I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 566: Father and daughter

"Is there tourists coming early in the morning?" Chen Ge walked towards the gate of the paradise. The uncle was a very good-tempered person. Chen Ge still saw him having a dispute with others for the first time.

"It's not about buying tickets or not. The park hasn't opened, the staff hasn't gone to work, and the equipment hasn't been opened. Even if you go in, you can't visit it normally!

Chen Lao heard the uncle's voice across the distance. He trot and found a little girl and a dull middle-aged man standing at the door of the uncle's duty room.

The middle-aged man had money in his hands, his mouth was slobbered, his nose and eyes were slanted, his speech was intermittent, and his voice sounded strange: "Play, my daughter, I always wanted to play."

"Brother, the paradise will open for another half an hour. Wait a moment. I will let you in now. In case of a safety accident, I ca n’t afford this responsibility!" But the man shook his head stubbornly, as if he could not understand what the old man said.

"Money, enough money, we want to play."

The man's tongue seemed to be out of control. He spoke very hard every time he spoke, and the muscles of his entire face were shaking.

He didn't seem to understand why the old man wouldn't let him in. He squeezed the money tightly and handed it to him.

"Why don't you understand?" The old man clutched his forehead. "Early early in the morning, moths emerged. Recently, there are more and more strange things in Jiujiang."

"What's the matter? Are they ... tourists?" Chen Ge walked out of the paradise and looked at the two people at the door.

The middle-aged man is a paralyzed man, and his intelligence is lower than that of ordinary people. The girl does not like to talk. The facial features look awkward, but his eyes are clear, and there is a faint fear and fear.

The girl seemed to suffer from a similar disease as the middle-aged man next to him.

"These two people have to go in and explain to them, saying that our paradise opens at 9 o'clock and let them wait a bit longer. As a result, they just don't listen, thinking that I deliberately made them difficult. Do I look like that? "" The janitor also abides by his own job.

After listening to the doorman, Chen Ge probably understood the reason, he stopped in front of middle-aged men and girls.

The man thought Chen Ge was the person in charge of Paradise, sobbing in his mouth and not knowing what to say, and then handed the money to Chen Ge.

It seemed that he was afraid that Chen Ge did not understand what he meant. He also specifically pointed to the ferris wheel in the paradise and kept giving Chen Ge a gesture.

"Let me do it for me." Chen Ge smiled at the porter uncle and took the money from the middle-aged man. It is not easy to pay for two tickets.

"You give more, the child is half price, and you don't need so much money." Deliberate sympathy is also a kind of disrespect for the defective people. The most polite way to treat them is to treat them as ordinary people, not colored. Look at them.

Chen Ge wanted to return the extra money to the middle-aged man, but the other party was not only anxious, but also anxious, making a loud voice in his throat, but he could not hear clearly what he was talking about.

"Look, you can't communicate at all. He thought we were hurting him." The janitor was helpless.

"It's okay, I'll take them around in the paradise first, and the tickets for the two of them are mine." Chen Ge didn't force him, patted the man's shoulder gently, and motioned him to follow him: "All the equipment in the paradise is at nine The bell will only officially run, but before that, I can accompany you around. "

"Xiao Chen, you take it easy, we collected the ticket money, then they are tourists, don't let them enter your haunted house casually!" The uncle is really afraid of middle-aged men and girls. Chen Ge sometimes feels particularly trustworthy, and sometimes feels particularly unreliable.

"Relax." Chen Ge waved his hand and entered the paradise with the three of them.

In an empty paradise, a small number of employees are inspecting the recreational facilities of the paradise. There are no tourists on the road except middle-aged men and little girls.

"The ferris wheel and carousel will take nine to play. Before the official opening, we will have to test it first."

"She, my daughter, want to play ..." The middle-aged man gestured, obviously not understanding Chen Ge.

"Your daughter?" Chen Ge glanced down at the little girl with some characters on her feet. She was very timid and hid behind the man.

Walking next to the father and daughter, Chen Ge could see the shabby undershirt hidden under their white-washed coats, which was not very affluent for the father and daughter.

"Where are you from? Did you come to New Century Paradise to play? Are there any must-have items? I grew up here since childhood and I am very familiar with this place."

Chen Ge spoke very slowly. While speaking, he reached out and gestured. It took a long time for the man to understand what he meant.

"East, Donggang ..." The man even said two words.

"Is it the eastern suburbs of Jiujiang?" Chen Ge said and led them to the door of their haunted house: "Now the only thing that can be played in the paradise is the haunted house. This is an independent project I manage. If you want to go in and visit I can accompany you. "

The special tourists detected by the black phone should be among these two people, but considering their physical reasons, Chen Ge is not going to arrange ghosts to scare them, but simply let them go in to see the scene, and try to trigger it by the way. Tasks carried on special tourists.

The middle-aged man stood on the spot, seeming to think about what Chen Ge said, and his daughter came out from behind him at this time, as if interested in the horror house.

"I haven't officially started business, and I won't accept your tickets." Chen Ge touched the little girl's head, and somehow thought of Xiao Bu in his mind.

Lifting the thick curtain, Chen Ge took the father and daughter into the haunted house: "I have many different scenes here ..."

He hadn't introduced playing yet ~ www.readwn.com ~ and he saw the little girl running to the iron gate leading to the underground scene, squatting down, staring at the iron gate.

"Does the child perceive them?"

The middle-aged man limped and chased the past. Chen Ge stood in the distance and looked at it for a while before deciding to try them again.

"Do you want to play in the underground scene?" Chen Ge felt a little scary in his tone of speech, but to his surprise, the little girl raised her innocent and simple face, then nodded heavily.

"This girl is so strange." Chen Ge opened the door embedded in the ground with both hands, and a cold air poured out from the ground.

"Don't run around, follow me." In order to take care of the father and daughter, Chen Ge deliberately turned on all the lights in the corridor.

Entering the underground seems to enter another world.

The middle-aged man was a little uneasy, clutching the girl's hand immediately behind Chen Ge.

The girl behaved abnormally, and her clear eyes were full of curiosity.

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