I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 544: Driver ghost story

After the living people in the car left, Chen Ge took out the comic book and summoned an employee. Without explaining more, he went directly to the last row of the car.

There was a lot of "people" in the dark, and the couple was terrified. They were countless. They didn't expect that they had already done so, and they would also encounter carjacking.

"It's very dangerous here, please follow me for the time being."

Chen Ge didn't ask the couple's opinions and asked Yan Danian to include them both in the comic book.

The couple is just a little bit more obsessive, similar to Lao Zhou and Duan Yue, so Chen Ge is not worried that they will make trouble.

After dealing with the couple's affairs, Chen Ge took the staff to surround the hearse driver Tang Jun.

"Speak, why don't you let me get in when you are at the station?"

The driver did not expect Chen Ge to be so vengeful, and refused to let him go at the terminal.

The five senses huddled together, the driver felt the pressure from all around, and said timidly: "Red clothes can't get on the car, this car can only be used by desperate people and obsessions."

"You know I have a red dress on me?" Chen Ge glanced at the driver, not entangled in this issue too much: "Who asked you to drive this last bus?"

"I don't know." The driver carefully answered Chen Ge's question. He had never seen this battle. Without Chen Ge asking more, he said everything directly: "I am a bus driver. The last bus on the 104th bus. There are a lot of horror legends about this last bus in our company, saying that this car will always encounter a variety of strange things. As a result, many old people are reluctant to drive, and in the end, the leader has no way to say that the last bus on the 104th bus Drivers pay 300 yuan more per month. I am more courageous, so I became the driver of the last bus. "

"What did you encounter later?" Chen Ge stared at the driver's face, and the other party should not have lied.

"The bus line 104 is very long, crossing Jiujiang, connecting the eastern suburbs and the western suburbs. When I first opened, the teacher who worked the shift secretly said a few words to me." The driver looked at Chen Ge's face. At this moment, he regretted more: "When he told me to open the night bus, no matter if there was anyone in the car, he had to open the doors of the front and rear cars and stopped for a while when passing the station. He also said that he should never be outside the station. You ca n’t park at a certain site for more than three minutes. The last and most important one is that when it rains, you must not drive too fast, the slower the better. "

There was more and more sweat on the driver's forehead. He kept wiping with a towel on his shoulder, but it didn't help. After a while, Chen Ge realized that it was not sweat but water.

As the conversation deepened, the driver's complexion became worse and worse, and his exposed skin was slightly puffy, as if immersed in water for a long time.

"I remember the words of the teacher. In the first few weeks, I also strictly followed his instructions. No matter who is nobody, I will open the door and stay at the station for a while."

"Until a month later, there was heavy rain that day. After entering the eastern suburbs, there were no passengers in the car."

"I'm the only one in the whole car. In the first few stops, I will open the door and stop for a while according to the master's request. But I thought later that there was no one in the car and the station was empty. What should I do to open and close the door? It ’s just a waste of time. "

"That day was similar to today. The rain was getting heavier, and I was in a hurry to get home from work early, so all the stations in the back, as long as I saw no passengers in the station, I would drive directly."

"As a result, when I drove to the station behind the water plant, I suddenly heard someone talking in the car, and I didn't hear anything specifically, as if it was stopping me."

"The black lights were blind outside. Besides, I haven't stopped it before I got to the site."

"I drove forward for a while, and I suddenly realized that it was wrong. There were no passengers in my car! Where did the sound come from?"

The driver said that his shoulders began to tremble. He lowered his head, grasped his hair with both hands, and the "sweat" that oozed from his forehead slid down his cheek: "I feel like my whole body is frozen. , And then found that there was a man standing behind me, his skin was blistering and his eyes were almost bulging. "

The driver's face slowly raised, his skin pale and his eyes protruding, similar to his own description.

"I panicked the steering wheel in a panic, and then the car was planted into the river." The driver was also gifted with storytelling. After finishing this in one breath, he peeked at Chen Ge and saw that Chen Ge didn't mean to do anything. I continued to say: "I watched myself sinking into the river, but I didn't know how long it took. When I opened my eyes, I found myself still in the last bus of the 104th bus, with a shadow standing next to it, it told me Say, as long as I can carry a thousand passengers, I can regain my freedom. "

"Shadow? Describe his body outline and tone of speech."

"The shadow is the same as my body shape. It's like my own shadow came alive. I can't describe his voice, or after hearing it, I will forget it in a blink of an eye."

Looking at the driver's expression and tone of speech, he should not have lied: "This ghost is really watertight, and it is more difficult to deal with than all the ghosts I have seen before."

"If you want to investigate the shadow, I can also provide you with a message." The driver's entire face looks swollen and scary, and he has removed the disguise: "However, you have to promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

"Let me leave ~ www.readwn.com ~ The driver looked forward to Chen Ge:" After I had an accident, the family must be very worried. I want to go back and take a look. "

"I will be able to go back with you at that time. What other wishes do you have? Say it all, and I will try my best to help you realize it." Chen Ge's attitude has eased a lot. He has treated the driver as his own.

"You go home with me?" The driver couldn't guess Chen Ge's true thoughts at all. He felt that the terrifying guy in front of him might start his family.

After struggling for a long time, the driver sighed and gave up struggling: "I once asked the shadow why all the passengers were sent to Liwan Town. It said that he had raised something in Liwan Town and needed to inject pain and despair."

"Make an out-of-control door and send the whole Jiujiang desperate and suffering people to this place, just to cultivate something?" Chen Ge remembered the driver's words, he asked a few more questions, and then took the driver away. Into the comic book.

The passengers on the No. 104 hearse are now left alone with a middle-aged woman. She witnessed Chen Ge's previous "atrocity" and was very scared at this time.

"Don't delay the time, say everything you know."

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