I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 540: Have you heard of the Guai Tan Association? (Thanks to Baiyin Meng of Huanyu ...

After listening to the burn doctor, Chen Ge realized that the passengers on the hearse had their own indescribable past. They had secrets in their hearts, and they drove to the terminal in the middle of the night, also for the hopeless hope.

This is a group of poor people, Chen Ge is thinking about whether to tell them the truth.

Not to mention, they may still have a glimmer of hope and work hard to survive.

Having said that, these passengers are very likely to collapse due to the loss of their last sustenance.

"The terminal of the hearse is Liwan Town, which is a place influenced by the world behind the door, full of despair and evil, all their efforts are doomed in vain. I cannot watch them sink deeper and deeper, so many people should pay Be kind to life. "

Just telling them the truth will only make them collapse, but if they are given new hope at this time, it is another situation.

Thinking for a long time, Chen Ge decided to help them in his own way.

"What are you thinking?" The burn doctor asked Chen Ge when he suddenly started dumbfounded and asked softly.

Chen Ge didn't reply, his brain was running fast, and within a few seconds the stories of Wang Qi, Xu Yin, and Dr. Gao emerged. Those things they experienced, they could just take out one of them and fool them.

"It's okay to say it inconveniently. Maybe we will meet in this car again in the future." The man glanced at Chen Ge and his lips moved slightly: "Are you taking this bus for the first time?"

"Yes." Chen Ge nodded.

The burn doctor moved to Chen Ge again, and his voice fell to the lowest level: "After waiting for the place, if someone asks you to choose between giving and taking, you remember, you must choose to take."

"What do you mean?" Chen Ge was keenly aware of what was wrong: "I want to find my friend, I still need to pay and bear something? Brother, what is the terminal?"

The doctor slowly turned his head, looked around, and then spoke: "There is a haunted building in that town. In the building, you can hear the voices of the people you want to see. If you want to find them, you have to pay some price. . "

Chen Ge took the doctor's words in his heart, and the other party revealed a very important clue-there is a haunted building in Liwan Town.

He also lowered his voice: "Brother, I just want to see my friends. Do I have to pay a price to meet each other?"

"There is no one-sided access in the world. If you want to see your friend, you have to bear something or pay a certain price." The doctor himself seems to have no bad eyes, he took off his gloves and lightly sleeved Lifted it, and tied a red line on his thin arm: "This is used to ward off evil spirits. Every time I enter the Minglou, I choose to bear it. When I come out of the Minglou, I always feel that my shoulders are very heavy. It's as if something is lying on my back and coming out with me. "

Chen Ge knew what the man meant to bear. No wonder the doctor exuded a chill and was very weak. Then the hands behind the scenes used these desperate poor people to raise ghosts and used them as containers for ghosts.

This is basically similar to those of the members of the Talking Association, but there are differences. These passengers do not know that their body has become a ghost ’s home, and their emotions have become a ghost ’s food. This makes it easier to control.

"What does it mean to pay? Why didn't you let me choose this?"

"The stupid father next door chose to give. At first, you only need to pay for nails and hair, but the more terrible things you have to pay in the future, such as teeth, fingers, your conscience, and the beauty of human nature. The side of the doctor. "The doctor's voice was very low. If it wasn't for Chen Ge's ability to have ghost ears, he had good hearing and could not hear clearly.

"Can a conscience pay?"

"It will let you go to the town to do some things, such as stealing things, snatching, or even killing certain things. After you choose to pay, you will find yourself less and less like yourself." The doctor saw Chen Ge or a pair Curious, he didn't seem to be afraid at all, and he was too lazy to explain more: "You only need to remember that all the people who chose to pay, after giving everything, never walked out of the building."

"Is this a sacrifice for myself?" Without conscience, humanity and memory, they have long been lost in the process of continuous giving.

Chen Ge feels that these people mentioned by the doctor are very similar to those of the murderers in the game, full of maliciousness, extremely aggressive and very dangerous.

"If the small town in the game represents the world behind the door of Liwan Town, those who choose to pay are likely to be sent into the door in the end."

The person who chose the sustenance became a container for ghosts behind the door and was slowly eroded; the person who chose to pay became the monster of the world inside the door.

Chen Ge compared the acting styles of the Talking Association and the behind-the-scenes hands of Dongjiao. The Talking Association is for people to manipulate ghosts and study how to control the "door", but the situation in Dongjiao is completely reversed. The ghost manipulates people, and then continuously feeds the "nutrients" to the "doors", making the doors that are out of control more difficult to close.

If Dr. Gao is the person who has reached the extreme of reason and madness, the behind-the-scenes hands of the eastern suburbs are completely hysterical ghosts ~ www.readwn.com ~ Thoroughly distorted.

"This is really a terrible opponent." Chen Ge had a lot of things by talking to the doctor, and he slowly calmed down: "A shadow in the water plant can deal with Zhang Ya, who has not healed, that shadow Is it really the existence above the red clothes? "

Chen Ge used to run away when he saw the red clothes, and it was not much nonsense. Now that Xu Yin and Bai Qiulin are growing step by step, he finally overcomes his fear of red clothes, but then something more weird appears. .

He could n’t determine the strength of the other party. Considering that his parents were missing in the eastern suburbs, Chen Ge suddenly felt a little wrong. He looked at the battery car in the middle of the bus aisle and whispered in his mouth: "Is it too late A little high-profile? "

The red raincoat is also a red one, but still knowing that his child may be in the car, he still dare not take a step in the hearse, which also reflects the horror of the black hand behind the scenes from the side.

"If you can scare the red clothes like this, I will recalculate the strength of the opponent."

Chen Ge whispered in his seat alone. The burn doctor next to him thought he was frightened by what he said. He comforted softly: "As long as you choose to bear, it will be fine. Before you can't bear it, you may have hope. See her. "

The doctor ’s wish was very simple, Chen Ge did not want to see the other party and stepped into the abyss step by step. He decided to redeem these people by his own way: "In fact, I also know another way to see them, and I do n’t need to Pay such a heavy price. "

"What method?" The doctor raised his eyebrows gently, very interested in what Chen Ge said.

Turning his head to look directly at the doctor, Chen Ge said, "Have you heard of the Talking Association?"

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