I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 550: How many people are in this room?

The soil on the top of the chamber was falling off. Chen Ge felt very unsafe in this place, and it seemed to collapse at any time.

There is no other gain, Chen Ge is ready to leave: "The door connecting the two worlds will usually appear for one minute at midnight, and the out-of-control door does not know whether it still retains this feature. Next time I will be able to take the time to come in and see Look."

The police sealed the secret room, and did not find the secret of the door. It is probably because the time was staggered. After all, the police are also people. Who will be fine to run into the secret room at twelve in the evening.

Called Xu Yin, Chen Ge crawled out of the secret room, closed the board, and restored the closet.

Looking at the various handicrafts placed in the house, and thinking about the thick plush doll jacket in the iron cage of the secret room, Chen Ge's mood is also a bit complicated: "Despair is originally a thing that exists in the sky, and it is hard enough to live. Why do you have to do these meaningless things? "

After inspecting the house again, after confirming that there was no gain, Chen Ge flipped out of the bathroom window, and then closed the window without glass.

"I completed the trial of the hearse, returned the electric car, and checked the back room of the Jiang Long family. All the things to be done have been completed. It is time to go back." Chen Ge looked at the table below, it was three o'clock in the morning, it was just night. The deepest time.

"Hurry up and drive the hearse back before dawn. It will be troublesome if you meet the traffic police after dawn." The black cell phone said that it is best to go on the road after twelve rainy nights. Chen Ge kept this in mind. He didn't want his car to be detained by the police for the first time.

Fan Cong's family lived on the top floor, Chen Ge thought it was troublesome to go upstairs and downstairs, took out his mobile phone to greet Brother Fan Cong, and then left.

The phone just rang, and it rang only once. Fan Cong's voice came from the microphone.

"Brother! Why did you smash someone's window! Didn't you just say yes and just go and see?"

"I've checked it for four weeks without monitoring." Chen Ge stood by the building with the bag, and the rain was about to stop.

"No! What does this have to do with monitoring?"

"I also tried to solve the murder case. The families of the victims wash their faces every day with tears. More importantly, if the murderer doesn't catch it, there will be new victims soon. Do you think you live in such fear, don't you be afraid? ? And if I smash a piece of glass, I can save one or even a few lives. Is it more important than a human to have a broken glass? "

Fan Cong, Chen Ge said, had nothing to refute. He thought for a while, and it felt really reasonable.

"By the way, before I smashed the glass, I hung up the phone deliberately. How did you know?" Chen Ge is a person who pays attention to details. Calmness and caution are also the reasons why he can survive so many trial tasks.

"I've been watching you upstairs. If you have an accident, I'm going to call the police."

After Fan Cong said this on his mobile phone, Chen Ge turned his head to look at Fan Cong's family.

In a room on the left side of the building opposite the top, a faint light appeared. Fan Cong stood at the window. He took his mobile phone, saw Chen Ge looking up, and waved his hand to Chen Ge.

"Boss Chen, I really admire you. I dared to go to the haunted house alone at two or three in the morning." Fan Cong said for a long time, but there was no response from Chen Ge on the phone.

He stood on the top of the building and looked downstairs. Chen Ge's mobile phone was placed in his ear. His body seemed to be petrified. He stood blankly and kept looking upwards.

"Boss Chen? Speak?" Fan Cong saw Chen Ge appearing abnormal, and he panicked inexplicably: "Don't you scare me! Is it evil? Wipe! I said I must not go there!"

"Don't talk first." Chen Ge's voice was heard on the phone, and I don't know if it was a psychological effect. Fan Cong felt that Chen Ge's voice seemed to be different from before.

"what happened?"

"You stay in this position and don't move. Be careful not to look back!"

For the first time, Fan Cong heard Chen Ge speak in such a harsh tone, he quickly agreed: "Okay, I don't look back."

He said he couldn't look back, but he couldn't help but want to look back. Fan Cong felt a cool air flowing down his spine into his brain.

"Boss Chen, is there anything behind me?"

"It's okay, now put the hand holding the phone back and stretch it out."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, go back, okay, this is the position. Hold on, don't move."

Chen Ge stood downstairs, his pupils shrunk to a point, and he stared straight at Fan Cong's room.

The faint light showed through the room. Fan Cong stood at the window, grabbing his pajamas with one hand, and holding his mobile phone to the back with the other hand. And not far from his cell phone, stood a girl in a red dress.

The black hair fell on the blood-red dress. The child had no clear features on his face. Instead, he had a few black holes.

She had no eyes, nose, teeth, and her hands and feet were also blocked by the red dress. She could not see her age, height, and appearance. Everything seemed unknown.

"Red dress ..."

"What clothes? Boss Chen, what's the matter? Don't deliberately scare me! I promise not to tell you about breaking the glass!"

"Don't talk first! Let me talk to her." Chen Ge simply sorted out the thought. The girl in red who suddenly appeared in Fan Cong's room was most likely a small cloth. Chen Ge had guessed that the child was hiding The deepest part of the game.

"All the children in the game are called Xiaobu, and all the tragedies happened to Xiaobu. This must be for a reason." Chen Ge picked up his phone and first expressed his position: "Don't be impulsive, what you need, longing for You can tell me anything you get. "

In the bedroom, Fan Cong and the girl in red behind him did not move, as if the time was still.

Found that the girl did not mean to hurt Fan Cong, Chen Ge went on to say: "I have not experienced your pain, I dare not say that I can fully understand you, but please give me a chance to help you, maybe we can sit together and talk Have a chat. "

Fan Cong's body was trembling. He listened to Chen Ge's words on his mobile phone and felt either he was crazy or Chen Ge was crazy: "Brother, who are you talking to?"

Chen Ge ignored Fan Cong, he did not dare to stay alone with strange red clothes without security, but Fan Cong did.

"I have seen many children like you, maybe their experience is not worth mentioning compared to you ~ www.readwn.com ~ but at least with my help, they have found a new direction in life." Chen Gewan After playing Xiaobu's game, he rummaged in his backpack, took out a very worn cell phone, and summoned the ghost boy.

"Did you see the child next to me? There is a figure in that little game. You should know his story. I helped him fulfill his wish and punished those who hurt him. You can ask him about these things."

The facts were in front of him, and when the cell phone ghost understood the performance, he nodded his head and tried to show a happy smile, but it seemed that it was because he hadn't laughed for a long time, and his smile was a bit ugly.

Listening to Chen Ge ’s phone, Fan Cong looked at the empty ground beside Chen Ge: "What do you mean? How come there is another one? How many people are in my house now?"

Chen Ge called out the phone ghost. The girl in red seemed to have seen Tong Tong before. She tilted her head to the side, considered for a while, and raised her sleeves.

I can't see my hands, I can only see the blood-red sleeve waving at the window a few times.

After a while, blood began to ooze outside the window of Fan Cong ’s house, and the blood stains formed a few words. You will come to Liwan again, and you will die ...

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