I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 556: my name

Alcohol and gas burn, the flame will be very quiet.

This crackling sound will only come out when the wood is burning.

"Hello? What can I do for you?"

Ten years later, Chen Ge saw no one on the phone, and he tentatively asked.

The wine bottle dropped, as if something had spilled, and the fire was more intense.

"Hello! Is anyone here?"

The phone was connected, indicating that there must be someone near the phone at this time.

"Is it a fire ?! Are you okay? Please tell me your location immediately!"

Chen Ge became nervous and shouted loudly.

The fire was still burning, and there was another sound mixed in the rising flame.

"Can I chat with you for a while?"

His voice was nice, but his voice was dumb.

"Okay, I'm fine now." Chen Ge worried that the other party would not speak. As long as he could communicate, he would get useful information: "So what do you want to talk about?"

After a long time, he replied: "I don't know."

He spoke slowly, and he seemed to be thinking all the time.

Chen Ge heard the other party's tone incorrect, and he didn't dare to speak casually, worrying about stimulating the other party.

"Let's think about something happy?"

"There are many happy things. Everyone is very happy. I know I should be very happy, but I just can't be happy."

"Relax, how about some good memories?"

"Remember?" The man was silent again, but the sound of the flame burning over the phone became clearer and clearer: "When I was young, my parents often quarreled for life."

Hearing the first sentence, Chen Ge felt wrong. This was not a good memory. He wanted to interrupt the other party, but the man over the phone did n’t mean to stop.

"My mother controlled me very tightly, looking forward to Jackie Chan, and I have always been a very good child, a little shy and not talking."

"When I was in elementary school, my study was not bad, but I only received the certificate of the three best students once in six years."

"When I was in junior high school, my English was very poor and my grades were moderate. My mother found me an English teacher for tutoring in junior high school. After school, I still have to go to class, and it will be ten o'clock by 9:30 in the evening. . "

"The teacher taught very well. When I was recruited, I took more than 90 points in the English test. Although I was not good at math and language, the total score was still in the top ten of the class. More than ten points. "

"This result can be reported to all high schools except City One High School."

"Actually, I don't quite understand why I had to label my children at that time."

"The first high school in the city is the best high school. I missed more than 20 points. If I want to go to the first high school, I have to pay 18,000 yuan more for tuition."

"My parents' monthly wages add up to more than 4,000. In order to give me a better starting point, they paid the extra money and sent me to a high."

"Am I grateful?"

"I didn't know it myself, maybe I didn't want to be ashamed. I just worked hard in the last three months. I was worried about being exposed and worrying about others knowing that you didn't come in by your own strength. You were a guy who walked through the back door. "

"Actually, people don't care too much about this, maybe I am a proud person in my heart, or I don't want to be different from them."

"My entrance examinations are in the middle, and my grades are moderately high. This makes me feel happy and I start to work harder."

"But during the mid-term exam, my score slipped to the middle."

"I can't find the reason. It may be that there is a problem with the learning method, or it may be because I have not worked hard enough."

"Fight it."

"When the final exam results came out, the ranking fell again and fell to the rear."

"A person with excellent grades has become a poor student, and his identity has changed, but there is still a psychological process of adaptation."

"When you begin to adapt psychologically, you become a poor student from a student."

"I'm weird myself. I'm a kind of self-esteem and proud student."

"When I was studying arts and sciences, I met someone I liked. It was hard to describe that feeling, and I was very happy when I saw it."

"She is the kind of student who studies particularly well and is very hardworking. She always goes to the classroom early in the morning."

"The key to our classroom is in the hands of the squad leader. I wake up very early every morning, just to catch the door before the squad leader comes to open the door and help her open the door."

"There are many similar things. When she went to the cafeteria to eat at noon, I would stand on the corridor with English books and memorize words. I wanted to wait for her to come back and watch her walk into the teaching building from the cafeteria."

"Ashamed, I remembered the words for one semester. At the end of the semester, I only took more than 30 points in English."

"The academic performance is getting worse and worse, and it is stable within the scores of ten. When I was in the third year of high school, when everyone broke down and went back to war, my interest was reading and writing."

