I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 567: sister

Chen Ge has been observing the father and daughter, he must determine who the special tourists are.

"On the left is Muyang Middle School, a large ghost school, on the right is the third sick building, the scene of the horrible lunatic asylum, directly in front is the living coffin village, the scary scene of the deserted village in the country, the passage behind you leads to the underground corpse , Inspired by a medical university. "Chen Ge explained the two of them personally, and accompanied them carefully, they were afraid of accidents.

Now that the park has not officially opened, he is not worried that other tourists will see it.

After the middle-aged man entered the underground scene, his body shook slightly. He should be the first time he came to a place like a haunted house, and he looked very nervous.

His daughter behaved relatively strangely, her eyes widened. If it wasn't for his hands to be held by a man, I'm afraid he would have nowhere to go.

"Which scene do you want to visit?" Chen Ge let them choose, which is also a test.

The man opened his mouth and whined in his throat. He seemed to be asking about his daughter.

The girl looks pretty cute when she looks more, but the more you feel, the more regretful it is. It is estimated to be genetic, and the child's intelligence is also flawed.

The little girl did not know where to go, she gave Chen Ge a timid look.

"Then let's visit each scene. Before the paradise opens, I will take you around." Chen Ge walked ahead and led the father and daughter into the scene of Muyang Middle School.

In the gloomy corridor, there were gusts of wind blowing from time to time. The blank test paper fluttered on the ground, making a loud noise, as if a hand gently touched the heart.

The classroom doors on both sides were half open, and shabby tables and chairs were piled up in random, and soon the three came to the door of the last classroom.

Without any psychological preparation, faces were crowded by the window, and the classroom was full of people.

The middle-aged man obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen. He flicked back and fell back.

Chen Ge, who has been paying attention to the situation around him, quickly reached out to help the middle-aged man. He still underestimated the horror of his haunted house, especially for someone who has never entered the haunted house.

"be careful."

The performance of the man allowed Chen Ge to exclude him as a special tourist. Next, Chen Ge focused on the little girl.

When the middle-aged man was almost scared and fell, the little girl broke free of the man's hand. She stood alone outside the window of the last classroom, staring blankly at the puppets inside.

Looking at each other, after a while, she lay on the window sill entirely, across the glass, reaching out to touch the face of the puppet.

The puppets in school uniforms in the windows also cooperated very well, leaning forward slightly and leaning their faces against the glass.

It was found that the puppet could move by itself, the little girl's eyes opened wider, there was fear in her eyes, but more curiosity.

Chen Ge stood in the distance and saw all this in his eyes. He felt that the girl was very similar to Fan Yu, but they were not exactly the same.

"She shouldn't see ghosts, nor Fan Yu clever."

Chen Ge and Fan Yu only found out that the child had a maturity that was completely incompatible with his age. He understood many things, but he locked everything in his heart.

The situation of the little girl is different. She feels pure and clean. Not being close to the doll is because there is a homeless soul hidden in the doll, just because of curiosity.

With their boss standing next to them, the puppets would of course not deliberately scare the little girl, all with their weird expressions and their shy smiles, showing harmless humans and animals, very clever and completely different from other tourists.

Going deeper into the scene, Chen Ge stopped when passing by Bixian's dormitory: "This place is a famous startling point in my haunted house, called Bixian. Many confused and confused people will make a special trip from other cities Come and ask Pen Xian some questions, and Pen Xian will give them answers depending on their mood. "

Chen Ge picked up some miserable ballpoint pen on the table: "Do you want to give it a try? As long as you say the questions you want to ask the most or the things you want to do the most, the pen fairy will most likely help you achieve it. . "

Crouching down, Chen Ge secretly communicated pen fairy, and then handed the ballpoint pen to the little girl.

The child took the pen incomprehensiblely, and then learned Chen Ge's appearance, squatting beside the chair and holding the pen like a knife handle.

The pen tip fell on the white paper, and the girl frowned tightly, looking very cute.

"Follow your own inner thoughts and ask the questions you want to ask the most." Chen Ge's tone is a bit like a devil that tempts mortals.

The little girl thought for a long time, and finally wrote the word sister on the paper crookedly.

"Sister?" The girl didn't ask the question of Bixian, and Chen Ge was very sure that these two words were not written by Bixian, because at this moment, Bixian Chen Yalin was boring behind her braid and braided her little girl. That pen.

The girl wrote it herself?

Is this the question she wants to ask Bixian?

Or is this the answer she gave herself?

Chen Ge wouldn't care if he came over another person, but this girl is very likely to be a special tourist. With every movement of the other party, Chen Ge wants to interpret its deep meaning.

"Does this child have a sister? Why don't you bring her to play together?" Chen Ge asked the middle-aged man, but when the man heard Chen Ge's words, he seemed to be greatly frightened and did not visit. , Going forward and pulling the girl's hand will go out.

The girl was also taken aback ~ www.readwn.com ~ She was like a frightened sparrow with a squeaky voice in her mouth.

Waiting for Chen Ge to block, the middle-aged man had forcibly dragged the girl out of Penxian's dormitory.

"Don't worry, you want to leave, and I can send you out at any time." Chen Ge felt that visiting again might affect the relationship between the father and daughter, so they sent them out of the haunted house directly.

The sun shone again on the body, and the weird father and daughter finally calmed down.

"Drink some water, you rest here for a while, and then the park will officially open in half an hour." Chen Ge just arranged the father and daughter in the lounge next to the haunted house. The woman in her early thirties ran over.

"Sorry, I'm in trouble." A woman dressed in business attire, should be a white-collar worker in a large company. It feels like a smart and capable woman.

"you are?"

"I'm his sister." The woman pointed to the man with a mental distress with some embarrassment: "He took advantage of me to go to work and secretly ran out with Wenwen, so I took him back."

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