Zhang Ya ...

The silent reading of her name made Chen Ge vaguely disturbed that he did not get any response.

He turned his head and glanced behind him. The night was dark and there was no light around him, so he could not see his shadow at all.

"What are you doing?" The man found Chen Ge's behavior a bit strange, and whispered: "Your face does not look very good."

"This is the first time I heard about the occupation of suicide intervention operators. What do you need to do every day?" Chen Ge is also a person who has seen the storms and waves. He immediately adjusted his status and diverted the topic.

"Nearly one million people commit suicide each year worldwide, this number far exceeds homicides, but this topic is often seldom brought into public view because of shame and silence. In fact, what we should do is to face it when a person appears suicidal Whenever possible, help him in time and cure him. Instead of blaming him and isolating him with an incomprehensible eye. "

"No one is so stupid as to look down on life. When a person is really forced to that point, the pain he suffers can only be understood by himself."

The man seemed to be thinking of something. He looked at the endless night sky: "I am a suicide intervention operator. The job I do every day is to extend my hand to those who have walked to the abyss and tell them this There are people in the world who are willing to help him. I can't drag them out of the abyss, but I can tell them that there are still beautiful things in the world. "

"That number is the suicide intervention hotline?" Chen Ge nodded: "No wonder the people in front of me talk so strangely."

"They are not that strange. If you encounter what they have encountered, I am afraid they will be the same as them." The man looked back at Chen Ge: "In fact, those with belief in mortalities rarely call us for help. Hotline. Those who choose to call the suicide intervention hotline at the end of their lives, they still retain a trace of love for the world. They are out of tune. Their strange performances are actually asking for help from those around them. "


"Yes, suicide is not a short-term temporary action, various reasons will be buried early, those bad emotions and things accumulate in the heart, and then suddenly on a certain day, because a certain point is triggered At that moment, people will be overwhelmed with negative emotions. Many suicides actually have signs, but people around them rarely realize that if they can find out and make changes earlier, the tragedy can be completely avoided. "

The blood color on the man's coat faded slowly, and the color of the blood color tattoo on his left face also faded.

This is the first time Chen Ge has encountered this situation. In all the red clothes he has seen before, no matter when, the blood-red coat will not change. The red dress in front of him seems to be slightly different from other red clothes.

The man did n’t care about Chen Ge ’s gaze, he should just want to find someone to speak: “I ’ve heard many reasons for suicide, the factory went bankrupt, and I owed a huge amount of usury in order to make a comeback. There is no way out. At the last moment of life, it ’s still there. I did n’t dare to go home. When I connected the phone, I heard that the man in his 40s or 50s was crying all the time. His only wish was to look at his children. There are too many similar things, every night. At that time, people will always become more vulnerable. Twelve o'clock in the morning to three o'clock in the morning is our busiest time. My first rescue failure was also at that time. "

The railroad track was in the middle, and the man and Chen Ge kept the distance very well.

"Do you remember the first call you made?"

"I have an impression."

"That writer called me before his death, and I heard the madness in his tone, but I underestimated his determination. I thought he just wanted to talk to someone because his voice was really calm. During the conversation with him, I didn't feel that there was a trace of abnormality in him, it was just a normal mood. "When the man said this, the blood tattoo on his half face slightly changed, and the blood was intertwined slowly. Slowly outlined the face of another person.

"I remember it very well. It was the first time I failed to intervene. Until now, I can even memorize all the conversations between him and him." The man's voice was a bit painful: "I was the next day I regretted seeing him in the newspaper. He gave me my last hope, but I ignored it, and I was also responsible for the tragedy. "

"Since then, I have been more careful when talking to people, but the situation has not improved."

"One day a month later, I failed to intervene again. That day was the man's 30th birthday. He chose this day specifically, wearing work clothes and saying goodbye to the places he remembered the most." The man said that he should have a big fat man For patients with Tiger syndrome, Chen Ge can hear a bit of pain in the other person's tone.

"The life's life disappeared in front of my eyes. I clearly have a chance." The blood tattoo on the man's side changed again. Chen Ge found that the blood tattoo on his face would change every time he said a person. Judging from Li Gui ’s experience in dealing with people, the obsession of those who committed suicide seems to have entered the body of the man ~ www.readwn.com ~ In other words, it may also be that the man took the phone by himself The obsession of all suicides.

"The third intervention failed on the second day. I was originally going to see the last suicide in person." The tone of the man's tone changed for the first time: "He is really a very kind person. I asked him if he had any wishes at the end of his life. The answer he gave me was that he was worried that the death of the landlord ’s house would cause the landlord ’s house to be rented out, so he deliberately went to other places. The rent is on the suitcase, but he does n’t have a friend, so I hope I can inform the landlord and give the landlord the utility bill. "

"I talked to him a lot that day, until he fell asleep, I should call the police, but I don't even know where he is."

"I haven't gotten rid of the last suicide. I met another suicide again."

"He is suffering from cancer and suffering from illness. Unlike other suicides, this one called me during the day. He was thoughtful." The man said here, and once again looked at Chen Ge: " My job is to pull a person out of the quagmire of death, but on that day, I did not do such a thing. Maybe it was because of mental stress, or maybe because of continuous stimulation, I did not persuade him Embrace life, but respect his choice. "

Every time a man mentions a suicide, the blood-colored tattoo on his side will change once.

"I didn't do what I should do, but am I doing something wrong?"

The man looked even more at a loss: "All the call records we have will be saved, and my call is no exception, but then I do n’t know what happened. Shortly after his accident, the last call between me and him Was made public. "

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