I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 559: Is there a reason to save people?

"In front of the pain, the person looks a little small, which is what I have learned recently." The man kept coughing, and his body could no longer support it: "I used to be a grumpy person, but I was slowly suffering from cancer After going to the corner, in the battle with it, I realized that people are actually very fragile. "

"Don't go any further, stop and rest for a while, I will go to the Jiujiang World Trade Center immediately. If we have anything, let's talk about it again when we meet." Chen Ge lied about his whereabouts and gestured to the driver. To urge the other party to drive faster.

The results of the online search show that the Guoxuetang built next to the railway is near the southern suburbs, not too far from him.

"I have stayed in place for a long time, and I should go forward." The man's voice was trembling. Every time he coughed, it would affect the whole body. The pain was indescribable: "I know you are good for me, but I want Go see other landscapes, which is why I went to that very high place. "

Chen Ge does not know how to persuade a man. After all, he is not a professional counselor.

"Everyone dies and there is nothing. Just calm down and think about the unfinished things in your memory, think about the precious people in your life, they are still waiting for you, every moment you are together A moment is very important to them. "Chen Ge is fast, he is also a little anxious and desperately waves his hand to the driver.

The driver was also a smart man. He immediately realized the seriousness of the problem when he heard what Chen Ge said, and the speed of the car became faster again.

Returning the same way, they soon passed the entrance of the children's playground and drove towards the edge of the southern suburbs.

In the suburbs of Jiujiang, the western suburbs have the largest area and the southern suburbs have the most convenient transportation, but the area is the smallest.

The man's voice on the phone slowly became lower. He seemed to regard Chen Ge as his last listener and told Chen Ge a lot about himself.

Taxi drove along the road, the buildings on both sides slowly became shorter, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians around.

Chen Ge was sitting in the car, doing two things at the same time. While calling and chatting with the man, he stared at the outside of the car and compared the map to find the Guoxuetang.

The coughing of the man on the cell phone is getting more and more intense, and it feels like he is about to cough up his lungs. This is by no means an exaggerated description. It ’s just that Chen Ge can only feel the pain the man is suffering from the sound .

"Hold on! I'll be here soon!" Chen Ge was in a hurry, and the voice over the phone was so real, he always felt that there was still a chance to save everything.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." The man coughed for a long time before he uttered a word. His voice sounded strange, with a sense of relief, a trace of relief, and a trace of reluctance.

He tried to make each one very clear, even though it would sting his swollen throat and lumps on his neck: "You can chat with me so much, I am already very happy, go back, I am not talking about you Do n’t come to me in that place, the rest of the way can just leave me alone. "

The wind became louder and Chen Ge held his breath. He was now worried about hearing the train whistle on his mobile phone.

When that voice sounded, it was probably when the man reached the "destination".

A few minutes later, the driver sent Chen Ge to the place.

At the end of the street there is a quaint courtyard. This is the former residence of a scribe before Jiujiang. The National College is next to this courtyard.

The driver was smart and did not interrupt the chat between Chen Ge and the man. After stopping the car, he pointed to the outside and then to the meter.

Chen Ge was anxious to find the man who was preparing to lie on the rails, grabbed a few notes from his pocket and handed it to the driver, then opened the door and rushed out with the bag.

On the cell phone, the man ’s will became blurred, his voice was intermittent, his preface did not follow, and his state was very dangerous.

"Your story hasn't finished yet. Just talked about the scene when you first met your wife. What happened afterwards?" Chen Ge didn't dare to stop the man from thinking. He tried to let the other party continue.

When you walk out of the street, you can see the iron cabinets in the distance. There are barriers on both sides, but a small number of barriers have been missing. It should be removed by nearby residents for convenience.

What about people?

It is here that the two messages of the train whistle and the National College are here. The phone has not been hung up, so Chen Ge did not dare to make much movement. He ran outside the fence, and there was a whisper in his ear.

The railroad tracks in the night looked like a ladder leading to the other side of the world, without end, reaching into the deepest part of the darkness.

"This ladder can't reach heaven ..."

I don't know when the next train will be. What Chen Ge can do is do his best to find the other party and then take him to a safe place.

Chen Ge didn't know if he was right or wrong, but he still wanted to do his best to let the man think again.

Holding a mobile phone in one hand and a large bag in another, Chen Ge ran by the railroad track alone: ​​"Calm down, you must calm down!"

Chen Ge didn't save the first two deceased, he will never miss this one again.

The coughing sounded again, and the man's physical condition seemed to have reached the limit. He stopped and did not continue to move forward.

"I'm going to that place soon." The man's voice came from the mobile phone: "It's still a little bit of reluctance. I should have been with them before."

While the man spoke, Chen Ge's pupils narrowed. He used the **** pupil and found a figure in a far place.

The man sat in the middle of the railroad track, and in front of him was a track that seemed to have no end.

It's him?

Chen Ge ran towards the man, and slowly, a little light appeared in the night.

A whispering wind sounded, and a man's voice came out from the phone: "I have seen the place I want to go to, it is bright, the light slowly approaching ..."

"Quick! Get out of there!"

Chen Ge knows exactly what the light is. The train is coming!

He threw away the bag and rushed towards the shadow.

The sound of the train running on the mobile phone became clearer and clearer, and Chen Ge was getting closer and closer to the shadow.

He didn't care about other things anymore, at this moment there was only one thought in his mind, pulling the shadow away.

Sprinting with all his strength, Chen Ge saw the speeding train, his lips bit out of blood, and he went forward with a scalp.

If there is a third party, it will feel like Chen Ge is actively crashing into the oncoming train in the distance.

"Flash off!"

It's just the blink of an eye, Chen Ge has rushed to the shadow.

Before the train came, he reached for the shadow.

The palm is cold ~ www.readwn.com ~ Without thinking about it, Chen Ge grabbed the thing and rolled down the railroad track.

The train passed by and it was a few seconds behind.

The whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and Chen Ge was not so afraid when facing the red dress.

The wheels were rolling against the rails, and the sound was so heavy that Chen Ge was not relieved until the train passed.

"are you OK?"

He quickly looked at the black shadow he had just grabbed, and when he looked up, he found that the black shadow stood on the other side of the railroad track, keeping a distance from Chen Ge.

"Why are you saving me?" The shadow made the same voice as the phone.

"Do you need any other reason to save people?" Chen Ge asked the other party, he hung up the phone and walked towards the shadow.

As he kept getting closer, the facial features of the black shadow began to change slowly, and a drop of blood oozed out from under the skin, slowly staining the coat.

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