I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 539: People (four thousand)

After being watched by Chen Ge for a long time, the man tightened his collar dress and coughed lightly.

"Have we met before?"

His voice was cold and vicissitudes, and he seemed to care nothing about the outside world.

Chen Ge didn't expect the other party to speak suddenly, he paused a little, and then followed the man's words: "You are very much like a friend of mine, the temperament is almost the same, have we seen it somewhere?"

The man turned his head, and there was a trace of tiredness hidden in his eyes: "You may have mistaken."

"Impossible, I must have seen you somewhere." Chen Ge and the man only met for the first time. He said this just to chat with each other for a few more words, so as to obtain more useful information.

The man was silent for a while. He didn't think Chen Ge was lying. He hesitated again and again, raised his hands and took off the mask on his face.

With a high nose bridge, pale skin, and purple lips, the man coughed violently after removing the mask: "You confessed, I am not the person you are looking for."

After he finished, he put on his mask again, with a hint of emotion that others could not understand: "I have no friends."

This man is not afraid of Chen Ge. He is a passenger who got on the bus later, and he is a living person. He does n’t know what is hidden in Chen Ge ’s shadow. Perhaps in his eyes, Chen Ge and other passengers are not too big. different.

Chen Ge wanted to figure out what happened in the eastern suburbs, and wanted to bring all the ghosts on this hearse back to the haunted house, but what he expected was that there were two living passengers on the hearse tonight.

He did n’t want to reveal his secrets, and it was inconvenient to do something extraordinary in front of the two living people, so he temporarily changed his plan and first kept a low profile. After arriving at Liwan Town, after the two living passengers got off Have a good chat with other passengers.

Sitting honestly in the seat, Chen Ge looked away from the man and looked out the window.

The rain fell on the glass, and the buildings on both sides were already unclear. The surroundings were dark. The 104 hearse they were riding on was like an island floating on the black ocean.

The car suddenly fell silent, and the man found that Chen Ge hadn't spoken since he had finished talking to him, and thought he had said something wrong.

He put his hands on his knees and suddenly asked Chen Ge in a low voice: "Does he want to ride this car just to find your friend?"

Chen Ge's eyes gradually became focused, and the expression on his face began to change, just as if the man had guessed the secret in his heart, some uneasiness, some pain, and some self-blame.

Nodding slowly, Chen Ge looked at the man next to him: "How do you know?"

"The passengers in this car have their own stories and secrets, otherwise everyone will not come to take this bus after midnight."

"Listening to your tone, isn't this the first time you've been on this bus?" Chen Ge's mouth moved, showing the same smile as when he got on the bus, but there was a bit of deep depression in his eyes, which made people feel distressed when they saw it.

"I took the 104 bus when I was at work, and I sat for almost two decades." The man seemed to haven't talked to people for a long time, and the tone of his speech was very slow: "At that time, the department was busy, and there were not enough staff. I often work overtime, always Take the last bus home. At the beginning, I quite like the last bus. There are few people and it is quiet. However, after sitting more, looking at the black buildings on both sides, I feel a bit lonely. "

"Department? What did you do before?"

"Doctor, doctor in the burn department." The man emphasized the three words burn department in particular. There was a wave in his eyes, as if he remembered something.

"Burn Department?" Chen Ge had only dealt with a psychologist before, and he didn't know much about the burn department.

"Surgery, skin grafting, rehabilitation, this is our job." The man said lightly, but Chen Ge heard a trace of heavy behind these words.

The man also noticed the deep depression in Chen Ge's eyes. He seemed to see his shadow on Chen Ge and subconsciously regarded Chen Ge as the same person as him.

After a brief conversation, the two fell silent again, and Chen Ge spoke for a long time: "Are you also looking for someone in this car?"

The man nodded gently, and his gloved hands pressed against the scarf.

"Is your wife weaving this scarf for you?" Chen Ge asked when he found the right time, pretending to be casual.

Hearing Chen Ge's words, the man froze for a moment. He took his hand away from the scarf and slowly shook his head.

"Not from your wife?" The fact is not the same as Chen Ge's previous guess. He was a little curious: "Can you tell me your story?"

The rain was even heavier, and the rain hit the window continuously, making a constant noise.

The man pondered for a moment, took off the mask, and took a deep breath: "The patients in the burn department are not the same as other departments. They have no skin, no face, no burnt hair, and many skin defects. Here in us, they are everywhere. I came to **** until I slowly got used to the flesh and blood, the odor and all kinds of odors. "

"At that time, I thought that when I faced the patient, I would never have too much emotional ups and downs."

"Until I was thirty, I met a fourteen-year-old patient."

"She was a child, and her back was badly scalded by boiling water. It took me half an hour to separate her clothes from her skin."

"That girl is very quiet, neither crying nor making noise."

"In order to prevent the brain nerves of the child from being affected, I did not use general anesthesia. When I separated her clothes and skin, the child opened his eyes and looked at me."

"Her back and her face are two extremes. I comfort her like other patients."

"After the wound treatment, I found the adult who sent her to the hospital, and I was prepared to explain some precautions, but after asking, I found that it was the neighbor who sent her to the hospital. Her injury was not caused by an accident, but by her parents Dry. "

"I called the police." When the man spoke, he occasionally coughed a few times, and his physical condition was poor.

"The girl ’s father has a severe tendency to violence, and her mother is deaf and dumb, and her character is weak."

"The police detained and educated her father for a month, and then it was her mother who voluntarily ran to the police station for pleading. After all, the family expected the father to feed him."

