I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 546: convince

After the hearse connected to the eastern suburbs, two four-star missions and a three-and-a-half trial mission were unlocked, which Chen Ge had not thought of before.

"There may also be a connection between these tasks, and the black hands behind the eastern suburbs may be hidden in one of the scenes." Chen Ge looked at the task information on the black mobile phone and could not calm down for a long time.

"Xinhai Central Hospital, I haven't heard of this place at all, and there is a fetal task. I can't guess from the name of the task what the specific task will be."

Chen Ge is a bit distressed. "Freak" such as Doctor Gao has appeared in the peak Samsung horror scene. It is likely that there will be a red dress in the four-star scene.

Chen Ge knew the gap between ordinary ghosts and red clothes.

It can be inferred from this that the strength of the ghosts in the red clothes is far beyond the ordinary red clothes, even if the top red clothes like Zhang Ya are not necessarily their opponents.

Chen Ge thought about all the ghosts he had seen since acquiring the black phone, and wanted to judge the strength of the ghosts in the red clothes.

"The aftermath can't be communicated, the obsession is just a thought that doesn't want to disperse, and it even fears people with strong yang."

"Ordinary Liguis dare not appear during the day, and most of them live on an item in their lifetime and cannot leave. However, special types of Liguis are completely different. Each of them has its own special abilities. Even if the body is restricted, it can easily be Living people play with their hands. "

"Further up is the half-length red clothing. These ghosts who have become qualified in red clothing are all tyrannical and cruel monsters."

"After struggling to find his own heart, the half-length red dress will become a real red dress, capable of controlling strange bloodshots, and possessing all kinds of strange abilities."

"I have seen Zhang Ya's fighting style, which is similar to other red clothes. The only difference may be that her black hair is like an endless end. Once it is entangled, it will be dragged into the black sea of ​​despair."

Zhang Ya is undoubtedly the strongest ghost in Chen Ge, but her attacking methods are still in a certain category, which can only be regarded as more powerful in red clothes, and there has been no qualitative change.

"The black blood stains obtained from the world behind the door seem to be useful to Zhang Ya. However, after Zhang Ya swallowed it before, it obviously became more irritable and horrible. If she continues to swallow those black blood stains, Zhang Ya will probably lose control. . "

Chen Ge doesn't know what attitude to face with this top-ranked red man living in his shadow.

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much now, wait for the black blood stains to be found later."

The difficulty of the Liwan Ghost Town trial task is three and a half stars higher than that of the underground corpse. Now Zhang Ya is injured and Xu Yin has not found his heart yet. Chen Gesi thought it was better not to start this task.

"I've done the first few Samsung missions first, and then I will do this mission when there are more red clothes." Chen Ge looked at the open space where the hearse was parked. The driver said that there should be a stop sign, he played in the game himself. I also saw a stop sign here when I came to Liwan Town, but the stop sign was gone.

From this detail, we can actually see a lot of things. The ghosts hiding deep in the ghost town of Liwan should also be afraid of Chen Ge.

"The driver said that his task was to send the living people to Liwan Town, and the other party wanted to cultivate something in Liwan Town. The behind-the-scenes hands were probably afraid that I would mess it up and cause it to fail."

Since the layout began a few years ago, the desperation of the entire eastern suburbs has been transported to a small town, and an out-of-control door has been specially created here. With such a big battle, the other party wants to cultivate more than anything. A red dress.

Chen Ge thought of the countless children killed in Liwan Township in Fan Cong's game, and looked down at the four-star trial mission under the Liwan Guizhen Trial Mission.

"These two tasks are estimated to be related. Is it possible that the unborn child is the thing shadowed in Liwan Town?"

The fetal womb can be rated as a four-star by a black mobile phone, and there must be some horrors, but Chen Ge now has too little information to infer useful information at all.

"It is still necessary to find Xiaobu! Before the game is cleared, the trial mission of Liwan Ghost Town will be temporarily stopped."

The game corresponds to reality, and the plots in it exactly correspond to the murders in reality. Chen Ge feels that as long as he can completely clear the game and master all the branch plots, then when he comes to the task of Liwan Ghost Town, it is equivalent to holding a This guide can avoid the danger to the greatest extent.

"Still not strong enough."

There was something unreliable in my heart. The appearance of two consecutive four-star scenes gave Chen Ge a sense of crisis.

"Can't let go of any opportunity that can enhance the strength of the haunted house." Chen Ge seemed to think of something, and then took the unconscious child back to the 104 road hearse.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Chen Ge tried to start the hearse and found that the car was extremely aging and felt that it might fall apart at any time.

Stepping on the accelerator, Chen Ge turned around.

In a big town of Liwan, there was no light after zero, and Chen Ge drove on a quiet street in person.

He drove the hearse to the entrance of Liwan Town and saw a lonely red figure on a platform beside the road.

When the vehicle was parked, Chen Ge asked Xu Yin to take the middle-aged woman off the hearse.

As soon as the middle-aged woman came out of the hearse, her eyes in the red raincoat immediately turned red, and she was almost out of control ~ www.readwn.com ~ killed her, and no one knew your child's whereabouts. "Chen Ge stood in front of the red raincoat. The murder intention of the red raincoat just a moment ago made him a little unbearable:" Your child was sent to Liwan Town by her, but you still need to ask him for details. "

The red raincoat slowly calmed down, her eyes moved away from the middle-aged woman, and her eyes looked towards Chen Ge.

Chen Ge is also the first to look at the face of a red raincoat. There are small scars left on his neck and cheeks. His mouth is sewn by bloodshot eyes. To speak, he must bear the pain of tearing his lips.

"It's not easy for you. I really want to help you. I will give you this woman to deal with it. I hope you can ask your child's whereabouts." Chen Ge sighed: "You dare not enter Liwan. The town must have its own reasons, but if you want to find your child, you must enter it. I do n’t expect you to obey my orders or arrangements, I just want to tell you that I will accompany you when the time comes Go find your children together. "

The red raincoat was a little shaken, and Chen Ge said a few more things while he was ironing: "When you ask about the whereabouts of the child, you can come to the haunted house in the New Century Paradise in the western suburbs to find me. I promise you as the president of the weird talk association, but How dangerous is Liwan Town, I will go with you to find your child. "

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