I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 537: Name? Occupation? What are your hobbies and specialties?

The man's body was stuck to his girlfriend, but his sleeves were dragged by Chen Ge.

Standing at the front door of bus 104, he regretted: "Or, let me think about it again?"

"You helped me a lot, but today I have to thank you." Before the man finished, Chen Ge had dragged him and his girlfriend on the bus.

The door was closed, the 104 hearse moved slowly, listening to the cold radio in the ear, the man and his girlfriend also felt a deep chill.

After the three people put coins, the couple walked towards the back of the car under the driver's grueling gaze.

Chen Ge was holding the electric station beside the driver. He turned to look at each other without talking.

The cold sweat of the driver's forehead slipped down his cheek. He was wearing a worn bus company uniform, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and there were blue bars on the back of his hand.

"You look uncomfortable?"

"Fortunately, the old is ill." The driver dared not stare at Chen Ge and stared at the road ahead: "That ... new passengers please go behind. Our company has rules to prevent the driver from driving. Talk to passengers. "

"Your company doesn't let you talk to passengers? Does your company also stipulate that passengers should not be allowed to get in at night?" The hearse trial task almost failed. Chen Ge struggled to ride an electric car and chased three stations The road finally caught up, and no one could bear it.

"I think you are riding an electric car, thinking that you are only sheltering from the rain at the station, so you didn't stop." The driver was a bit cautious, holding back a long time to come up with a reason.

"What you said makes sense." Chen Ge silently stuffed the broken skull back into his backpack. He looked at the driver and nodded meaningfully: "What's your name?"

"Tang Jun, the steed of the horse." The driver felt that he was being stared at, his calf shaking unnaturally.

"Very good." This driver has a very good attitude towards passengers, and he is not rigid. He is also very alert. Isn't such a ghost just what Chen Ge needs?

Without embarrassing the driver, Chen Ge looked at the other passengers on the last bus of Route 104.

In addition to the couple sitting at the end and Chen Ge himself, there were eight passengers in the car.

One was the man whose body was wrapped in thick clothes. He was wearing a mask and a hat, and only had a pair of eyes on his entire face.

Next to this man is the man who just got on the train at the previous station. His limbs are very uncoordinated, just like a mechanical doll that has just been spliced ​​in the toy factory and has not been debugged.

In addition to the two Chen Ge who watched them get in the car, there were also four women in sick clothes, four of them were sitting by the window, their heads were kept bowed, and their long black hair covered Face, it looks a little scary.

Chen Ge's gaze swept over them, and finally stopped on a middle-aged woman in the third row.

The woman's appearance is ugly, big five big three, she clutched the hand of a little boy next door.

The child looked four or five years old and leaned on the woman. No matter how bumpy the vehicle was, he never opened his eyes.

"It doesn't feel like it's asleep, it's like a coma."

Chen Ge took the last bus on the 104th bus for the first time. The situation in the car was not the same as what Xiao Gu said at the time. He did not see any high school students and soaked men in the car. The only thing that could match the number was That middle-aged woman.

"The child next to her is the child in the red raincoat?"

Chen Ge was not sure, because Xiao Gu's description about the child was different from that of the boy.

"Will this woman go to Dongjiao and kidnap another child?"

A little irritability flashed in my heart, Chen Ge stopped the electric car and went directly to the last row of the bus.

The couple hid far away, but did not expect Chen Ge to take the initiative to find them.

The two moved a little awkwardly, and their bodies were stuck together from beginning to end.

"In public, you two pay attention."

Chen Ge, as if he could not see the other empty seats, sat next to the man: "Brother, thank you just now."

The man was puzzled and smiled politely at Chen Ge.

When the distance was close, Chen Ge saw that the man had obvious burns under his neck, and the scary scars showed a clear contrast with his pure skin and handsome face.

This pair of men and women seemed to have met before, but that time they didn't seem to get in the car.

"What's the matter with the two of you? It was fine when you were on the platform. Why did the two of you quarrel as soon as the car entered the station?" Chen Ge asked casually.

"I want to move to Dongjiao. She is worried that she is not used to living there, so she quarrels." The man's voice was hoarse, as if his throat had been burned.

"Is there anything good in the eastern suburbs? It's more comfortable to live in the western suburbs. You haven't lived there. When you go, you will love it." Chen Ge looked at the passengers in the car, not too much. Too lax. The Desperate Hearse is a two-star trial task. The difficulty is similar to that of Muyang Middle School. Although there is no red clothing ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is still dangerous for Chen Ge.

"Xijiao?" There is no such option in the man's plan, but he is embarrassed to refute Chen Ge face to face, and he can only deal with it casually: "I will go and see if there is a chance."

"You absolutely won't regret it." Chen Ge smiled kindly: "I'm taking the liberty to ask, what kind of work did you two do before?"

Talking about his previous work, the man lowered his head slightly, but the woman next to him said: "He is my personal violin teacher, and my dad paid a high price from other provinces."

"Will you still play the violin?" Chen Ge's eyes brightened, this is a personal talent!

The man touched the woman and didn't want her to continue talking, but the woman seemed to remember something sad. She didn't let go of the man's hand.

Her nails had been dug into the man ’s flesh, but there was no blood oozing from the wound: "He is better at lying and cheating than playing the violin."

"What are you talking about?" The man's voice became severe. "I never deceived you. I just wanted you to give me more time."

The woman looked straight at the man's eyes, and after a moment she looked away: "It doesn't matter anymore. Now that we are finally together, no one can separate us."

Chen Ge listened patiently beside him. He liked this kind of life with stories.

The tortuous experience usually breeds different emotions, and strong emotions sometimes infect tourists.

Taking out his mobile phone, Chen Ge searched for Jiujiang's news in recent months, and the keywords were set to couples, burns, and soon he found one.

After the last investor in the Mingyang community committed suicide, his only daughter and the violin teacher died in a suicide in the Liwan shopping mall. The police once suspected that the company was murdered by other people in the company.

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