"During the treatment of the girl, I have been with her. This child is like a small white wildflower blooming on the side of the road. Accompanying her also makes me accustomed to cruelty and smelly stench, I have felt for a long time A trace of happiness. "

"One day two months after she was discharged from the hospital, I suddenly received a strange call with her voice over there."

"Unable to endure her father's atrocities after being drunk, she ran away from home."

"I took her in, hiding the police and her family."

"I know I might have done something wrong, but I can't imagine what would happen to her when she was sent back at that time?"

Speaking of which, the man paused for a moment and saw that Chen Ge's expression did not change, so she continued to speak: "When she was twenty, she confessed to me."

"That year I was thirty-six years old, and there was no need to fall in love. In that year, we held a wedding with only two of us."

"I spent the happiest five years with her, and I was under unimaginable pressure."

"When I was forty-one, her parents found her, insulted, beaten, and went to the school, to the hospital where I was."

"Life changed in a moment, and the words were awesome. I could bear it, but she gave up."

"When I got home on the last bus that day, I called her several times, but no one answered."

"Open the door and go home, with the prepared meals on the table and a long letter she wrote to me."

"Finally I found her in the bathroom. Her body was soaked in water, and she was no longer breathing."

The man's face was scary, his coughing was getting worse, Chen Ge reached out and patted his back.

"Thank you." The man didn't put on a mask. The tiredness in his eyes could not be covered: "In fact, the passengers in this car have their own stories. Everyone is busy during the day, hiding their hearts. At night, these helpless and painful The desperate people will take this car to the terminal. "

From the man's words, he didn't seem to know that the other passengers were ghosts, or he already knew that, but he regarded ghosts as humans.

"Do you know anything else?"

"Too much, like the dumb man next to me. I have met him before." The man said with a hint of sympathy: "He is mentally impaired and can't speak. He works as a porter in a supermarket and is often bullied. , Smirking and saying that others are good. "

"Why did he get in this car? A simple-minded person should not be worried about dirty things." Chen Ge was puzzled.

"He went to the terminal to find his daughter." The man continued a little bit unbearably. "For some reason, someone found a bully outside the school to bully this daughter. The smoke scalded his palm, his hair was pulled off, and he was photographed in the surveillance. It's even more excessive. Her daughter hasn't said it, and finally couldn't stand it, and ended her life. "

"Campus bullying?" Chen Ge's eyes were gloomy. These things did happen, and he had also seen: "Has the police called? How did the police handle it?"

The man in the seat next to him is mentally impaired, physically uncoordinated, and usually falls when walking. It is very difficult for a person like him to defend his rights.

"Call the police?" The man cracked his mouth. "This father has a congenital mental defect and can't speak. He usually can't walk steadily. He confuses all the gangsters and culprits to an abandoned building in the eastern suburbs The building was then filled with gasoline and they were all burned with a fire. "

"He is in poor health, and his intelligence is still flawed. How does he do it all by himself?"

"The police don't understand, so the murderer has not been caught in this case yet."

The burn doctor and Chen Ge looked back at the man at the same time. He looked a little embarrassed and smirked at them.

"Using violence to suppress violence will have more problems left over afterwards. It is hard to withstand the pressures of revenge and murder because of the heart that has been injured and damaged. He may go from one extreme to the other." Chen Ge could not go Evaluate what the father did and think differently. If he is that father, he can't guarantee what he will do.

"Eye-to-eye, tooth-to-tooth, I think it's fair. Not to mention him, I have seen in this car more serious than him." The burn doctor said casually: "There was a heavy rain, I went A young man in a suit and leather suit was seen behind the car. He was dressed very smartly and looked different from other passengers, but who knows that this man is a complete lunatic. "

"What has he done?"

"The young man was a wedding host. After a few years in the business, he hosted hundreds of weddings. When he finally got married, he got married in a suit and leather shoes, but had a car accident on the way back."

"The bride was not rescued. Although his life was saved, he was disfigured."

"The wedding company dismissed him. Later, he switched to a funeral designer. When someone found him, he helped him design the funeral, and when there was no one, he guarded the cemetery."

"These are all quite normal, but then he accidentally revealed a message during the conversation."

"In the middle of the night ~ www.readwn.com ~ He will pull the **** to the corpses, match the nuptial marriage, and then go to host himself."

The man said a little scary: "He got on the car to find his wife, and then he was going to make another special wedding by then."

After listening to the stories of burn doctors, intellectually deficient fathers and funeral designers, Chen Ge found that the last bus of the 104th bus was not the same as what he had previously thought. People ride it to find the last hint.

Chen Ge did not know how to tell the burn doctor that everyone regarded this bus as the last hope, but they were doomed not to succeed, because the terminal of this bus was composed of the deepest despair and pain.

Chen Ge even suspected that the reason why the black hands behind Dongjiao would make such a bus was to collect despair and all kinds of negative emotions.

"The Talking Society kept making Talks for despair and negative emotions. The ghosts in the door needed these things. In addition, only people who are desperate and suffering and controlled by negative emotions can become containers for ghosts."

There were ghosts on the last bus, they came to the terminal with the last hint of hope, but I am afraid that they will be greeted by another endless world of despair.

"I can't let this happen again, it seems that I can only drive this car away, maybe I can get a new route to the haunted house."

These abnormal living passengers in the car reminded Chen Ge of the game played at Fan Cong's house.

In that game, there were not only ghosts and red clothes, but also a lot of perverted murderers. Chen Ge now doubts that those murderers were the living passengers on the 104 bus.

"The whole town is full of fierce ghosts and murderers. The behind-the-scenes hands in the eastern suburbs are much more crazy than the weird talk association."

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