I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 531: Call all the red clothes

After listening to Dr. Pei, Chen Ge was in deep contemplation.

The relationship between the Jiang Long family is very chaotic. Everyone thinks that the other party is crazy, but after careful combing, Chen Ge finds that their family may not be crazy.

They only have such ridiculous things because they have different positions and different perspectives on issues.

Chen Ge played Fan Cong's game and knew a lot about the inside story.

In the family of Jiang Long, his younger brother Jiang Xiaohu should be the most innocent. He is just a child whose world view has not yet been fully formed. It is likely that someone behind him is guiding.

It may be Zhang Chuyu or Jiang Bai who tempted him to make a mistake.

Sister Jiang Bai should have had no delusions at first. The giant rag doll she saw in her father's new home in the eastern suburbs is estimated to be Xiao Bu's mother.

She didn't lie, but her mother Zhang Chuyu said she had a sick brain and thought she had fantasy.

As a mother, Zhang Chuyu's behavior was very abnormal. She personally sent the two children to a psychiatric hospital, insisting that the two children suffered from mental illness, this behavior is very abnormal.

Chen Ge thought about it, thinking that Zhang Chuyu would do this because he wanted to conceal something deliberately. When Jiang Bai told Zhang Chuyu about his discovery of a giant rag doll, Zhang Chuyu smiled happily.

This is not a reaction that a normal person should have. Perhaps she had been suspicious of her husband before, but after hearing this news, she understood that her husband did not betray herself, but just did something according to plan.

"What needs to imprison an adult? Still stuffed into rag dolls?" This matter should be the source of all tragedies. Now Jiang Long died unexpectedly, Zhang Chuyu and Jiang Bai are all missing, all victims and perpetrators Only Jiang Xiaohu is still alive, he is the only insider.

Chen Ge was sitting in a chair, looking at the white sheets: "Mingyang Community started to have an accident eight years ago, and Bu Yi disappeared three years ago. This is a contradiction."

"Assuming she is a door pusher, the door she opened should have appeared only three years ago, but the strange things in Dongjiao started long ago. In other words, Dongjiao except this one There may be other things outside the runaway door. "

When Chen Ge was very young, his parents told him to go anywhere else in Jiujiang, except for the eastern suburbs.

"The door of Liwan Town was originally under the control of Dr. Gao, but it was out of control for unknown reasons. Could this be the dirty things in the eastern suburbs?" Chen Ge knows Dr. Gao very well and can make such a Owning a digital red clothing, and a psychiatrist who has no omission, actively withdraws, the monster strength of the eastern suburbs must be extremely strong!

"He left me with a big problem." The door of the eastern suburbs has been out of control, and no one knows what will happen if left alone.

"Dr. Gao showed me a picture before committing suicide. The picture was taken in Liwan Town. My parents stood with a little girl in red. The little girl in red is probably a small cloth. My parents are in the picture. There is no embarrassment for the girls in red, they should not be in a hatred relationship. "

Chen Ge's thoughts were alive, he was never a blind-minded person: "Whether Men Nan, or the cast-in female ghost in the living coffin village, all the doormen regard the door as their own thing, and Bu Yi should be no exception. The door of Liwan Town is completely out of control, and the haunted house behind the door is running around. I believe such a scene is also what Bu Yi does not want to see. "

The scene behind the door was formed based on the pusher's own memory, showing the real heart of the pusher, which was a nightmare that could not be dissipated.

"No one would be willing to show their bloody, scarred inner world to others, so the door pusher would definitely not want to see that the door he opened was out of control." Chen Ge feels that the door in Liwan Town will be out of control entirely because The interference of other ghosts in the eastern suburbs, after trying to understand this, Chen Ge had an idea.

"Perhaps, I can join Xiaobu to exterminate the ghosts in the eastern suburbs and close the door of Liwan Town!"

Ordinary people certainly do n’t have the idea of ​​joining forces with Hongyi Ligui. Even if there is, they do n’t know how to do it, but Chen Ge is different. He has rich experience in dealing with red clothes of all ages. cloth.

"Xiao Bu and her mother's death is not that simple. After investigating everything, I will help her complete her obsession." Chen Ge thought more and more that this method might be realized: "The hardest part of this plan is not to convince Xiao Bu, Instead, find the cloth. "

Chen Ge's eyes narrowed, and he looked a little scary, so that the doctors and nurses in the ward did not dare to speak casually.

"Others don't know where Xiaobu is, but I'm different. I played Fan Cong's strange game. With the continuous strategy, I will definitely find Xiaobu's clue."

Silently raised his head, in fact, Chen Ge had an idea in mind when he started playing that game-the real little cloth is likely to hide in the game.

He and Fan Cong control is not simply a game character, but a desperate young soul repeating death infinitely.

"Men Nan also said that the easiest way to close the door completely is to find the door man." Chen Ge has a rough plan. He is ready to unite Xiaobu and all the red clothes to push the eastern suburbs flat.

"There is a red dress in the Bailongdong tunnel, a red dress in the No. 104 station, and a red dress in the living coffin village. Maybe I can help these three forces."

Chen Ge had dealt with the red clothes of the Bailongdong tunnel, and he almost carried him home with his back on his back. His sensational words made the other party a little touched.

The red clothes of the living coffin village have a good relationship with Fan Yu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge is ready to find time to take Fan Yu into the mountain to find each other. Now Zhang Ya is awake and he has Xu Yin and Bai Qiulin in it. In the living coffin village, who is afraid is not necessarily true.

"The tunnel ghost and the cast-in ghost are easy to say. The key is the red raincoat. I am not familiar with her. I promised her that she would help her find a child within a week. It has been three days. It still has n’t figured out what it looks like. ”Chen Ge was really prepared to help the red raincoat, but he really could n’t find a place to start:“ That ’s because I ’m so popular, I do n’t have any enemies in Jiujiang. Now. "

Chen Ge decided to go to the No. 104 station to try his luck after dark in the next few days: "It can only be done for the time being."

After thinking about everything, Chen Ge set his sights on Jiang Xiaohu again.

It's strange to say that Jiang Xiaohu, who didn't respond when viewed by others, looked very unnatural when Chen Ge stared at him, his body leaned back, and the ropes that trapped his hands and feet were straightened.

"How do you feel this child is a little scared of me?" Chen Ge walked a few steps forward and sat directly on the bed: "I know you can understand me, and I know you have a lot of things in your heart. Let's talk, maybe I can help you."

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