I went out in these two days. The last chapter issued on March 9 was in Shanghai at that time. After the appointment of the Great God, there was no regret.

Went to Zhengzhou the next day, broke up with his girlfriend, sent all the bank card passwords to his family, and then went directly to Cangzhou, Hebei.

It took two months from January 3 to March 1 to compare some words of the readers of that book, as well as information on the Internet, and probably determined the address of the spy writer Xun Qingteng of the Republic of China.

The last chapter was all telling the truth, and that big brush was Xun Qingteng, the author of the Republic of China spy.

Open the starting point app, click the discovery page, find the top column, click in, and turn down, you can find:

Issued on December 2, 2018: Ai's Starting Weekly 37 (November 26-December 2)

Issued on November 25, 2018: Ai's Starting Point Weekly 36 (November 19-November 25)

There are pictures in these two weekly magazines, which record the three books of the horror house, there are devilishness and the Republic of China spy when competing for the newcomer king, and the number of monthly tickets per month.

"Here's Enchanting" was released in May, with the first subscription of 7700 (from the starting point of the data network). The monthly ticket for the month is 3790; June 3921 votes; July 7417 votes; August 7576 votes; September 17960 votes; October 36974 votes ( In the same month, there were demonish sent out 70,000 RMB monthly ticket red envelopes, monthly ticket red envelopes are within the starting point rules, five yuan a); November 32045 votes (as of November 25)

"I Have a Horror House" was launched on August 1st, the first order was 17600 (from the starting point of the data network), the monthly ticket for the month was 14269; September 18749 votes; October 19140 votes; November 40627 votes (as of November 25, the month Started competing for the list, and issued more than 80,000 RMB monthly ticket red envelopes)

"Republic of China" was released on August 1st, the first order is 2400 (from the starting point data network), the monthly pass is 8087; the monthly pass is 26284 in September; the 48115 vote is in October; the 32318 vote is in November (as of November 25)

"Horror House" and "Republic of the Shadows" were put on the same day, all the data that can be seen on the Internet, collection, rewards, all set, chapters say, comments, all of the horror houses should exceed the Republic of Shadows.

In this case, the starting point of the horror house and qq reading together issued a monthly ticket red envelope of more than 400,000 yuan, and finally the total number of monthly tickets exceeded the Republic of China spy.

The newcomer king is looking at the total number of monthly tickets. I would like to ask Xun Qingteng face to face. If all the data are not as good as mine, I will not issue monthly ticket red envelopes. Where did your monthly ticket come from? Taobao? Online shopping?

More than 400,000 RMB, converted into more than 80,000 monthly tickets! The last hundred thousand was still issued during the double monthly pass!

The number of monthly envelope red envelopes issued, there is a red envelope list in the starting point can be seen, qq reading is the same.

"Republic of China Shadow" October 48,115 monthly tickets, the eighth in the total list, I also noticed the book from that time, a new book with a new order of 2,400, two months to brush into the top ten of the monthly ticket list.

In October, at the time, my average booking was 24,000, and I received a total of 19,140 monthly tickets that month, ranking more than 20 monthly tickets.

In November, the editor asked me if I wanted to fight for the newcomer king. Competing for the newcomer king is to earn a monthly ticket. It has many advantages and allows readers to be more united. The monthly ticket list itself is equivalent to a big recommendation.

I said to the editor that it wouldn't matter if you were fighting with a demon, but what did you mean by letting me fight with a big brush?

Editor's words back to me was the first time I was a little disappointed in this industry.

If a book of thousands of books and a book of tens of thousands of books pk, then the book of thousands of books may be sold.

But if a book of 20,000 and 30,000 books pk, the book brush of 20,000 books, do you think it will control?

Is very realistic, I understand.

I asked the readers for their opinions. The readers were very enthusiastic and very supportive. Then they officially started to compete on November 16th, that is, from that day until now, they began to suffer from insomnia.

In December, someone turned around and said that I swiped tickets, left a message in my space, and whispered me in private, it was very good, I wrote it down.

At the time, I was going to go to Long Kong to post the brush to expose the brush. The readers in the management group stopped me and said that no matter what crazy words are outside, the author himself must not come down.

After December, the title of the book was changed, the profile was changed, and the outline and main line were also cut to rewrite in order to avoid being reported harmoniously, and some small stories outside the main line were added.

On the first day of January, Daojunyue ranked first, the top ten in the global high martial arts ranking, the newcomer king of the horror house, and the first two opened a single chapter to thank. I consulted a lawyer on the Internet the next morning, how to pass Legal way to sue this brush of the Republic of China.

The specific implementation cycle is very long, I originally thought it was just a simple thing.

January 2nd, the first signing author group I added was also the only signing group that remains.

Someone is talking about the newcomer king, saying that the horror house is invincible, and it becomes the newcomer king by brush. I know many people are talking about ~ www.readwn.com ~ I ca n’t prove that I ’m not a brush, I can only use My life guarantees that from writing a book to now, I have never brushed any data, clicks, favorites, monthly tickets, subscriptions, reviews, rewards, everything is true! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I have no way to prove that I am not a brush, nor do I know what to do to punish this real brush.

I once told this question to my parents. My parents told me to look at it. I also mentioned it to my girlfriend. I hate itchy teeth. I also told my friends. They said that those who clear are self-cleaning. , They don't understand why I'm so annoyed.

Actually, I just do n’t understand one thing, why I did n’t do anything wrong! But it became the person who did the wrong thing! ! !

I have been trying to persuade myself these months, but the more I think, the more disgusting I feel. I feel glued in my head and I can't breathe.

I know that even if I write here, some people will say, isn't it a trivial matter? As for being so uncomfortable?

To tell the truth, I do n’t know why I did this. I thought I would think slowly, but it turned out to be the opposite.

I think I should use my own method. Cangzhou is quite big. After finding it all night, I finally got to the place.

I usually don't like talking, but if I don't say this thing, holding back in my heart can hold people to death.

I didn't calm down until now, after thinking about it, I was only 26.

I can use the rest of my life for the rest of my life.

Spent most of the day calming down, but still controlled.

Thinking about being an author like me is actually quite bad.

Has returned, don't worry.

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