I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 564: May you enjoy this life, be sincere and kind

"Have you heard their voices? They are telling me their pain, even if they die, that obsession is still preserved."

The man's arms spread out slowly, and his changing face on the half side finally became his own.

He looked at Chen Ge: "I once witnessed such a thing. The girl stood on the edge of the building, and the firefighters patiently dissuaded them, but the downstairs watching the lively people were coaxing. They regarded the girl's death as a fun. I know it ’s not appropriate to say that, but it ’s a fact. They took out their phones to take pictures, urged the other party to jump off, and then recorded everything, maybe they will send a circle of friends, accompanied by a few words of sympathy. "

"Such people are not alone. It is precisely because of their existence that some people who shouldn't be **** will be forced into a dead end in the end."

Chen Ge looked at the man on the opposite side of the railroad track. He understood each other very well, but this did not mean that he fully agreed with each other ’s words: "Friend, I know there are many dirty people and things in this world. They are all around us, but In addition to them, there are many more beautiful things in the world. Good and bad are intertwined to make up our lives. I think your teacher said something very reasonable. You are a person who really cares for patients and is also a Nice guy, but you are not a qualified operator. "

"You also said that you can change a person's ability to absorb love and release love, but have you ever found that you have been changed by the helper in a subtle way, your world is occupied by those dirty things, your The eyes can only see those ugly and disgusting things. In fact, the world itself has not changed. It has always been like this, and the person who changed is you. "

The red dress on the other side of the railroad track is a kind and good person. Chen Ge is also the first to see such a pure person who will become a red dress after his death.

He did not become red because of extreme hate and extreme love, nor because of hatred and all kinds of negative emotions, but because of kindness, an ordinary person wants to carry the painful past of all suicides, which in Chen Ge's view is simply An impossible thing, but the man in front of him did it.

In a sense, this red dress may have greater potential than Zhang Ya, but the other party does not know how to use it.

The man didn't expect Chen Ge to refute his point of view. He looked straight at Chen Ge. There was a special emotion in his eyes. His calm was broken, and he seemed a little excited: "You know why I'm with you Say this? "

"Why?" Chen Ge doesn't think he can persuade each other in a few words. He just feels that this man is very hard. No matter he lives or after death, maybe he can try another way of living.

"The phone stored in your phone is the number I used to use. The people who connected to your phone are the callers who failed in my intervention." The tone and expression of the man's speech became more and more strange, and his facial features slowly Distorted, if he initially gave Chen Ge the same feeling as a living person, then now the last trace of humanity in him disappeared.

"The first few people are the test for you. You didn't help them, or you laughed at their deaths, or hung high without concern, then you will soon become a shadow behind me."

The man has moved from one extreme to the other. His thinking is very dangerous.

"It seems that I am quite lucky, so do I pass the test now?" Chen Ge knew that red clothes were not so easy to get. The two ordinary ghosts of Yan Danian and Xu Yin also made him spend a lot of effort. In order to get the red dress Zhang Ya, he even put his happiness for the rest of his life up.

If you want to repay, you have to pay first. Everything in the black phone is exchanged for equivalent.

"Originally, you will meet seven help-seekers. I didn't expect that you can directly determine the location of one of the help-seekers through some voices and found me. This was something I didn't do at the time." The man's expression was still horrible. , But his eyes softened a bit: "I never thought you would risk your life to save a stranger you didn't know, even if you didn't know if the other person was a ghost, you dared before the truck came. Rushing to the rails. Have you ever thought about it? If you move a few seconds slower, then your life is gone. "

"Regardless of whether it is true or false, I have to save, because it involves human life, I can't go to gamble, even if I know that 99% of this is a scam, then I am willing to be cheated." Chen Ge's voice was calm, But it is full of power, making people feel comfortable with inexplicable feelings.

"Then you are really a fool." The man paused, his eyes with a trace of complexity.

"Fool, just be a fool. I have done a lot of similar stupid things. Many people have said so, and I am used to it." The atmosphere was a little calmer, Chen Ge tentatively asked, "Now I have passed your Test, what do you have to tell me next? "

He looked forward expectantly at the red dress opposite the railroad track, his eyes shining brightly, sweeping the dense black figure behind the man.

Staring at Chen Ge like this, the man frowned: "It has never happened before. This number is just a tool I use to quell the suicide of the suicide. I will use him to screen some jerks who laugh at the dead, and then Take them away. You have passed the test, only that you can continue to live. "

"You used this number to kill?" Chen Ge's voice froze. He really didn't expect that it was used to save people, and he was pinned on the number of the last hope. At this time, it turned into a tool to kill people.

Before and after the man died, Chen Ge felt a pity for the same number and different handling methods.

"I know you will find it weird. Does this actually fit the wishes of some people?" The man's greasy face showed a smile: "After my accident, this number that saved countless people was said by those lunatics. A number cursed by the devil. Anyone who has dialed this number will eventually become unfortunate, encounter an accident, and die on the street. They even made me into a horror story. What I am doing now is just making them up. The horror story has become reality. "

There was no thrill of revenge in his voice, just apathy.

Chen Ge understood the man's thoughts in his heart. He had never thought of harming any one person, but it was himself who was hurt in the end. Even if he was still uneasy after death, it would be unreasonable if the man's character did not change.

After thinking for a while, Chen Ge slowly said, "In fact, I am the same person as you. We are all the kind of fools who care about themselves, and they are all people who consider themselves wholeheartedly for others, but in the end they lose themselves."