"Read all kinds of extracurricular books, web articles, magazines, all domestic and foreign science fiction and suspense novels."

"Looking more, a world will appear in my mind. The world I conceived. It was also the first time that I established an author number on the Internet at that time and tried to write something."

"When there were more than one hundred days before the college entrance examination, several comrades in the night market took one's heart, and I still stepped on the monitor and slipped out of the code."

"At the Hundred Day Oath Master Conference, the school leaders were on the stage for general mobilization. I looked at him and I was thinking about the books I liked, the authors I liked, and I wanted to be the same as them. Shaping a world and making many People like it. "

"After the college entrance examination, there are two ways to interpret these four characters."

"One is finished, and the other is me."

"I only passed the college grades. Compared with those who were not satisfied with the exam and prepared to repeat it, I decided to seize this last opportunity to confess."

"It's true. I still didn't say anything. I saw my favorite girl and the monitor."

"I took care of my bald head. As the only college student in the key class of the city's key high school, I must have my own style and be calm."

"I'm not going to contact them again, perhaps because the stronger the self-esteem, the less like others sympathize."

"Being a poor student requires a dream student."

"After I went to college, writing was all. I was going to come up with a mythological work that combines all the elements of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign."

"I have read a lot of books, I know a little bit about everything, and contribute to the website."

"The first signing was at that time, and more than 300,000 words were on the shelf, no one looked at it."

"Subsequently contributed to some messy things, they don't want to."

"Some students in the third semester began to get busy with college-upgrading, exams for teacher qualifications, etc. I went to an internship in the place farthest from home."

"My father's factory closed down, the boss was sentenced to illegal fundraising for ten years, and my mother's salary is only less than 2,000."

"Go out for an internship. The farthest from home, the salary is the highest, and you can see the sea."

"Thirty-three people in our school went to this company for internship because they worked on the front line. The workshop temperature was above 40 degrees Celsius. They had to be in constant contact with copper mud and kerosene. Sixteen people remained after a month.

"For professional reasons, I was later transferred to other departments, and my work was not easy every day, but it was within acceptable limits."

"Gradually getting more and more proficient, the leader also felt that although the child did not like to talk, he was serious and serious, and then he corrected himself in advance."

"Working for eight hours a day and taking a day off every week. After getting used to this kind of life, I began to reflect on myself. Do I have to work here all my life? How can I not be an ideal worker as a new era?"

"I started writing again. I went to work for eight hours. At night I went back to write four thousand words. Four thousand words that no one reads, no one likes, and no one even scolds."

"If you don't write, nothing will change. Writing. Although it's tiring, at least I like to write."

"Maybe people who really care for hard work have few readers, but the girl she liked in high school suddenly contacted me on WeChat."

"When I was a sophomore, I heard another male student say that she broke up with the class leader, but I was obsessed with writing my own myth, science fiction and suspense novels, and I didn't care."

"Later, we often started contacting, and I went to see her during the annual leave and wandered around in their school."

"There is only one word difference between college and university, so I don't think there is a big gap, but then she read the master's degree, and the four words are far behind."

"I forgot to say what day it was, and I didn't know what I said at the time, but it was not appropriate anyway."

"Not too uncomfortable."

"Later, I continued to work, code words, and finally got this book to the shelf."

"No one still reads. The monthly manuscript fee is more than 600, of which 600 is the full attendance award."

"Later I searched my book and found a lot of pirated websites. I was so angry that I went to report and complain. I tried my best to finally add the qq number that the person left on the pirated page."

"There are also reader reviews in that place, which is more lively than my genuine book review area. After I added that person, I told him to let him remove my book immediately, otherwise I would use various means to protect rights."

"He ignored me."

"I looked for other pirated websites and found that I kept a lot of QQ numbers of the same person, and I justified his reasoning."

"Still not going back, in the end I was such a proud student in my bones, begging for the first time."

"I, the genuine author, told the person who opened the pirated webpage that I would n’t ask you to be removed anymore. Do n’t update with me. Wait three days after my genuine chapter is posted. Will you update it? If three days you Disagree, one day? I beg you. "

"I'm still posting in the piracy comment area, saying that I'll be 600 a month in full time. If you like it, please support the genuine version."

