I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 542: Come with me

The carriage on the 104th road became colder and more depressed, and there seemed to be something standing beside Chen Ge, and it was not clear.

The middle-aged woman slowly took her hand out of her pocket, her body trembling.

No more nonsense by Chen Ge, she took the initiative to put the child in the seat outside.

Chen Ge hugged the boy in his seat. There was temperature and he could clearly feel the beating of the heart. The child was a living person.

"Why do middle-aged women take their children to the eastern suburbs? Do they think their children are more likely to become doormen?"

Chen Ge has seen a lot of tragedies in the eastern suburbs, and the protagonists of these tragedies are children. For this situation, Chen Ge still can't understand the reason for the time being.

Coming to the back door of the bus, Chen Ge did not get off, nor did he give the child a red raincoat directly.

He once heard Fan Cong said that there was an ending when playing that game, it was Xiao Bu who was taken away by the red raincoat.

The red raincoat should not be Xiaobu's mother, but in the end she was taken away. She might have used Xiaobu as a substitute for her own children.

For this ending, Chen Ge doesn't know whether it is good or bad. Compared with death, it must be a good ending, but this is not fair to Xiao Bu himself.

At this time, the situation he faced was similar to the situation in the game. The boy was unconscious in the car, and no one knew if he was a child in a red raincoat.

If he is hurriedly handed over to the red raincoat, the red raincoat will probably not refuse, and may even use this boy as a substitute.

Gently straightening the boy's face, Chen Ge said to the red raincoat in the heavy rain outside the car: "Is he your child?"

The red raincoat's eyes softened a lot. She didn't answer Chen Ge's question, but took a step forward.

"It seems he is not." Chen Ge has been staring at the red raincoat, a mother who is waiting at the bus stop in the rain, and she will never be so calm after seeing her lost child.

Chen Ge took a step back and put the child in the seat beside him.

Seeing Chen Ge put the child aside in the red raincoat, a deep voice uttered from her mouth stitched with bloodshot eyes. The softness in her eyes disappeared instantly, and the bloodshot eyes spewed out from the bottom of her eyes.

"I only promised to help you find the children, but I didn't say that I would give you the children from other people's homes." A month ago, I lent Chen Ge a few guts, and he didn't dare to talk to the red dress like that in front of him.

But now it is different. He is standing on the hearse, and Xu Yin is beside him. Although Zhang Ya is injured, he has not fallen into a deep sleep and can wake up at any time. This is his confidence.

"You look a little unhappy?" Chen Ge leaned on the cranial hammer, glancing up and down the red raincoat: "I'm curious, you know that your child may be in this car, why don't you come up and check it? What are you afraid of? "

The sewn mouth could not make a sound, and as soon as his lips moved, the red blood on it began to twist.

The red raincoat was emotional and could see her pain and anger.

"You have been on the bus station platform, looking for your child, are you scattered at the station? You are injured, after the child is lost, what happened to you in the process of looking for him?"

Chen Ge's words reminded the red raincoat of what happened in the past. A painful memory flashed across her head. The rain washed on her, and it became blood when she fell to the ground.

During the rainy night, the woman stood alone at the station, and the blood stains under her feet slowly spread.

The blood vessels on the pale face bulged outwards, and the woman lifted her face. She wanted to open her mouth. The blood on her lips was stretched a little.

Her face was distorted and horrified, and she walked towards Chen Ge step by step.

Standing at the door of the car, Chen Gehu stood in front of the boy and quietly looked at the red raincoat: "You are afraid, I can see the fear in your heart, you don't want to get in this car, you dare not, you are in Worried about the real owner of this car, right? "

A living person so calmly told the fear in the red clothes, which in the eyes of other ghost passengers is a very terrible thing.

The red raincoat finally stopped at the door of the car. She knew that the car belonged to something that existed, and stepping on the car was tantamount to violating the other's taboo.

"Your child is missing in this car, but you have no courage to set foot in this car because of some taboos. How do you find your child like this?" Chen Ge watched the passengers in the car Next, put your hand in front of the red raincoat: "Get in the car, let's find together."

The blood slipped from the raincoat soaked the platform, and the red raincoat stopped at the entrance of the No. 104 Spirit Car with a painful expression.

She is in the red clothes of the eastern suburbs. At this time, getting on the car is equivalent to breaking a certain agreement with other ghosts and going to their opposites.

Chen Ge saw the uneasiness and pain in the red raincoat. He took a step forward and put his hand gently on the shoulder of the red raincoat.

The rain drenched his clothes, but as if he didn't notice it, he looked straight at the eyes of the red raincoat: "Don't hesitate anymore, I believe that when your child wakes up from a nightmare, he must also wish himself The first person you see when you open your eyes is you. "

The driver in the driver's seat stared at the rear door through the rearview mirror. When he saw Chen Ge confronting the red dress outside the station, his heart thumped.

His feet had been put on the throttle. Once the two sides fought, as soon as Chen Ge left the bus, he would speed up to escape from this place, but then the development of the matter was not the same as he thought.

The red raincoat, which was about to get out of control, calmed down again. She raised a hand and reached out into the car, something that had never happened.

The red raincoat had been outside the car door before, and never even touched the 104 road hearse.

"Another one?"

The driver's throat is trembling, and he feels that the life of the entire car is in his hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ is under great pressure.

Under Chen Ge's persuasion, the red raincoat finally made a decision, but just as her hand reached into the 104 hearse, the children cried suddenly on both sides of the road.

Hearing this sound, the red raincoat seemed to think of something extremely horrible. The hand that had been stretched out was immediately taken back. She looked at Chen Ge with bloodshot eyes. After staying for a few seconds, she turned and left the station.

"what happened?"

The door was closed and the 104 hearse headed towards the front. Chen Ge looked at the empty platform, a little puzzled.

He walked next to the driver's seat with a broken skull hammer. Before he could speak, the driver quickly explained: "I don't know anything, I just drive the night bus, really!"

The driver said so, Chen Ge is not good to continue to ask, he put the broken skull hammer back into the backpack, hugged the boy, and sat down next to the doctor.

"It's not completely unrewarding, at least the relationship with the red raincoat is much closer." Chen Ge turned his head and saw the burn doctor staring at his backpack staringly, it seemed that he hadn't eased from that incident. God comes.

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