When the man heard Chen Ge's words, his frown was stretched. What he was about to say was interrupted by Chen Ge.

"But we are not exactly the same. I chose a different path than you. You silently carried everything in your heart until you couldn't bear the collapse."

"Actually, you don't have to be so tired at all. You can't change everyone. You can only change yourself."

"I'm not making you bad, just making you understand the importance of yourself."

Chen Ge took out his own personal experience to persuade the other party: "I have met many very bad people, all kinds of people, some of them are to treat their heart problems, wantonly deprive others of their lives, and some are for a certain obsession, at all costs. All around me, there are also things that are inherently broken into the bone, and I can't get the love I can't get into the wall, and so on, I have seen a lot. "

The tone of the voice was steady and the waves weren't alarmed. Chen Ge did experience too much during this time.

The man looked at Chen Ge and found that he did n’t seem to be lying: “I ’ve seen so many bad guys. Why did you risk your life to save a dead person? Did you know that this was a trap and tried to figure out me in advance? Intentionally, so did you do it on purpose? "

In the eyes of a man, Chen Ge is a very smart person. He can determine the location of the suicide only from some murmurs on the phone. He now has doubts about Chen Ge and thinks it may be a painful plan of Chen Ge. .

"I have seen many bad guys, but I have not been influenced by them. I have my own way of living. I have my own persistence. No matter what those people say or do, I only need to do one thing. "Chen Ge is standing opposite the red clothes, the strength is not on a level at all, but the popularity of the two people is comparable.

"What's the matter?" The man himself had such confusion, he asked without thinking much.

"Just do it yourself." Chen Ge looks ordinary, but the smile looks very sunny, and can encourage people at any time: "The society is cruel, but I will keep myself warm, I don't care about those For messy things, it is enough to ask for the full enjoyment of this life and be sincere and kind. "

"Just that?" The man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but the train drove at this time, separating him from Chen Ge in an instant.

The ground shook, and in the rumbling sound, Chen Ge didn't hear what the man said.

The train drove towards the distance, the light gradually disappeared on the horizon, and everything around was swallowed by darkness again.

In the dark night, Chen Ge and the man in red were separated on both sides of the railroad track, just like when they first met.

Neither of them spoke again. Chen Ge did not know whether his persuasion was useful. He really wanted to help the man in red. By the way, he also prepared for the future to save more people in the eastern suburbs. He felt that he and the man in red The goal is exactly the same, one person and one ghost should be united.

"Do n’t be so painful, you still have a lot of things you do n’t enjoy in this world. There are so many people standing behind you, who put their last hope on you, and you should live like they never had before, With their wishes and obsessions, live to be the people they want to be, I think this should be what they are willing to see. "Hands in his pockets, the night wind blowing his hair, Chen Ge took all he wanted to say Say it.

Standing in the dark night, no one could see the dense figure behind the man. He froze for a long time, and then came over from the railroad track.

With every step taken, the **** smell on the body will dissipate a little. When he stopped in front of Chen Ge, the red clothing had changed to the normal color, and he looked almost exactly the same as the normal person.

If it is not known in advance, Chen Ge can't guess that this is actually a special red dress carrying the obsession of countless suicides.

"You should not trap yourself in that small circle, you are not alone, you should let them feel happiness and sunshine, after all, this is what they longed for most in their lifetime." Chen Ge saw the man slightly nodded in agreement with his words , He also smiled in good faith: "Interesting life is the best option, or you will follow me first, I will introduce some new friends to you, let you slowly regain those happiness and warmth."

"Following you?" The man's voice was a little surprised, ordinary people can't see it, but the young man in front of him seems to be different: "You haven't been scared by me, I'm already surprised, don't force yourself."

"Not reluctantly." Chen Ge didn't expect that the man was still thinking about himself at this time, but he couldn't show too much enthusiasm, afraid to scare the other party away.

"You just think about others too much. I have housed a lot of homeless 'friends', and they should welcome you." In a few days, Chen Ge was ready to go to the eastern suburbs for a big vote, so he I must definitely keep each other. Besides, the man in red can become almost exactly the same as a normal person. This seems to Chen Ge to be a very powerful ability. Others think he is just an ordinary person or an ordinary ghost, and only after turning his face Found that this is actually a terrible red dress.

Regardless of Chen Ge's persuasion, the man didn't reply. He was different from other red clothes. His memories of his life were all preserved. Unlike Zhang Ya and Xu Yin, he had his own ideas.

"I'll take a look at the place where you live, but not now." The man smiled with a rare smile: "When the last wishes I put on me are completed, I will do my best again as you said. "

"Is the suicide of all suicides?" Chen Ge thought of the huge crowd of people behind the man ~ www.readwn.com ~ If every figure left a will to be completed, it is estimated that the man met Chen Ge again for several years. Later.

Chen Ge didn't want the red clothes he pulled out now, he would have to wait a few years before it came in handy. He thought for a while and said, "Can you fulfill so many wishes?"

"This is what I promised them, and I will do it anyway."

"You misunderstood what I meant." Chen Ge waved his hand: "I mean, let me go with you to fulfill their last wish? This can also be faster, and you don't want the souls of those suicides to rest for long Right? "

"You help me?" The man was really moved this time. No one has ever been like Chen Ge.

"Relax, I have nothing to ask for, just want you to understand that even if the world betrays you, someone will be willing to stand with you." Chen Ge extended his hand to the man: "Yes, always I have n’t asked your name, what should I call you? "

The man remained silent for a long time and took Chen Ge's hand: "My name is Zhang Wenyu."

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