I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 555: 1st dead

"This is the invitation letter of the abandoned hospital curse game? It looks quite new, and it feels not as good as the registered single in the third sick building."

There is a Xinhai Central Hospital in the newly unlocked four-star scene of the black phone. Chen Ge feels that the invitation letter of this curse game should be related to that scene.

"Keep it first, maybe it will be used by then."

Chen Ge is not interested in any cursing game. All he wants is a four-star scene. If anyone dares to curse him secretly, he will immediately use pen fairy and sculpture to infer the position of the other party, if it can be calculated, Then kill them directly with a group of red clothes.

Upright, don't play those conspiracies.

Put away the curse game invitation and the phone number, Chen Ge walked out of the repair room.

Opening the guardrail of the haunted house, Xiao Gu and Xu Wan are already here. Chen Geqiang braced them for two makeup and returned to the lobby.

He found a place where no one could release Lao Zhou and Duan Yue: "I am very satisfied with both your ability to deal with emergencies and the on-the-spot response. The previous performances have also proven your strength. You do n’t need to stay in the comic book during the day, just go out and help me guide the tourists. Of course, I wo n’t let you both help me. If you have any requests, just mention them. ”

"It's an honor to serve the boss, and I also like to stay with tourists." Lao Zhou showed a trace of excitement in his eyes.

"Don't play too much, you just have to lead the way and send the tourists into the scene. Today, your identity is not a haunted house actor, but a pure service staff." Chen Gesheng was afraid that the two did not understand what they meant. When the tourists have not entered the scene, the tourists are scared and fainted.

"Service staff?" Lao Zhou was disappointed and Duan Yue was disappointed.

"If you two are really bored, you can give them some small surprises when they come out of the scene." Chen Ge and Lao Zhou stayed together for a short time, knowing the three of them and knowing them clearly Is a human being, so they dare to let them guide tourists. This is a breakthrough attempt.

"You appear during the day and will cause some damage to the body. This is counted as a work injury, so what can you ask me to do, as if I have compensated you." Treating employees, Chen Ge has always been very generous .

"As long as I can work with her, I have nothing to ask for."

Lao Zhou secretly wanted to hold Duanyue's hand, but was slapped by Duanyue slap: "While staying alone, I and you are just acting together."

"Then we might as well do fake play?"

Chen Ge looked at Duan Yue and Lao Zhou who were fighting in front of him, and suddenly felt that they were a little redundant: "Are you two in Xiu Ai? Working hours, it is better to pay a little attention, I am afraid that other employees can't stand it."

He found two sets of faceless clothes in the fierce ghost's dressing room, and let Lao Zhou and Duan Yue put on: "If you can talk, it is better not to talk, don't expose yourself. Notify me in a moment. "

"Do not worry."

Lao Zhou and Duan Yue have very strong business abilities. Chen Ge has long seen that even if they are there, they will be able to solve their own problems even if they encounter any emergencies.

After a few words, Chen Ge returned to the staff lounge: "If all the ghosts are like Lao Zhou and Duan Yue, that's fine."

Set a table, Chen Ge fell asleep.

Near noon, Chen Ge was awakened by the alarm clock.

"It's time to eat."

Stretching out, Chen Ge walked out of the staff lounge. Lao Zhou and Duan Yue did not disappoint him.

Duan Yue is very well-organized, and she is responsible for communicating with the tourists entering the house. Lao Zhou is responsible for taking tourists into various scenes.

In order to ease the tension, Lao Zhou will also tell a few paragraphs and cold jokes to revitalize the atmosphere and do his due diligence.

"Working hard, you two go back to rest." After sending Lao Zhou and Duan Yue back to the comic book, Chen Ge went to the monitoring room to watch the monitoring and make sure that Lao Zhou and Duan Yue did not poke Lou Zi.

"Both of them feel better than me." Chen Ge walked out of the haunted house and greeted Uncle Xu completely.

"Today you are quite honest, the response from tourists is very good, and a few foreigners come here admirably, saying that you are completely barrier-free to communicate with them, do you remember your English is not bad?" Xu Shu smiled on his face, In fact, he is not very demanding, as long as Chen Ge does not cause trouble, he is very satisfied.

"Live to learn and learn, don't speak English, I also taught myself to draw and play the violin, and I have the opportunity to perform for you in the future." Chen Ge looked at the long queue at the door of the haunted house and was very satisfied.

He entered the lounge again and looked at the customs clearance records of tourists. As of today, the Samsung Coffin Village has been cleared twice, and tourists have found a way to attack this scene.

The Samsung scene is a maximum of fifteen visitors at a time. They will gather together fifteen people and then go in, and then find the wedding dress as fast as possible, and carry the wedding dress in rotation.

Once a tourist is frightened or collapsed by the obsession in the wedding dress, the people next to him will immediately pick up the wedding dress and continue to rush outside the scene.

The previous tourist will be strategically abandoned, just one by one, and finally transport the wedding dress out of the scene.

That scene, if accompanied by appropriate background music, will make people feel very tragic and shocking.

"Once the method of customs clearance is explored by tourists, the difficulty of this scene will drop sharply, and more and more people will pass the customs clearance." The Samsung scene was cleared, and Chen Ge was not in a hurry.

While tourists are still racking their brains trying to clear the other two Samsung scenes, Chen Ge has already begun to prepare for the Samsung half and even the four-star scene.

"I really look forward to the way the tourists enter the four-star scene. It is estimated that my haunted house will be completely exploded by then."

The haunted house was closed at 6 pm, and the last group of tourists came out at 6:30 ~ www.readwn.com ~ simply cleaned the sanitation. Chen Ge waited for Xiao Gu and Xu Wan to return to the staff lounge.

"Make up in the morning, but it's not too sleepy now." Chen Ge took out the note in his pocket: "It's time to take this employee back. The probability of winning it is more than Yan Yannian. To be low, he should be a red man. "

After taking out his mobile phone, Chen Ge repeatedly studied the number and dialed it.

It's seven o'clock in the evening. The employees in the paradise are off work and the surroundings are very quiet.

The busy tone rang in my ear again, and the phone was connected, but no one answered.

"There are very few people using landlines now. What is the hidden meaning of this number?"

At the fourteenth ring, the phone was finally connected.

Chen Ge held his breath, he didn't speak, listened in a vertical ear, a strange voice came from the phone, as if something was burning.

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