I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 543: Disappeared platform

"In the middle of the night, I went out alone. I must bring something to defend myself. What if I was in danger?" Chen Ge gave his reasons.

"It makes sense." The burn doctor hesitated and asked again: "You just said that ... the members of the blame society are all the same as you?"

"Compared to them, I'm a little more sensible."

"Are you more rational?" The doctor coughed a few times, and his body was already very weak.

"Well, when you have time, you can call me, and we will have a good chat." Chen Ge feels that he and the burn doctor have a good chat, and it seems that he is also interested in him .

Bus No. 104 traveled through the heavy rain, and soon drove to the next stop. Chen Ge got up and looked out, and did not see the red raincoat.

"Where did she go? Did you have any trouble? The child's cry came from the roadside at the last stop. I heard this sound in the Dongjiao Waterworks before, did the shadow appear again?"

When the shadow appeared at the time, Men Nan and Xu Yin appeared to block Chen Ge at the same time, which shows that the ordinary red dress is not an opponent of that thing at all.

"That old lady wouldn't be in trouble?" Chen Ge worried about the red raincoat, and then thought of herself again: "The 104 hearse connects the eastern suburbs and the western suburbs, bringing together the desperate people in the city. The red raincoat only It just broke the rules and caused an anomaly. If I drive away the No. 104 hearse, will the black hand behind Dongjiao show up directly? "

After thinking for a while, Chen Ge thought it was unlikely: "The real body of the black hand behind the scenes may be doing a very important thing, so he will use the shadow to lay out. But there is another possibility, the shadow itself is Behind the scenes, it has no body, or the body is seriously damaged. Everything it does now is to repair the body. "

Chen Ge did not dare to gamble casually, he decided to drive away the hearse first to test the other party's reaction.

"Even if it exists above the red dress, I am afraid that it would not dare to come to the western suburbs to find me casually? The big deal will be to stay in the horror house, and wait until Zhang Ya's hand is cured, and then find a way."

Chen Ge has always been a very optimistic person, and only with such a personality can he stick to his heart in such a complex environment.

The bus went through several stops and finally came to the last stop on the route map, Liwan Town.

The station is just across the road on the west side of the town.

Chen Ge was surprised to see that the red raincoat appeared again when the vehicle stopped, but she looked rather embarrassed and seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle.

The No. 104 hearse stayed at the last stop for three minutes, but none of the passengers got off.

Three minutes later, the last bus under the watch of the red raincoat drove into Liwan Town.

The scene in front of me was exactly the same as Chen Ge saw in the game. Xiaobu also got on the last bus after getting rid of the pull of the red raincoat, and then entered Liwan Town.

The blurry buildings gradually became clear, and the last bus drove on the deserted road. The entire town seemed to be uninhabited, with no lights and no sound.

"The site is over. Where are you going to drive?" Chen Ge carried the backpack to the driver.

Now as soon as he heard Chen Ge's voice, the driver was frightened: "The terminal is in the town, and it hasn't arrived yet."

He thought about driving the car to the station and sending Chen Ge off.

But the strange thing is that he hasn't found a stop sign for a long time in the town.

"Are you lost?"

Speaking of Chen Ge's poor tone, the driver began to explain with a bitter face: "I didn't lie to you, there was a stop sign in this place, which is the terminal, but today the stop sign suddenly disappeared.

The driver pointed to an open space next to the fork: "You said that I lied to you, what good is it for me? I also want to get you off quickly, but we have regulations, we can only stop at the station, otherwise it will be bad Thing. "

"Without a station, do you keep going around like this?" The doctor in the Burns Department stood up. He hadn't made a sound before, just because those things had nothing to do with him. Now he can't find the stop sign and the car doesn't stop. Way to go to Minglou to listen to his wife's voice.

"I want to park more than any of you! But you can't stop without a stop sign. If you stop, you will get something special." The driver turned the head of the car: "Now I can think of a way to go back to the last stop, where Parking, if you still want to enter Liwan Town, come in yourself. "

The driver gave Chen Ge a sneak peek when he was talking. He was very worried about Chen Ge's different opinions. Facts proved that his worry was justified.

"Just stop here." Chen Ge pointed to the open space next to the fork. In the game, the bus that Xiaobu took was parked here.

Everything is in line with the game, except for the place where there should be a stop sign has become an empty space.

As soon as Chen Ge spoke, the driver didn't even struggle. He honestly parked the car on the open ground: "The terminal has arrived, please get off the bus, I can't stop here for too long."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Ge very politely, his mouth gently raised, showing a relieved smile: "Wish you a happy journey."

"Thank you." Chen Ge carried the bag and looked at the driver: "Since it's here, let's get off together."

"Together?" The driver's smile froze in his face: "My task is to send you safely, and I will drive away when I have to leave, so I won't accompany you."

"Let's put the car here first, don't worry." If there were no living people on the car, Chen Ge had already pulled out the comic book, called out all the employees, and started directly.

Seeing Chen Ge's attitude is resolute ~ www.readwn.com ~ The driver has no choice but to sigh in his heart that he is unlucky.

He thought that it would be better to survive this meeting, and he would not anger Chen Ge.

"That line, I'll go down with you." After the driver said the switch, the front and rear doors of the last bus 104 opened simultaneously.

Just at the moment when the door opened, the four female patients wearing sick suits and bowing their heads, without any abnormalities along the way, suddenly rushed out of the back door as fast as crazy.

Chen Ge was standing next to the driver's seat in the front of the car, and when he responded, the four ghosts had disappeared on the street, and I didn't know which building he got into.

At this time, it must be impossible to catch up, but Chen Ge did not care too much: "Run, I already know the name of your hospital, and the monk can't run the temple."

He and Xu Yin guarded the front and rear doors respectively. To prevent accidents from happening again, Chen Ge asked the mentally deficient man and burn doctor to get out of the car and then closed the door.

"Don't be nervous, there are many opportunities for everyone to meet in the future."

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