I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 536: What are you doing him!

Thick clouds piled up in the night sky, depressing and gloomy, with no trace of light.

Darkness descended, shadows flashed through the blurry buildings, and a vicious gaze looked toward the highway.

On the outskirts of the city, a man riding a battery car is chasing the bus ahead.

"I don't believe you will stop the next stop!"

Chen Ge gritted his teeth, he was the first to encounter the 104 road hearse, but the other party's reaction was beyond his expectations.

"Does this car only allow dead people to get in, and prohibits the entry of living people? That's wrong, why didn't Huang Ling and Xiao Gu get in the car when they got in?"

The electric capacity of the battery car is limited. After chasing up to four more stations, Chen Ge can only be driven by manpower.

He was so anxious about the task that he didn't even remember the way. All other messy things were left behind, and he chased his life towards the hearse.

"Don't let me get in the car, wait until I catch up with you!"

It is very difficult to catch up with the bus by the battery car, but it is not without any chance. The hearse does not know whether it is due to serious aging or its own problems. It cannot drive too fast.

Chen Ge tried to catch up with his life, but he couldn't narrow the distance from the hearse 104. He could only hope that the next bus 104 would stop.

The buildings on both sides quickly reversed, the rain wets Chen Ge's coat, and I don't know how long he chased. He finally saw the bus stop in front.

"Someone is waiting for the bus?"

After using the Yin Tong, Chen Ge saw clearly that there was a middle-aged man on the platform. He wore winter clothes, a scarf, a hat and a mask, and completely stopped his face.

The No. 104 bus entered the platform and began to decelerate under the watch of Chen Ge. Before the car stopped, the door opened.

The driver in the car seemed to beckoning from the man outside and told him to get in the car quickly.

The middle-aged man was confused about the situation for a while and hesitated for a while before getting on the bus.

It was this delaying effort that Chen Ge and the 104 bus have been much closer.

"Have a chance! The meaning of this hearse seems to be to send those special passengers waiting at the platform to a certain place, so as long as there are‘ people ’waiting at the platform, it should all stop.”

The middle-aged man hadn't figured out the situation after getting on the bus. The last bus on the 104th bus has started and headed for the next stop.

The cold rain hit his face, Chen Ge pursued it.

The buildings on both sides became more bizarre and fuzzy, and the rain was also heavier, but these did not dare to stop Chen Ge.

Since he got the black phone, he has never failed a trial task.

"If it's another task, it doesn't matter. The mission of Destiny Wagon is related to the opening of other trial tasks in the eastern suburbs. This task must be successful!"

Chen Ge is also dead, riding a battery car to chase the hearse most of the night, this kind of thing most people do not dare to think about.

After driving a few intersections, Chen Ge soon saw another platform. This station was crouching with a weirdo. His limbs were extremely uncoordinated, and he felt as if he would fall at any time.

The hearse enters the platform, the speed slows down, and the door opens directly.

The weirdo squatting on the ground seemed to notice something. He didn't feel right. The atmosphere in the car was very strange. He didn't get on the bus for the first time.

Someone on the bus opened the window and gestured at him, but the weirdo couldn't understand it.

With such a hesitation, Chen Ge was happily broken and gritted his teeth to rush forward.

After a brief exchange, the weirdo got in the car.

The driver should find that Chen Ge is closer to them, and even save the in-car broadcasting, close the door and directly increase the speed.

"Almost! If there are passengers on the next stop, I should be able to catch up with it!"

Chen Ge didn't care about the power either. After a few minutes, the third platform appeared.

A pair of lovers are on the platform, and their bodies are glued together like glue.

The hearse entered the station, the speed slowed down, the door opened, and the driver shouted at the outside.

The man was about to get on the bus, but the woman turned over at this time. She desperately kept the man and even shed tears.

The two had a disagreement, and it was just like glue, and they quarreled in the blink of an eye.

The man seemed to be saying that he must leave today. The first seven had passed. He was holding the car door, but the girl did not want him to go, and even began to bite the man.

"The opportunity is coming!"

Chen Ge in the distance saw this scene and was a little excited. The battery car's power is running out. If this station has not caught up, it will really hang.

The couple was arguing at the door of the car. The driver in the car felt like he was going crazy. His anxious head was about to explode, screaming at the couple.

Seeing Chen Ge getting closer and closer, he decided not to wait and closed the door directly.

But this time the man outside seemed determined to get in the car, and he stuck his body at the door.

The woman desperately dragged him out, but the man grabbed the railing in the car, but did not let go.

The driver was watching the fire on the side ~ www.readwn.com ~ He could not help but kick the man's foot.

The men and women were entangled in the door of the car, the driver shouted, and the passengers with their heads down all changed their expressions, and they seemed to feel something.

The man was stuck in the doorway, the door could not control, but the driver could not wait any longer, he was about to force the departure, but at this time, everyone in the car heard the rustling current.

The sound did not come from inside the bus.

"Finally let me catch up!"

A low voice sounded outside the car, Chen Ge overtaking from the side and parked the electric car at the front door of bus 104.

His palms are sweaty, and the battery car's power will soon be exhausted, and this task will almost fail.

Standing in front of the 104 bus, Chen Ge did not mean to talk nonsense with the driver this time, reaching for the broken skull hammer from his backpack.

The couple who were arguing at the front door did not dare to say anything when Chen Ge took out such a big guy.

"Don't be afraid, thanks to the two of you, I can get on the bus today, and I will treat you well in the future." Chen Ge raised his broken skull hammer and looked at the sweaty driver inside. open?"

The driver's throat twitched, and some unwillingly opened the front door of the bus.

"You are a bus, everyone can sit, why don't you let me get on the bus?"

Under the watch of the whole car, Chen Ge lifted the electric car next to him and said to the man next to him, "Dude, take your hand."

The man was a little confused about the situation, and he and Chen Ge got the electric car into the 104 road hearse.

"You two also come up together." Chen Ge said to the couple under the car.

The man wanted to refuse, but Chen Ge grabbed his sleeve: "Don't be afraid, with me, this driver would never dare to bully you."

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