I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 547: Floor 1, Building 1

After speaking, Chen Ge asked Xu Yin to hand over the middle-aged woman to the red raincoat.

"I am waiting for your news."

He did not stop at the station and took Xu Yin back to the 104 hearse.

The woman's wailing came from the station, and blood oozed out from under the red raincoat, as if a piece of silk thread had been drawn into the middle-aged woman's flesh.

Listening to the middle-aged woman's begging for mercy, the red raincoat didn't feel very happy. Her scarlet eyes looked at Chen Ge on the hearse, a complex emotion floating in her.

Chen Ge did not use the middle-aged woman as a bargaining chip in order to threaten or force her to do certain things, but decisively handed over the middle-aged woman to the red raincoat, a move that made the red raincoat slightly favor him.

The No. 104 hearse drove out of the station and went straight to Fan Cong's family courtyard.

When the rain outside weakened, Chen Ge removed the electric car from the bus and pushed it into the community.

After so much trouble, it was already one or two in the morning. Chen Ge was worried about disturbing Fan Cong to sleep and sent a message to the other party first.

It didn't take long for Chen Ge's mobile phone to vibrate, and Fan Cong called him directly after seeing the information.

"Boss Chen, are you downstairs now?"

"Yeah, didn't it bother you? I guess you may not have slept yet."

"It's raining outside! I'll go straight down to pick you up."

"No, I came here today mainly to ask you something."

The phone hung up, Chen Ge put the battery car back in place, and then took the key into the corridor.

Coming to the top floor, Fan Cong's door was open.

"My brother is sleeping in another room, and he will go to work tomorrow." Fan Cong was very excited when he saw Chen Ge: "Boss Chen, I played several endings again, and there are hidden eggs in that game. "

"I'm not here for the game this time." Chen Ge hasn't forgotten what happened in Jiujiang Mental Hospital. He wants to go to Jiang Long's house in Dongjiao.

In the game, after Xiaobu opened the door behind the closet of his classmates, the style of the whole game began to change. If Xiaobu's game is mapping reality, then the out-of-control "door" in Liwan Town is probably in Jiang Long's house.

Chen Ge would like to see the difference between an out-of-control "door" and an ordinary door.

"Not for games? You ran so far at night just to return the car?" Fan Cong was dumbfounded.

"Returning the car is just one thing. Go and go in and say." Chen Ge was standing in the corridor with his bag on his back. He always felt that the stairs were gloomy, and there seemed to be something eavesdropping on the ground floor.

After the door closed, Fan Cong brought a towel to Chen Ge: "You are getting soaked, or should you change my clothes first?"

"No need." Chen Ge went directly to the theme: "Fan Cong, you have also played the game of Xiao Bu. Have you found the building where Xiao Bu's classmates are located, much like the No. 1 building in your community."

At first, Fan Cong did not feel very similar, but when Chen Ge said this, his eyes slowly widened: "It is true that the community where Xiaobu's family lives is similar to the overall layout of our entire community."

"I'm going to take a look at Xiaobu's classmate's house tonight." Chen Ge stood in the house, his clothes were wet, so he didn't sit around casually.

"Go to Xiaobu's classmate's house? In reality?" Fan Cong still couldn't keep up with Chen Ge's thoughts and couldn't figure out what Chen Ge wanted to do.

"I have already contacted the police. The classmate of Xiaobu is now living in a mental hospital. I have also figured out the specific location of his home."

Chen Ge's words made Fan Cong even more confused: "Boss Chen, don't you open a haunted house? How did you contact the police?"

"You can rest assured that I didn't disclose any information about the game. I contacted the police because of a corpse case."

"Division of corpse?" Fan Cong's face paled.

"Yes, it is in the Mingyang Community not far from you."

"Just around us?"

"Yeah, the murderer hasn't caught it yet, but I already have a skeptical goal." Chen Ge did not consider Fan Cong's feelings during the conversation. He ignored the impact of the words murder and corpse on ordinary people.

Hearing that Chen Ge was going to do such a big thing, Fan Cong also got nervous: "So how do I cooperate?"

"After my visit and investigation, it was determined that Xiaobu's classmate's home is on the first floor of a unit in Building No. 1 of your community. You and your brother have lived here for so long, have you found anything unusual."

Building No. 1 is opposite the building where Fan Cong lives. He usually sees it just by opening the curtains.

"I don't think there is any problem on the opposite side, you are talking about my heart." Fan Cong replied with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, think slowly. When your brother gets up tomorrow, you can also ask him, or ask other old residents in the community." Chen Ge hadn't expected to find something in the first place: "This is I have put the battery car key on the table for you. Your car will do a great job tonight. "

Fan Cong didn't know what Chen Ge was talking about. He thought about it for a while and waved at Chen Ge: "You come with me, I think about it carefully. The building opposite is indeed a bit strange."

The two entered the bedroom and Fan Cong opened the curtains.

"Liwan Town is on the east side of the eastern suburbs. The transportation is inconvenient. Many people have moved away. Two thirds of the houses in this community are empty." Fan Cong pointed to the building opposite: "My brother and I When I first moved in, I was going to choose Building No. 1. The rent of that building was much cheaper than the other three buildings. But the head of the house we live in told me that Building No. 1 is uneasy. In the past few years, many people have disappeared without knowing it. "

"Missing?" Chen Ge immediately thought of the out-of-control "door". He suspected that those people probably entered the "door".

"Yes, I just watched people move in, but since a certain day I have never seen that family come out again. I don't know if it was moved or what happened."

"Did you call the police?"

"It ’s useless to call the police ~ www.readwn.com ~ The eastern suburbs are close to the county area. The vast majority of people living here are out of town and very mobile. The police usually come to determine whether it is a vicious case such as homicide. They found that there were no signs of wrestling at the residents ’homes. After everything was normal, they left. Over time, everyone did n’t think it was anything. They were used to it anyway.”

"Other than that, what happened?" Chen Ge stared at the first floor of Building No. 1, and the windows on that floor were all covered with seals: "Are the seals posted by the police?"

"Well, there was someone living on the first floor of Building No. 1. She was an old lady living alone. She often told people that she would see a child standing outside the window at night. The people in the community saw that she did not seem to be lying. Crouching guard wants to catch the child. "

"The result?" Chen Ge was a little curious and mentioned the child. He would now associate it with the task of the netherborn.

Fan Cong shook his head: "In fact, there is no child, it should be that the old man is old and confused. The people in the community have not seen the child for the whole night. Finally, after entering the old man's room to check, he found that the old man's window is full It ’s greasy and muddy, and you ca n’t see through the window at all in the room. "

"Can't see clearly out of the window?" Chen Ge thought for a while: "Is it that the child has been standing in the house?"

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