I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 545: Unlock new trial missions!

The middle-aged woman watched the passengers disappear one by one, and the uneasiness in her heart reached the extreme.

"I'm just responsible for sending the children to Liwan Town, I don't know anything else!"

"I don't know? Then I don't have to keep you anymore." Chen Ge said Xu Yin and other haunted house staff around him.

The woman screamed, her ugly face began to change, and her facial features were grim.

The seemingly earthy clothes also bleed continuously, mottling and mottled, all of the children's handprints.

"Let me get off!"

The voice was hoarse and horrible, the woman's bones made a brittle sound, and her body seemed to be much taller.

Looking at the changes in the woman, Chen Ge and the surrounding staff were very calm, like standing outside the cage and watching the beasts inside roaring.

"It's okay to get off the bus, but you have to tell me first, where did those children go?" Chen Ge promised that the red raincoat would help her find the child within a week, and now it has been three days.

The woman seemed to be unable to hear Chen Ge's voice, and her face became more and more dire.

Interestingly, Chen Ge also seems to be completely unable to see the changes that appear in the woman, and his voice is stable without any trace of fluctuation: "Are these children stolen from you?"

He pointed to the still-sleeping boy and looked at the tender face.

The woman seems to realize that Chen Ge is the backbone of all the ghosts, and just now Chen Ge put the broken skull hammer into her backpack, and her hands are empty.

She no longer hesitated, staring at Chen Ge's neck with a grudge, and then threw it!

The blood stains on the coat, Chen Ge looked at the woman who rushed to herself, and did not even have a symbolic evasion: "Half-length red dress, it seems that you are the most powerful in this two-star trial mission."

The woman halted forcibly, and her body froze completely because of fear.

Somehow, there was an extra person between her and Chen Ge.

The red clothes are **** and don't need Chen Ge to say more, Xu Yin has blocked him.

"The last bus on Route 104 is a two-star horror scene. The most powerful combat force in this scene is the half-length red dress. So think of it, there should be a presence in Muyang Middle School that can match the half-length red dress." After speculating that the other party might be a half-length red dress, Chen Ge was more excited.

After letting Xu Yin control the woman, Chen Ge did not kill her directly. He was ready to hand this woman over to the red raincoat.

"The grievances have the head, the debts have the owner, and you pay back each time."

The woman didn't know what Chen Ge was thinking inside. She just looked at the smile on Chen Ge's face and felt very "sullen."

Putting other employees in the comic book, Chen Ge picked up the unconscious boy and walked down the 104th bus.

When his feet were on the ground, the black phone vibrated slightly.

"Even if the task is completed?" Chen Ge looked back at the last bus. The whole car was empty. At the end of the task, he turned out to be the last one to get off.

"My current strength should be able to start more difficult tasks." Chen Ge clearly felt his changes. For him a few months ago, the two-star horror scene was to find a trace of vitality in the desperate situation, trembling, always at any time. May be killed. Looking at it now, the situation is completely different.

"It seems that my hard work during this time has also paid off." Chen Ge swiped the screen of the phone and clicked on the new message on the black phone.

"Lucky Li Gui caregiver! Congratulations on completing the two-star trial mission Desperate Hear!"

"The mission completion rate is 100%! Get the hidden prop reward 104 last bus!"

"The last bus on route 104 (a hearse symbolizing an unknown and disaster, there have been many accidents, and you can only go on the road in the early hours of rainy nights)."

"Attention! Now you have two options!"

"One: Unlock the two-star horror scene deadly spirit car in the trembling maze. After selecting this option, the hearse will never be able to leave the trembling maze!"

"Two: Keep the hearse. The vehicle can only be driven on the road after rainy nights. When passing the station, there is a possibility of attracting special passengers."

After reading the information, Chen Ge chose the second option without hesitation. There will be many horror scenes in the future, but there is only one hearse, and its special ability is very appetizing for Chen Ge.

There is a certain probability of attracting special passengers. After such passengers board the last bus of Chen Ge ’s 104th route, I am afraid that they will never be able to get off again.

After confirming the choice, the black phone vibrated again.

"The two-star trial mission Deadly Spirit Car has been completed, and the nightmare city will start a new trial mission!"

"Unlockable horror scenes increase!"

"Twin water ghosts (sister tied the stone to my leg, the body was sinking, I saw a lot of dark water plants in the reservoir, screaming index two stars)."

"Ghost fire burning buildings (the neighbors always heard strange noises, the house is clearly unoccupied, screaming index Samsung)."

"Deep in the tunnel (what is inside the tunnel? Screaming index Samsung)."

"Liwan Ghost Town (Mom, this is Xiaobu ... the screaming index is three and a half)."

"Birth tire (I will definitely be you one day! The screaming index is four stars)."

"The curse game of Xinhai Central Hospital (in the abandoned hospital, there is such a vicious game about curse and death! The screaming index is four stars, you need to complete the pre-quests to start)."

The black mobile phone has been updated with six new trial tasks, of which the lowest difficulty is also the two stars. What makes Chen Ge frown is that the only two-star trial task seems to be carried out in water.

He can swim himself, but it is inconvenient in the water after all: "The mission information is called twin water ghosts, and there should be more than one enemy. The description of this mission is quite weird," I "saw many black water plants in the reservoir. Is it water plants, or the dead man's hair? "

The task is obviously more difficult. The two newly unlocked Samsung scenes, the ghost fire burning building, is the first time he heard ~ www.readwn.com ~ that task in the depth of the tunnel should be related to the daily tasks of the previous nightmare level.

Chen Ge and the red man in the tunnel met once, but he felt that this task was the least difficult: "I have the opportunity to go to the trial task deep in the tunnel first, maybe my horror house can attract another red man. Clothing to join. "

It is worth noting that Chen Ge is slowly approaching the mission of Liwan Ghost Town, with a screaming index of three and a half.

Chen Ge speculates that Samsung ’s semi-annual situation may occur because the door in Liwan Town is out of control.

"After the door was out of control, the difficulty increased to three and a half Samsung, so think of it, even if the door is out of control, there is no horror in the four-star scene!"

The last two tasks are all four stars, which is completely beyond Chen Ge's expectations. The eastern suburbs are much more dangerous than he thought.

"There are already three four-star trial missions in the list. Don't worry, wait until you are all prepared."

Chen Ge has calculated the opening time of the virtual future paradise in his mind. He wants to go to the four-star trial mission in the last few days of the paradise opening and make a big news.

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