"Someone came back to me and said that I was selling badly, that I was stupid, that I was poisoned by what I wrote, and that which great **** cares about it, so there are so many things in the street."

"People who opened pirated webpages didn't return me, nor did I return those pirated readers. After exiting the browser, I continued to write the four thousand words of today."

"Four thousand words per day, a month of continuous change, there is a full attendance reward of 600 yuan, which is the return of all I have paid."

"After about a week, I made a mistake when turning on the polishing machine, and the tooling flew out and hit my hand."

"The right middle finger, the bone is broken, and there are two layers of skin connected."

"What happened at two o'clock in the afternoon, after more than eight o'clock in the evening, went back to the bedroom."

"Turn on the computer, seven fingers to write today's four thousand words, four thousand a day, and keep changing this month to get the attendance award."

"I wrote more than three thousand words until 1:30 in the evening, and then the whole person suddenly collapsed, crying on the keyboard like a dog."

"What the **** am I doing?"

"When I went on vacation, I went back to my hometown, and the girl wanted to invite me to dinner, and then went to dinner and watched the movie."

"The movie I watched that day was Big Fish Begonia. After seeing the male match Qiu gave her life for the mistress, the mistress Chun still stayed with Kun."

"I seemed to see myself, everything was put down."

"I put my carefully prepared gift on the flyover and squatted on the road until the middle of the night. People who come and go probably think this guy is very strange."

"After returning home, I went back to Zhuhai the next day."

"Work, codewords, those who supported me back then, I didn't even know what it was."

"Later I wrote a new book, and after another half a year, God finally did not treat the people who are hard at work. I had the happiest time."

"I met a female reader who was five years younger than me."

"She was going to school at the time, I was at work, spanning half of China."

"When I went to find her for the first time, the typhoon came and the plane couldn't take off. It was a long time late."

"Coincidentally, this typhoon hasn't gone yet, and there is another typhoon coming soon, these are all true."

"She told me at the time that if I could not arrive that day, I would not be together."

"The most coincident thing happened. During the short period between the two typhoons, the plane took off."

"This should be my first relationship."

"Everything we do is the first time for me."

"Hold the hand for the first time, go to the aquarium for the first time, go to the amusement park for the first time, pass by the gate of the haunted house for the first time, take the subway for the first time, kiss for the first time ..."

"My straight titanium alloy did not worry her a lot, but also concealed a lot of her shortcomings from her, such as correcting fingers that still can see the problem, such as education, and boasting about his books."

"Later I wrote another supernatural novel, and it was completely on fire. I felt that God really would not treat a hard-working person."

"The days were like shining like light, with all the hardships and dreams at hand."

"As if I saw the High School Hundred Day Oath Master Conference, the least visible student standing in the crowd was thanking me."

"Thank you for not giving up. Finally, one day, you and the authors you used to stand together."

"This is the happiest time, but it's always a short time."

"Every year, one of the most powerful newcomers is selected in the circle. I thought I had a solid score, and I met a brush."

"My book won this honor with a total of more than 400,000 yuan in red envelopes with absolutely leading results."

"More than 100,000 of these 400,000 were spontaneously sent by book friends, and 300,000 were from my own. I sold the old house at home."

"I thought about that month, if my book was reported. Go find the brush ~ www.readwn.com ~ slaughter him, and then set fire to burn everything including myself Now. "

"Fortunately, the book was not sealed, but after earning this honor, I suddenly felt the world suddenly darkened."

"It should be a very happy thing, but I can't laugh."

"Everyone is happy, but I smiled very hard."

"The dream came true, but what seems to be wrong with me."

"When communicating with people, it feels that the other person's mouth is expanding, like a black hole, will **** themselves in."

"People who like and close people will refuse to give me the care."

"There must be something wrong."

The sound of the flame burning from the side of the phone is getting louder and louder. It seems that something like a wardrobe has been pushed down. The voice of the man is getting farther away. Chen Ge only heard his last sentence.

"This fire is so big ..."

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