I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 554: Number kissed by the deceased

Chen Ge vaguely remembered the time when he had just drawn Zhang Ya. At that time, he didn't know the difference between red clothes and ordinary ghosts. The newborn calf was not afraid of tigers. He just stabilized Zhang Ya with a sincere heart.

"Causing Zhang Ya to hate will be killed. Too touching Zhang Ya will also be killed. You must control it to a degree. It is already scary enough to have this one on your body. If you attract some more dangerous things, you will be able to kill it at that time. It's not easy to close. "

There will be too many uncontrollable things after the title upgrade, which Chen Ge does not want to see.

"Two more ghosts will be drawn out, and the title of Li Gui's caregiver will be upgraded, but from a normal probability, the possibility of pulling out ghosts is not very large. I still have two chances now ..."

Chen Ge moved a little, he looked at the horror turntable on the screen of his phone and slowly raised his finger.

Speaking of it, the horror turntable is actually a very important function on black mobile phones. Zhang Ya, Xu Yin and Yan Danian, these three selected ghosts have given Chen Ge a great help. Without them, Chen Ge is simply impossible Come now.

"There are two ways to enhance your own strength, complete daily nightmare-level daily tasks, or draw useful things from the turntable." Chen Ge has also obtained black phones for some time, but as of today, the things he extracted are not ghosts. , Which is related to Li Gui, which also made him a little desperate: "Perhaps when the first draw took Zhang Ya out, things began to develop in a direction that no one knew."

After not sleeping all night, Chen Ge felt a bit dizzy in his head: "Try it first, and then pick two more ghosts, and the title of Li Gui's caregiver will only be upgraded."

After lighting a cigarette, Chen Ge stood up and walked around his haunted house. He also worked hard to draw out good things. He once tried to draw at noon when the sun was at its strongest. He tried to rise in the early sun and all things were glowing. The lively lottery draw also tried to ride a bicycle to a place one or two kilometers away from the park, but the fact proved that these are useless.

"Would you like to attack with poison this time? Wait till midnight, when the most irritating day, stand deep in the haunted house to draw?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Ge still gave up this plan: "Let's ask Pen Xian to ask."

He entered the underground scene, preparing to combine the capabilities of the two "humans" in the pen fairy and the tear sculpture, and figured out whether he would pull out ghosts this time.

Pushing open the door of the girl's dormitory, Chen Ge saw a ballpoint pen covered with tape, drawing boring circles on the paper.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." It might have been frightened by Chen Ge's kind voice, and the pen rolled away from Chen Ge.

"What are you running? I have something serious to ask you." Chen Ge held the ballpoint pen and asked if he would pull out the ghost from the turntable of the black phone next time.

What he didn't expect was that after only half of the question, Bixian showed signs of collapse, which scared him to stop.

Then he tried it again with a weeping sculpture. The result is the same. It seems that as long as the black phone is involved, the ability of these ghosts will be out of control.

"It's really weird. The phone my parents left me is a bit unusual."

There was no way to speculate, and Chen Ge would n’t be entangled. He went into the bathroom to wash his hands, and then ran to the 104 hearse. When his mood was completely calmed down, he clicked the turntable on the black phone screen.

Attentively staring at the screen of the mobile phone, the turntable is slower and slower, and Chen Ge's heart is also raised.

The scream value accumulated during this time is enough for him to draw five times in a row. If he does not draw out ghosts this time, he will continue to smoke until the scream value is exhausted.

With a soft click, the turntable stopped and the pointer stopped somewhere.

"The draw is complete! Congratulations on your invitation to the curse game with special props (one percent chance of winning)."

"Curse game invitation letter: Curse and death are staged in this hospital reincarnation, and no one knows where the limits of human nature are."

"Invitation letter?" Chen Ge read it carefully several times, and finally determined that it wasn't Li Gui that was drawn this time: "Did I have to change my luck? Everything is all right? Although this invitation letter looks like nothing good, Something, but at least stronger than the title upgrade. "

Sitting in the driving position of the hearse, Chen Ge feels that this car has brought himself good luck: "As long as it is not the case that there are ghosts, this is the normal probability."

Chen Ge felt more at ease and he clicked the turntable again.

After a few seconds, the fast-moving turntable slowly stopped. Under Chen Ge ’s gaze, a new winning message popped up on the phone.

"The raffle is completed! Lucky Li Gui caregiver, congratulations on getting the phone number of the rare special item kissed by the dead (five thousandth probability of winning)!"

"The police found that every deceased called this number in the last period of his life."

"Fourth win of Ligui! Lucky Ligui supporters. When you win Ligui for the fifth time, the title of Ligui supporters will be automatically upgraded!"

When Chen Ge saw the words lucky lucky ghost caregivers, he had a bad hunch in his heart: "The phone number kissed by the dead? The probability of winning is five thousandths. This probability is higher than that of Xu Yin and Yan Danian. Low, second only to Zhang Ya, probably also a red man! "

He once again hit Li Gui, Chen Ge looked at his hand, to be honest, he was also a little scared.

"Is this turntable broken? Are all the above marked false probabilities?"

After a few minutes, Chen Ge calmed down and flipped back with his mobile phone.

"Take another ghost, and the title will be upgraded. Do you want to be rash again?"

What changes will happen after the title upgrade, nobody knows ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everything is unknown.

"When I first got the black phone, I started to touch the world hidden in the shadow under its guidance. Until today I dare not say that I have fully understood the world. Or the more I know, the more I understand this The world is terrible. "Chen Ge put away the black phone:" Wait until Zhang Ya's hand is healed, and then continue to draw, otherwise I don't always feel unreliable. "

Chen Ge returned to the haunted house, entered the prop repair room, and found two things in the wooden box left by his parents in the corner.

A crumpled piece of paper with a phone number on it, starting with 010 and ending with three zeros, which should be the landline number.

"This note seems to have been squeezed into the hand, is it a struggle before death? Why is this number called the number kissed by the dead? Will I meet the red dress when I call this?"

The park will open soon, Chen Ge is ready to try again after leisure, he puts the paper in his pocket and looks at another thing.

It was a registration slip stamped with the seal of Xinhai Central Hospital. The registration department, the registration fee, and the name were all blank. Only the date column was painted with bright red paint, and a few numbers were skewed.

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