I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 565: New special tourist

"Zhang Wenyu?" Feeling the coldness in the palm of his hand, Chen Ge showed a smile from the heart: "I remember your name, I will help you fulfill the suicide of the suicide, and we will need to contact more in the future."

The man in red felt that Chen Ge was very nice. He silently withdrew his hand and suddenly didn't know what to say.

I didn't meet someone who knew me before I died, but I didn't expect to meet one after death.

"Are there any deceased wishes on your side that can be fulfilled locally in Jiujiang? Let's find some ones that are relatively close, those that need to go far away to be fulfilled, I need to prepare in advance."

Chen Ge wants to help the man in red to fulfill the suicide of the suicide, this sentence is not just talking.

The man did n’t speak, he was n’t sure if he should do it, after all, the ‘person’ who bears all the obsessions of the suicide is him.

"Relax, I haven't mixed any selfishness, nor will I ask you to do something to repay me. I will help you just go hand in hand, you have to know that many of the dead's wishes may be difficult to go as you are Realize, and I am different. I am a living person. You can leave it to me when it is inconvenient for you to appear. "Chen Ge is telling the truth. The man in red was obviously shaken after hearing it. It seems that he was finishing those dead. He also encountered many difficulties in his will.

"Okay, then I am not hypocritical." The man in red looked at Chen Ge, the blood in his eyes disappeared completely: "You help me fulfill the suicide wishes of those suicides, correspondingly, I can also help you do some Things that go against my own will. "

"you help me?"

"Yes, you help me fulfill a suicide wish. I will help you do one thing. Isn't it fair?"

Chen Ge didn't expect a man to be so straight. With the persistence of the man in red, he finally "barely" agreed.

"The author's last wish was to make a horror movie that was loved by many people and had a high box office; the paradise doll dresser wanted to make sure whether the landlord received the utility bill he put on his luggage; the last wish of the cancer patient was to take care of it His family, waiting for you to complete these three last wishes, I will tell you the suicides of other suicides, hoping to make them never regret. "The man in red finished, turned around:" Want to contact Me, just dial that number. "

"Well, I have memorized the number."

Chen Ge sent the man in red to leave. The black figure walked along the railroad track and disappeared.

"It's smoother than I thought. Take the time to fulfill these last wishes first. When I meet the danger in the eastern suburbs, this old man will probably not stand idly by."

Chen Ge planned to solve all the problems in the eastern suburbs before the opening of the virtual future park. He did not delay time, found his backpack, and left in the opposite direction to the man in red.

"Among the three last wishes, the wishes of the paradise staff are the easiest to realize, and the wishes of cancer patients are also easy to say. The harder thing is the writer. He wants to make a horror movie with word-of-mouth and box office. This is a bit more difficult. "Chen Ge didn't want to understand why the other writer's last obsession was to make a movie."

"Qualified haunted house employees must also be excellent actors. There is no problem with me. The key is to show them to whom? How can we ensure that they are applauded and well-received?" Chen Ge knows nothing about the movie: "Yan Danian's desire to become a well-known cartoonist still Not realized, now there is one more filming, I am just a haunted house owner, do I have to specifically learn about film-related knowledge? "

Horror movies are really too difficult to get a fire. Chen Ge is not ready to try for the time being: "I have enough actors, but lack of technical guidance and funds, I can pay attention to talents in this field in the future. My horror house is also a propaganda. "

After driving back to the children's playground, Chen Ge once again knocked on the landlord's door.

"Sister, I still came for my friend. Did you find the money he left in your luggage?"

The anti-theft door opened, and the middle-aged woman inside looked at Chen Ge like a neuropath: "What the **** do you mean? It hasn't been a long time since others, now you run to the door and ask me to confiscate water and electricity charges?"

"That's it, there was nothing to worry about before the brother left ..."

"Okay, I won't lie to you anymore. I have thrown away my luggage. His things are unlucky." The landlord's sister was very impatient.

"Throw it?" Chen Ge was stunned, but he quickly returned to normal: "How much did he owe for water, electricity and rent?"

"More than two hundred and eighty, what's wrong? Are you going to pay him back?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Chen Ge with a cold face, and then saw that Chen Ge took out three hundred yuan from his pocket: "Before he left, he feared that such a thing would happen. He told me purposely. You hold the money and hope Do n’t mind, no matter what choice he makes, he has never owed anyone. ”

After giving the woman utilities, Chen Ge took a taxi and left.

Back in the New Century Paradise, Chen Ge opened the door of the employee lounge. When he was sitting on the chair of the employee lounge, his body was completely relaxed.

The expression slowly changed. Chen Ge recalled all the things that happened tonight. There was a problem. He did n’t want to understand: "When I met the suicide operator, I called Zhang Ya's name in my heart, but I didn't get a response. She It has been seen that the man in red is not threatening, or is the injury on her arm worse? "

Zhang Ya did not want to come out of the shadow, and Chen Ge didn't know her situation. She couldn't help if she wanted to help.

"Is she hungry? Do I need to catch some ghosts and give them to her?"

Chen Ge felt that it was necessary to give it a try: "Xiaobu told me that it would be life-threatening to go to Liwan Town, but I can go to other places in the eastern suburbs ~ www.readwn.com ~ First put the black phone on the two-star difficulty mission completed."

With the decision, he didn't want that much anymore. He took off his coat and fell asleep in bed.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Chen Ge, who had finished washing, walked out of the horror house. He pushed open the fence and watched the rising sun.

"A new day has begun."

Before he could finish his emotions, the black phone in his pocket seemed to cooperate with him and suddenly shook.

"Why is the information coming at this time?"

Taking out his phone, sliding the screen, Chen Ge opened the unread text message.

"The special ability of the midnight ticket counter is triggered! There are special visitors!"

Looking at the screen, Chen Ge did not respond for a long time: "I haven't opened yet, where are the special tourists? Is this a problem with the phone?"

Holding his phone, Chen Ge looked around. He suddenly found the main entrance of the park, and the uncle seemed to be arguing with someone.

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