I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 533: Liwan Town West Street

"Intentionally brought people to Liwan Town to torture?" Chen Ge felt that the other party might have done this for the purpose of "doors". They wanted to open a door in Liwan Town artificially.

But if you think about it like this, the problem reappears.

Why do ghosts in the eastern suburbs have to open this door in Liwan Town, how is Liwan Town different from other places?

Jiang Long imprisoned Xiao Bu's mother and loaded her into a rag doll. It is not clear what Chen Ge did, but it can be guessed.

However, until the disappearance of Xiaobu ’s mother, the door was still not pushed open. Instead, it was the last time. Xiaobu pushed the “door” after seeing the scene in the dungeon, which should be outside the eastern suburbs ghost plan. thing.

"Do you have anything else to ask?" Jiang Xiaohu interrupted Chen Ge's thinking: "If not, can you take this thing away."

He pointed to the repeater with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Since you know that your father is imprisoning a living person, why not call the police?" Chen Ge put the repeater back in his backpack and tidied up the sheets, as if he had never taken out the thing.

"As soon as my sister started to report to the police, my mother persuaded to no avail. My sister disappeared when I woke up the next day. My mother said that her sister's illness was more serious and she needed to go to treatment." : "My mother also told me that if I did not perform well, I would also be sent for treatment."

"Your mother threatened you? It seems that she might have been involved in Xiaobu's affairs."

"Jiang Long is dead. My sister and mother are also missing. Is it still useful to ask these?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his head and looked at Chen Ge. After he finished speaking, he seemed to realize something and his tone suddenly softened: "The police before I said the same when I came, and I told you everything I knew. "

"Tell me what you know?" Chen Ge stared at Jiang Xiaohu's eyes. His eyes did not dare to look at the general candidity, let alone a child.

When Jiang Xiaohu bowed his head slightly guilty, Chen Ge asked the last question: "I saw a picture in Room 104 of the Mingyang Community, and the four of your family bit the limbs of a little girl. Perhaps You and your sister are only passively involved, but in that painting, you are both murderers, at least the people who painted that painting think so. "

"Painting? I don't know about it." Jiang Xiaohu froze slightly.

"You just explained that the Yang Community is for ghost cultivation, and the paintings inside are also probably ghost paintings." Chen Ge always felt that there was still a secret hidden in Jiang Xiaolong's body. He was about to continue to question. All cramps, shouting for help in my mouth, I feel like I'm going to die soon.

Upon hearing the call for help, Dr. Pei and the nurses rushed in. They held Jiang Xiaolong's limbs and gave Jiang Xiaolong a shot of medicine.

Jiang Xiaolong's eyes slowly became dull, he gradually stopped struggling, paralyzed on the bed motionless.

"Mr. Chen, did this kid hurt you?"

"It's okay, I've finished asking the question, a few hard." Chen Ge stood up and thanked Dr. Pei.

"I can help you. Anything you need to cooperate in the future, though." Dr. Pei just politely said, but Chen Ge took it seriously. He beckoned to Dr. Pei and the two left the ward together.

"Mr. Chen, are you still looking for me?"

"There is no aspect in speaking. I want to ask you a few questions separately."

"Are you afraid of Jiang Xiaohu hearing?" Dr. Pei felt that Chen Ge was a little too careful: "According to our diagnosis, this child does have a mental illness ..."

"Mental patients may sometimes be smarter than the average person. I know several similar examples." Chen Ge took a few steps towards the distance, so he was relieved: "Dr. Pei, you said Jiang Xiaohu's sister had been there before. Jiang Long's residence in Liwan Town, Dongjiao, and found a secret room in it? "

"Yes, Jiang Bai told me at the time."

"Then did you go to Liwan Town in the eastern suburbs to verify her statement?" Chen Ge was curious about this point. If Dr. Pei also told the police about it, the police would definitely go to the site to investigate, but he was with Li In the political conversation, the other party did not mention any information related to the secret room.

"I haven't been, but the police have been."

"Did they find anything?" Chen Ge's heartbeat accelerated, because the "door" was in that room. Normally, when the police passed, it should be abnormal.

Dr. Pei shook his head: "I heard them say it was a very ordinary house. There was indeed a secret room behind the closet, but there were no iron cages and large rag dolls, only a few safes, with some business documents and cash."


"The police have taken the photos and taken them, that is Jiang Long's legacy, which will be left to Jiang Xiaohu in the future." Dr. Pei explained to Chen Ge that the cash look had changed and explained with a wry smile.

"Can you tell me the specific location of the house? I don't care about the money, I just want to find out on the spot." The map scene in the game is very similar to Liwan Town three years ago, but it is just very similar, it seems It was restored according to Liwan Town in Xiaobu's nightmare.

That's just Liwan Town in Xiaobu's eyes, and there is still a certain difference from reality.

"His father lived in the first family home on the west street of Liwan Town, the first floor of Building 1. The family home looked dilapidated. When the police first went, he didn't expect Jiang Long to buy a house here."

Hearing what Dr. Pei said about the family hospital, Chen Ge thought about it. Fan Cong and Fan Dade seemed to live there. It seems that it was no accident that Fan Cong would find the game.

"It seems that I need to go to Fan Cong's house again ~ www.readwn.com ~ happens to return the electric car to him."

It seems that Chen Ge is preparing for Liwan Town in the eastern suburbs. Dr. Pei reminded Chen Ge again: "Mr. Chen, I think you'd better pass by during the day. It is not safe to walk there at night. When I talked to them, I found that most of them saw something at night or heard something, which caused problems with their mental state. "

"There is this matter?" Chen Ge found that the situation in the eastern suburbs had actually reached a very serious point, and those dirty things were lawless and penetrated all corners.

"Take the patient I met yesterday as an example. A month ago, he went to the airport to pick up his wife, the plane at zero, and the couple drove back to the eastern suburbs."

"According to himself, after they passed a crossroad, the buildings on both sides suddenly became strange, and the street lights became darker and darker."

"They continued to drive a further distance, and the driver saw a bus coming slowly from the rearview mirror. It was more than twelve in the morning. How could there be a bus on the road? And he not only saw the bus In the car, I saw all the passengers in the car waving at him. He even heard strange sounds calling his name. "

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