I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 532: If you do n’t say it, I ’ll come every day

Jiang Xiaohu was obviously reluctant to get too close to Chen Ge, but his hands and feet were **** by ropes, and he could only watch Chen Ge sit beside him.

"You look nervous, is it because there are too many people in this room?" Chen Ge looked at Jiang Xiaohu with great concern: "Relax, we are here to help you."

After he finished, he looked up to Dr. Pei: "Can you let me stay alone with him for a while? The child doesn't seem to be used to having so many people around him."

Dr. Pei was so embarrassed, to be honest, he did n’t think that Jiang Xiaohu ’s abnormality was due to the large number of people: “Not very good, Jiang Xiaohu has a history of wounding. You stay here alone. I ’m worried ... … "

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about my safety." Chen Ge put down his backpack, and the heavy backpack didn't know what was in it: "This kid just lacks an opportunity to communicate, and he may be hiding an unknown soft side in his heart. "

Both the nurses and nurses looked at Dr. Pei. When they cooperated with the police to investigate Jiang Xiaohu, the police did not make such a request.

Dr. Pei wanted to refuse, but considering that Chen Ge was introduced by Li Zheng, the case they were responsible for involved several lives.

Thinking again and again, Dr. Pei nodded: "We are just outside the door. If the child suddenly falls ill and acts aggressively against you, you just need to call for help and we will rush in."

"Okay, thanks a few."

The staff of the mental hospital had left the ward one after another and watched them go out one by one. Jiang Xiaohu was more afraid. He made a strange noise in his throat, as if the injured beast was in danger.

The door of the ward was closed, and when it was confirmed that the doctors could not see the scene inside, Chen Ge took the repeater out of the backpack and pressed the switch.

The rustling current sounded in the ward, and the sound seemed to penetrate into the brain by itself, stimulating every nerve.

"Does it feel better with some soothing music?"

Chen Ge has been watching Jiang Xiaohu all the time, observing his every move, he suddenly said after ten seconds: "Have you ever seen a ghost?"

Pupil tremor, Jiang Xiaohu eyes widened, he even wanted to stay away from Chen Ge.

"The reaction was so great, did I guess it? Let me think about it. Have you seen her body in person, and a few days later she came back to life? Appeared elsewhere?"

Let's not talk about whether Jiang Xiaohu is really mentally ill. Just listening to the question asked by Chen Ge, if Dr. Pei is present, he will definitely think that Chen Ge is not normal.

Jiang Xiaohu reacted more violently when the rope tied to the leg of the bed was straightened.

"Whether you are crazy or fake, I hope you understand one thing is that only a family of four survived, not because of your luck, but simply because she let you go."

Chen Ge had a doubt in playing that game. How did Xiao Bu know that his classmates have a secret room?

At first, Chen Ge felt that it was the message left by her mother, but what her mother did was not very glorious. She should not tell her young daughter.

There is a detail in the game. Xiaobu found the key in his mother's pajamas, but think about it, how could a person imprisoned have an exit key in his pocket?

After seeing Jiang Xiaohu, Chen Ge had a guess. Could it be that the child stole the key and gave it to Xiaobu's mother?

The reason why Xiao Bu will enter the secret room may also be what Jiang Xiaohu told her, after all, they are classmates.

"I won't favor any party. I just want to know the truth." The current in the repeater slowly grew louder, the lights in the ward flashed, and the light was distorted.

A blood-red figure appeared on the side of Chen Ge. Jiang Xiaohu was really terrified. He couldn't control it anymore and shouted out loud.

"Can you feel his existence? Did you recall something?" Chen Ge called out Xu Yin not to deliberately frighten Jiang Xiaohu, but just wanted Xu Yin to check Jiang Xiaohu's body and see his body Are there any dirty things hidden?

Jiang Xiaohu's expression was frightened. He seemed to be talking nonsense in a dream, screaming at Chen Ge.

"Is it because I haven't communicated with people for too long, and I have lost the ability to speak? Or did Xu Yin scare the child?"

Turning off the repeater, Xu Yin did not see the ghost from this child. He was just an ordinary child.

The sound of electric current disappeared inside the house. Chen Ge held Jiang Xiaohu's hand tightly holding the rope. You treat me as a passer-by who will never appear again, and I can guarantee not to tell the third person the conversation between us. "

After a few minutes, Jiang Xiaohu calmed down slowly, cold sweat on his head, chest ups and downs, panting.

Chen Ge just summoned out the red clothes just now, not to mention Jiang Xiaohu, even a change of adult can't bear it.

"If you don't say it, I might come to see you every day in the future until you tell me the truth." Chen Ge put the repeater on the bedside and said very seriously.

Jiang Xiaohu finally could not bear the pressure, and said: "What do you want to ask?"

"Just start with your father. Why did he go to imprison a living person? Why is it that the Mingyang community he is in charge of has been in trouble?"

"I don't know what happened. I only know that Jiang Long once said that the development project in Mingyang District was a scam. Someone forced him to do it. The four buildings were not for people, but were built for ghosts."

The voice was intermittent, and Chen Ge took a lot of effort to understand what Jiang Xiaohu meant: "Who would force him to do such a thing?"

"Early Jiang Long said that he always felt that he was staring at him behind his back, and after seeing a lot of psychologists, he thought that he was under too much work pressure. But then he became more and more serious and started talking nonsense. , Saying that he saw his shadow come alive, he even felt that his shadow had thoughts ~ www.readwn.com ~ can communicate with himself. "

"Then how did your father's condition get under control?"

"I don't know. After getting up one morning, Jiang Long suddenly looked refreshed. That is, from that day on, he gave me a completely different feeling than before, and he had a lot of strange habits ..." Jiang Xiaohu paused. After a moment of hesitation, "I was no longer called his father since then, because I always felt that another person was living in his body, and I suspected that he was replaced by his own shadow."

"Replaced by his own shadow?" Chen Ge thought of the shadow of the Dongjiao Waterworks. This monster was laid out everywhere, manipulating people's hearts in secret, which was more difficult than he had imagined before.

"As for the imprisonment of living people, that is purely his own matter, and it has nothing to do with my family." Jiang Xiaohu opened his mouth, and finally said: "Jianlong seems to have been doing the previous few years. Similar things, he deliberately took people to Liwan Town, and tortured each other psychologically and physically, making people desperate. I do n’t know what he did in the end? Maybe this is his own special hobby? "

Jiang Xiaohu's experience made him a little precocious. After he finished speaking, he peeked at Chen Ge and then went silent again.

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