Chuyu. She is very beautifully dressed, with a strong perfume smell on her body. "

"She's a famous brand, but I can feel that she is not happy, there is something hidden in her heart, she is in a trance, and she often runs away when talking to me."

"After a simple conversation, I probably learned about her family."

"Sister Jiang Bai suffers from paranoia, and always feels that someone is going to kill her, and everyone looks like a perverted murderer."

"Brother Jiang Xiaohu's illness is rather strange. He often does some inexplicable and very dangerous things, such as turning on the gas stove switch alone, splashing water at the power outlet, playing with fire at home, etc."

"Zhang Chuyu has reprimanded Jiang Xiaohu more than once, but this child not only did not listen, but also intensified."

"Later, her husband Jiang Long knew about it and beat Jiang Xiaohu several times, but the violence did not change Jiang Xiaohu, but made his personality even more weird."

"Impulsive and irritable, I often fight with my classmates at school and engage in destruction. Sometimes I feel like being evil, and desperately trying to hurt the people around me."

"This is also the first time I have encountered such a patient. Considering that Jiang Xiaohu is still young, I did not prescribe Jiang Xiaohu at that time, but encouraged his parents to communicate more with him."

"I was for the good of the child's future, but Zhang Chuyu didn't think so. She was very impatient and thought she should take medicine if she was sick."

"Different treatments, as a doctor of mental illness, we are often misunderstood. I haven't paid attention to this little thing."

"A child's personality changed suddenly the day after tomorrow. This must be related to the surrounding environment. In my opinion, Jiang Xiaohu's illness is largely caused by his parents."

"In order to better treat Jiang Xiaohu, I let his mother and sister go out first, leaving Jiang Xiaohu alone to prepare to communicate with him."

"This communication doesn't matter, I found something weird to horrible."

Doctor Pei did not avoid Jiang Xiaohu on the hospital bed. He continued in his face: "In the process of asking Jiang Xiaohu, this child accidentally revealed a message that his mother was lying."

"Liar?" Chen Ge did not understand: "Mother lied just to get the child into a mental hospital? I think Jiang Xiaohu should be the one who lied."

Dr. Pei shook his head gently: "I have no way to determine the true or false, but then Jiang Long was involved in a car accident. After the accidental death, I discovered that Jiang Xiaohu might not have lied."

"What did he tell you?"

"Jiang Xiaohu secretly told me that he didn't do the dangerous things. The mother took his hand and forced him to do it, in order to create the illusion that he was crazy."

"Mother forced the child to do dangerous things?" Chen Ge couldn't understand more and more: "So what's the purpose of doing this?"

"The purpose is to kill Jiang Xiaohu's father, Jiang Long." Dr. Pei looked at Jiang Xiaohu with a complex look: "This child told me that the real crazy person was his mother Zhang Chuyu, who knew her husband was here. Outside Bread has a woman who is going to make an accidentally killing Jiang Long, get a large insurance compensation, and then swallow Jiang Long's company alone. "

"It's hard to imagine these words coming out of a child's mouth, things shouldn't be that simple?"

"Yes, I have the same idea as you." Dr. Pei leaned against the bed, his eyes gloomy: "I don't think a child can understand so many things. It is very likely that these words were taught by others. This family of four, His father worked outside the country all year round, and his mother could n’t frame her, so it ’s his sister Jiang Bai who is most likely to teach Jiang Xiaohu to say these things. ”

Chen Ge didn't intervene anymore, and let Dr. Pei finish in one breath.

"I later called Jiang Bai alone, and I was shocked by the results I got after asking."

"Jiang Bai told me that the real crazy person is Jiang Long. As long as Jiang Long started to take charge of the Mingyang community project, she felt that her father was abnormal and did not return all night. Things that you understand, and your family's gaze becomes strange. "

"Once Jiang Long was drunk, he quarreled with his mother Zhang Chuyu. The always gentle Jiang Long even fought against Zhang Chuyu, and finally ran into the kitchen and took out a kitchen knife."

"He waved wildly in the air, screaming at a place where no one was there, as if he had completely changed himself."

"Since then, Jiang Long has gone home even less. He has been mysterious all day long and bought a house in Liwan Town in the eastern suburbs. He lives outside by himself."

"If there were only these, Jiang Bai would not feel that his biological father was a madman, but what happened later made Jiang Bai completely afraid of his father."

"Just a month before they came to me for treatment, Zhang Chuyu was hit by Jiang Xiaohu when pouring water, and both were burned. Jiang Bai sent Zhang Chuyu and Jiang Xiaohu to the hospital, and she called to contact herself Father, but no one answered, then she ran to Jiang Long's house in the eastern suburbs to find someone. "

"Jiang Long heard that Zhang Chuyu and Jiang Xiaohu were both scalded and said a few words, saying that he was not free recently and it was not convenient to see."

"Jiang Bai was very angry when he heard this, so he stayed at Jiang Longxin's house and insisted on asking his father to go to the hospital."

"At night, Jiang Long received a call and hurriedly left, leaving Jiang Bai alone at home."

"In the middle of the night, Jiang Bai suddenly heard something happening in the house ~ www.readwn.com ~ She thought it was a mouse and searched for the sound for a long time, and finally found a secret room behind the closet."

"Entering it, she saw an iron cage with a huge rag doll in it!"

"There seemed to be a person in the rag doll. The person was speechless, and his body was very weak. After hearing the secret room door open, he instinctively began to be afraid and shrunk inside the cage."

"Jiang Bai didn't dare to go, she was terrified. She closed the door of the closet and fled back to the hospital overnight. She told Zhang Chuyu and Jiang Xiaohu about it."

"Jiang Xiaohu didn't understand anything at a young age, but Zhang Chuyu's reaction was very strange. She heard a huge rag doll behind the closet and smiled very happy."

"According to Jiang Bai's description, the spirits of the Jiang Long couple have problems, but there are contradictions. Zhang Chuyu said that Jiang Bai suffers from delusions, and everything was imagined by Jiang Bai."

Dr. Pei finally finished talking about the family: "In short, this is the case in their family. The mother said that the brother and the sister are mentally ill. The brother said that the mother is crazy. The sister thinks that the mother and the father have brain problems. I still do n’t know who is lying until now. "

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