I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 551: Choose your reason

Blood words appeared on the window, and both Chen Ge and Fan Cong saw it.

It's just that the two people's reactions were completely different, Chen Ge frowned slightly, and Fan Cong finally couldn't bear it when he saw the blood word, and he sat on the ground softly.

"I'm going to die?" If the girl in red is really a small cloth, then she is not an ordinary red dress, but a red dress that has opened the "door". Such a red dress should be able to detect Zhang Ya's existence.

"Even if I own Zhang Ya and Xu Yin, I might still die?" Chen Ge didn't explain his card to the girl in red.

His real plan was to bring Mennan, a red raincoat and a tunnel ghost, and gather five red clothes to do the three-star semi-task of Liwan Ghost Town.

Hearing Chen Ge's voice on the phone, the girl in red waved her sleeves again. A new word appeared outside the window. He has found you. Come to Liwan, and you will die.

"He?" Looking at the blood word on the window, Chen Ge keenly obtained a message. The behind-the-scenes hand in Dongjiao may be a man, or he might have been a man during his lifetime.

The blood word disappeared after a short while, and Chen Ge wanted to ask the girl in red for more things, but after trying a few times, Chen Ge found that no matter what he asked, the girl ’s answer was the same words.

He will die next time he comes to Liwan Town.

Without any emotion, the girl in red seems to be talking about a fact, and she feels that there is no other possibility.

Chen Ge tried every means to get something useful from the girl in red, but unfortunately it didn't work out.

After a few minutes, Fan Cong sitting on the ground couldn't bear it anymore. His arms were completely stiff and his mind was blank. When moving his body, his neck twisted instinctively.

The girl in red doesn't seem to want to be seen by more people. When Fan Cong's neck turned, she disappeared into the house and didn't know where to hide.

"Boss Chen, do you see something in my house? Why can't I see anything!" Fan Cong was not scared. At first, he thought that Chen Ge might have deliberately scared him, but when the window started When the word bleeding appeared, he was completely panicked.

"Don't move in the house, I'll go right away!"

"Okay, that, can you not hang up the phone? I'm a little scared."

Chen Ge didn't hear the sentence behind Fan Cong and ran to the top floor in one breath: "Open the door, Fan Cong."

The door didn't open until half a day later, Fan Cong leaned against the wall and walked a little unsteady.

"Boss Chen, what's behind me just now! You give me a thorough explanation, you don't say anything, I feel more scared when I think about it myself!"

Fan Cong is also a witness, Chen Ge thought for a while without concealing: "Just now you stood a very cute little **** the computer desk, I suspect she is the little cloth in the game."

"Xiao Bu?" Fan Cong froze in place: "She ran out of the game ?!"

"Be quiet, your brother will go to work tomorrow, don't wake him up."

"What time is it, what kind of work do you have! Tomorrow is still a move." Fan Cong was really scared tonight, even if he was scared when playing a haunted house, he would subconsciously comfort himself that those are fake, but this is In his own home, it is estimated that he would think of what happened in this room when he closed his eyes every night.

"Don't worry, let's sort it out." Chen Ge dragged Fan Cong into his bedroom.

Everything in the house was the same as when he left, and there was no change. Chen Ge walked to the computer and looked at the game. There was nothing unusual about the cloth in the game.

"Boss Chen, don't persuade me. I have to move. It's scary. I won't play that game anymore. Take it away and give you the computer by the way."

"Calm down." Chen Ge patted Fan Cong on the shoulder: "That girl is very cute, not like a bad guy."

"The key is that she looks cute, and I'm scared!" Fan Cong sat at the computer desk, and then suddenly seemed to remember something, and moved the chair back.

"She doesn't want to harm you. If she wants to harm you, you've been in trouble." Chen Ge looked at the game on the computer screen: "How many people live in your community now?"

"Most people in this community have moved away, and now it is estimated that there are one or two hundred people left?" Fan Cong did not know what Chen Ge meant: "What do you ask?"

"There are one or two hundred people in the community. Why did the child choose you?" Chen Ge looked at Fan Cong, puzzled.

"Because I was out of luck, I was laughed at, lost in love, lost my job, and lost my life." The fat on Fan Cong's face quivered gently.

"I'm afraid the opposite is true. The girl should want to help you."

"Help me?" Fan Cong calmed down slowly.

"You tell me what happened before and after this game, tell me in detail, this girl must choose you for a reason." Chen Ge also wondered why Xiao Bu's game was encountered by Fan Cong.

Fan Cong held his hands together and thought for a long time before speaking: "Okay, but you have to promise me, don't tell my brother these things, I don't want him to worry about me."

"Well, no problem."

"Actually, I was completely desperate some time ago, and I have been working for several years, which is very unsatisfactory. I may belong to the kind of people who are naturally unwilling to see. From school to work, I have been the one who has been excluded. The first few This week, the leader gave me ideological work very tactfully, hoping that I could leave, and I agreed. "Fan Cong finally told the truth and told Chen Ge what was under his heart.

"When I got home, I called my girlfriend. I complained to her. She listened patiently to all the words I said, and then calmly told me to break up. She said she was tired of listening to me. She I can't even pretend to love. "

"I confessed to her and tried various remedies, but no matter what I did, she didn't forgive ~ www.readwn.com ~ Later I bought a gift and waited for her at the door of her company. I saw her and a very tall and handsome Men walking together. "

"I asked her colleague, and her colleague didn't know my existence at all, and said that the other two had been talking for a long time, and it seemed they were both ready to get engaged."

The fat on his face was squeezed together, and Fan Cong held his hands together, getting harder and harder: "I don't know how I came back to my home. At that time, my brain was very chaotic, and I especially hated others and hated myself. 'go away'."

"I came to the top of the building and stood for three or four hours. Every time I was about to take that step, I could always hear someone whispering my name."

"From standing in the afternoon until it was dark, maybe it was because I was too hungry. I suddenly wanted to eat the food my brother made, and then I went home."

"Later, I found this game and locked myself in the room, day and night."

"Look forward, it will get better and better in the future." Chen Ge comforted softly: "I also probably understand the reason why Xiao Bu came to you. It is estimated that she stopped you when you were most desperate. Perhaps in In her view, you are all desperate people, and you should understand her situation more easily. "

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