I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 541: Give me that child

"What is that?" The burn doctor frowned and listened to the name. He felt that the association was not very friendly.

"A mutual aid association formed by everyone spontaneously, the members inside are like ours and have their own stories." Chen Ge originally wanted to say about the mental patient mutual aid association, but he was afraid of giving a bad first impression and temporarily changed it. mouth.

"I'm not used to staying in places where there are many people." Various rumours have killed people I love deeply. Since then, the doctor has been reluctant to communicate with people. The reason why he would say so to Chen Ge in the car this time Mostly, it is because he is predominant, and feels that the people in this car have suffered even more miserable than him.

The doctor politely refused, and Chen Ge did not force it. After all, anyone who heard of such a strange association would wait and see.

"If one day, you really can't carry it, but you want to see your wife, you can call me." Chen Ge left his mobile phone number to the doctor.

The doctor felt a little strange, but he still wrote down Chen Ge's phone number.

"Brother, you just said that there is a haunted building in Liwan Town, can you tell me more specifically?" Chen Ge also wanted to get more clues from the doctor. This is also helping the doctor himself, so Chen Ge felt at ease.

"That building needs to enter the town to find it by itself, sometimes ..." The doctor said halfway, the 104 bus suddenly came to a sudden brake, all passengers leaned forward, and his words were interrupted.

The battery car swayed and leaned to the side, hitting a woman in a sick suit with her head down.

The black hair completely covered her face, and her facial features could not be seen. After the battery car touched her body, she still maintained her posture and remained motionless.

"Don't you hurt you?" Chen Ge quickly lifted the battery car. He looked at the four women in sick clothes sitting in the center of the bus, sideways, and squatted slowly.

He wanted to look at the faces of the four women to determine their identity.

Holding the electric car in one hand and the seat back in the other, Chen Ge had adjusted the angle, but still couldn't see the woman's face. The four female patients seemed to be covered with hair all over the back and front.

However, Chen Ge was not fruitless. He saw the name of the female patient who had been taken to the hospital.

It's four words, but the first word is unclear, the next three words are-Xin Hospital.

Chen Ge had roughly passed through the local hospitals in Jiujiang, compared with the famous Central Hospital, People's Hospital and Jiujiang Maternity and Child Health Hospital. He had never heard of a hospital with a heart in his name.

"How did they get out of the hospital at night?"

The four female patients are definitely not living people. When Chen Ge approached them, his hair was instinctively erected. He was already familiar with it, and even got used to it.

"Four ghosts are sitting together. Why do they go to Liwan Town?"

The reason why the living people went to Liwan Town has been figured out, but the reason why the dead people went to Liwan Town is still not very clear.

"I have stretched my face next to her hair. How come these few haven't responded? It doesn't matter how much I look at it." Ghosts are different from living people. In order to rest assured that they live in horror scenes.

When Chen Ge wanted to find more information from the four female patients, the car broadcast sounded, and a new station arrived.

The door opened, the rain was blown into the car by cold wind, and landed on Chen Ge's back.

"It's so big? The weather forecast is too ridiculous, right?" Chen Ge turned around. He looked at the platform outside the car door. His eyes couldn't be removed with just one glance.

The rain was pouring and a woman wearing a red raincoat stood alone in the middle of the station.

The rain slipped down her brim and wet her hair.

"It was you who called me that day?" Chen Ge stood in the car and looked at the woman outside the car.

Hearing this familiar voice, the red raincoat's drooping head slowly lifted up, and a pair of weird eyes looked at Chen Ge through the slit of his long hair.

"I promised to help you find your child within a week, so I risked my life to get on this hearse and promised you that I have not forgotten." Chen Ge's voice was convincing.

The look in the red raincoat looking at Chen Ge is not the same as the look in Xiao Gu. She stayed in place and did not take a step forward.

The sound of the car sounded, and the driver Tang Jun watched Chen Ge and the red raincoat standing outside the door communicating through the rearview mirror. He sweated and couldn't stop going out. He pressed the switch to prepare to close the back door and hurried to the next stop.

"and many more!"

When the rear door was about to close, Chen Ge stuck his backpack in the middle of the door: "I still have something to do."

"This ... not very good, bus, everyone sits together, can't let others wait for you?" The driver was very worried about what Chen Ge did, and he felt panic as soon as he heard Chen Ge's voice .

"Do you still know that it is a bus? Why didn't you let me get on the bus before?" Chen Ge walked towards the front of the car. He didn't continue to embarrass the driver, but stopped next to the middle-aged woman.

At this moment, the whole car looked at Chen Ge, I don't know what he was going to do ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you have anything? "The strong middle-aged woman moved towards the seat, and her voice didn't feel lower.

Chen Ge didn't talk nonsense with her, he wasn't the kind of ink character. Since the red raincoat had already appeared, there was no need to drag on her child again.

"Is this boy next to you a child?" Chen Ge rarely spoke in this tone, without any emotion, and it made people scared.

"Yes, yeah." The middle-aged woman stood in front of Chen Ge and the boy, preventing Chen Ge from approaching the child.

"I'll ask you again, is this your child." Under the astonishment of the whole car, Chen Ge took out the broken skull hammer from his backpack.

The middle-aged woman looked at the driver and the passenger next to him with help, but no one dared to speak.

She opened her mouth wide and hesitated for a long time before saying, "This is a child of my relative's family. They are all working in Jiujiang and usually busy. I will take the children."

"Is it a child of your relative's house again?" Chen Ge shook his broken skull hammer: "Wake up this child, I have a few questions to ask him."

The movement was very noisy, but the child had been sleeping, showing no signs of waking up.

The middle-aged woman looked sullen and pushed the child a few times, but the boy did not react.

"This child sleeps to death ..."

"Did you sleep more? Or what medicine did you give him?" Chen Ge clenched the broken skull hammer with one hand: "Let me see the kid."

The panicked face of the middle-aged woman slowly lowered, and her expression was changing.

She seemed to know that she could not escape the disaster, and she reached into her pocket and prepared to get something out.

"Xu Yin!"

Chen Ge didn't give the other party a chance. When he noticed that the woman's look was wrong, she directly shouted Xu Yin.

"I will say it one last time and give me that child!"

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