I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 560: Suicide intervention operator

The atmosphere was dignified, Chen Ge stopped and he and Heiying were separated on both sides of the rail.

In the face of ordinary remnants and fierce ghosts, Chen Ge can already do not change his face and heart, but the red clothing is still very stressful for him.

In order to save people just now, he ran with all his strength and threw all the bags containing Doraemon costumes and his backpack on the side of the road.

At this moment, those employees are not with him.

With his palms clenched, Chen Ge was a little uncomfortable. He always wanted to grab something to keep himself calm.

The night is like the curtain covering the moonlight and the starlight, and the changes in the shadow are not over yet.

The original weak ricket's body slowly straightened, the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes were smoothed, blood oozed from his forehead, and a strange symbol was painted on his face, like a birthmark and a blood-red tattoo.

Chen Ge and the man were separated on the two sides of the railroad track. He looked at the man and did not approach.


Chen Ge was the first to see such a ghost. The blood was painted as a symbol on the face. If you look closely, you will find that the thing like a birthmark is formed by the countless faces overlapping together.

They occupy half of the man's face, which means that only half of the man's face is what he is, and the other half of the face seems to be constantly changing.

"This momentum is far more than Xu Yin, it is worthy of the red clothes that are second only to Zhang Ya."

After swallowing, Chen Ge turned his head and glanced behind him. The backpack was thrown away by him far away, and it was simply too late to run backwards.

Standing in the same place, Chen Ge told himself to be calm. As if he didn't see the true identity of the man, he said in a natural tone: "The person who has been talking to me tonight is you?"

The man is very quiet and can even be described as pretty. His eyes are not big, but there seems to be a world hidden in his eyes, which makes people feel uncomfortable when facing him.

The pupil was shrinking. Chen Ge was the first to encounter such a ghost in red clothes. The other party gave him a strange feeling. There was no blood and brutality in ordinary red clothes. It was more of an unspeakable feeling, like The moonlight in the cold night is the same.

"I'm here to help you." Chen Ge didn't know what to say. He couldn't judge the strength of this red dress, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

The two sides stared at each other for a long time, and the strange man watched Chen Ge speak for the first time: "The life and death of these people has nothing to do with you. Why did you fight your life to save them?"

"Why are you still struggling with this problem? I am not a saint, and I will not run out every day to see the courageous actions everywhere, but since I am hit, then I will help them within my ability." Chen Ge said very sincerely: "Even if I knew they would continue to seek death in the future, but at least I once helped them get a chance to rethink."

I don't know which sentence of Chen Ge touched the other party. The blood on the man's face no longer flows, and his expression softens a lot.

He looked at the railroad tracks that stretched into the darkness and sighed softly: "If I were half smart at first, he wouldn't die."

"He? Can't die?" Chen Ge was full of doubts: "What do you mean? I contacted these dead people after dialing a certain number of telephones. Have you ever dialed that number? Or did you say that number is your stay?" Down? "

The reward he drew from his black cell phone is called the number kissed by the deceased. Every deceased called this number before his death, which made Chen Ge feel a little hairy, because he had dialed several times in a row tonight.

The man heard Chen Ge's voice and looked back. His thin body and pale skin made Wen Wen weak, but half of his face was occupied by a greasy **** tattoo, which made him appear to have two completely contradictory temperaments.

But the strange thing is that the two opposite temperaments are interwoven on the same person, and they will be so harmonious.

The man didn't answer Chen Ge's question. He stood on the other side of the railway, looking at other places with inexplicable words in his mouth.

"Have you found a commonality in these people."

"Commonality?" Chen Ge recalled: "Every one of them suffered very painful things while they were alive. They had nowhere to go, and finally chose to leave alone."

"Then you know, why did they call that number before saying goodbye to this world?" The man's voice didn't have a touch of emotion. I don't know if it was a congenital lack of emotion, or was already disappointed with everything.

Chen Ge also made various assumptions on the way, but he was overthrown by him. The meaning of this number seems to be just to communicate with the dead and listen to their words.

There is no malice, and there is no such thing as a curse to kill.

Shaking his head, Chen Ge had a guess in his heart, but he didn't say it.

The man seemed to have expected that the result would be like this. He stood beside the railroad track, seemingly caught in memory.

The expression on his face was painful and self-blamed, and more confused: "When I was in school, I saw a friend jump off the building with my own eyes. I was standing by the window, and he was standing on the opposite building."

"I waved at him and smiled at him, but he didn't respond. The whole person seemed to be stunned."

"I realized in my mind that something bad might happen. I shouted his name loudly, but I still didn't save him."

"That was the first time I saw death, it happened in front of me, less than ten meters away from me."

"Some people say that learning psychology is not to heal themselves, it is the Virgin, and I want to heal others, I should belong to the former ~ www.readwn.com ~ Listening to the man saying here, Chen Ge did not hold back:" You are psychological Doctors? "

He actually did n’t want to interrupt men, but he saw too many doctors during this time, such as Dr. Gao and Dr. Chen. These two top doctors who understand people ’s hearts, not only did not heal themselves, but got deeper and deeper. , So Chen Ge now has a psychological shadow of the profession of psychologist.

"I do work in psychological counseling, but it is not a psychologist. Have you heard of the occupation of suicide intervention operator?"

"Suicide intervention operator? Can you tell me what you are doing?"

The same is in red, but men can communicate with Chen Ge without barriers. Generally, this type of red clothing belongs to superior intelligence, but the combat effectiveness is relatively weak, such as Mennan.

In dealing with such red clothes, Chen Ge is more experienced and cannot be moved to reason, so he can only use another way to communicate.

Chen Ge shouted Zhang Ya's name silently in his heart. In front of the strange red clothes, he didn't dare to take care of himself, preparing to look at the situation and adopt different countermeasures.

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