I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 569: All kinds

Chen Ge accompanied his father and daughter to play the playable items in the paradise. At three or four in the afternoon, the girl was a little tired.

She leaned against her father and sat in the lounge outside the haunted house.

Eyes closed, holding a bottle of water in her hand, there was a smile on her face, and she could see that she was having fun today.

The father ’s facial features were skewed, and he looked at the little girl lovingly. He touched the girl ’s head gently with his hand. Suddenly he found that a very naughty braid was made behind the girl ’s head. With braids, it feels like the girl has become more lively.

The father and daughter are close together. Although they have defects in their bodies, they have to say that the picture at this time is very warm.

"You rest here for a while, don't run around, I go to the haunted house to greet other employees, and then send you home." Chen Ge has always maintained reason, the reason why he promised the woman to accompany the father and daughter One of the big reasons for visiting an amusement park is that he can take this opportunity to get closer to each other and let them relax their vigilance.

Of course, Chen Ge never thought of hurting them, just wanted to find out the truth.

The girl leaned on her father, looked sleepy, and her eyes couldn't open.

At this time, there is still a long time to be agreed with the woman. Chen Ge decided to take them home and take a look at their home.

He had a hunch that there must be a connection between the girl and the water ghost.

Back in the haunted house, Duan Yue and Lao Zhou had fully adapted to their new identities. After Chen Ge explained some of their precautions, he found Xu Wan and told her to close at 6 pm.

Arranging these things, Chen Ge found a backpack and packed the repeater and comic book into it.

The skull-crushing hammer Xiao Gu is in use. All Chen Ge did not carry it this time.

"Let's go, I'll take you home." Chen Ge alone carrying a bag, his sincere expression makes people unable to refuse.

The man scratched his head, as if hesitating: "Me, sister, don't let others go home."

"Don't your sister let you lead strangers to home?" Chen Ge smiled: "I understand, he is worried that you two will lead wolves into the room and attract thieves or something, but I am not a stranger. How happy we are together today ? "

To put it bluntly, the middle-aged man finally agreed.

Sending the two people out of New Century Paradise, Chen Ge called a taxi and sat up with his father and daughter.

The little girl fell asleep shortly after getting in the car. In order not to disturb her, Chen Ge and the middle-aged man were silent and did not speak.

According to the address stated by the middle-aged man, the taxi came to a dilapidated residential area on the edge of the eastern suburbs.

This place is all old buildings with six or seven floors. The wall peeling is serious, and even the original paint color can't be seen.

"It seems that it has been built for twenty or thirty years, right?"

After paying for the car, several people walked out of the car.

"Your family lives here? Didn't you say Donggang before?"

Chen Ge specifically asked the driver in the car, this residential area is still far away from Donggang Reservoir.

"I, live, and home." The man said a few incoherent words, and Chen Ge didn't know what he meant.

Holding the sleeping little girl with both hands, the middle-aged man walked alone in the front, the other party did not chase Chen Ge away, so Chen Ge followed naturally.

The middle-aged man has mental defects, but his basic common sense of life is still there. He walked through the dilapidated old buildings, came to the innermost part of the residential area, and entered the first building.

The sun hung diagonally on the horizon and was about to go down. It was a bit deserted, and it was obviously not dark yet, but it made Chen Ge feel a little dim all around. Maybe it was just an illusion.

The top of the corridor is relatively low, and you can feel it with a single jump. After entering it, the first feeling is depression.

Under the leadership of a middle-aged man, they came to the third floor. The man reached into his neck and fumbled for a long time before he found the key hanging on his neck.

Like a child, he took the key to his eyes, looked at it carefully, and opened the door.

"Can I go in and see?"

The man didn't reply, he opened the door and took the little girl into the house, put the **** the sofa, then trot into the bedroom by himself, as if looking for something.

The room is very clean, different from Chen Ge's imaginary mess. Although simple, everything is neatly tidy.

"There are only one pair of slippers and one pair of small ones, and there are only two toothbrushes in the bathroom. It seems that the man's sister does not live with them. Usually this mentally deficient man is looking after the child."

Chen Ge was a little surprised that a person with defects in intelligence could pull a child whose intelligence is also lower than that of ordinary people, and he could organize everything in an orderly manner.

He looked towards the bedroom. The man was kneeling on the ground, opening the bedside table, and taking out a towel.

It seemed that he was afraid of messing up the things inside. He moved very carefully. After he got the quilt, he sorted everything out again before he walked out of the bedroom.

The middle-aged man seems to have only a little girl in his eyes. He gently covers the girl with the quilt. He sits on the other side of the sofa and looks at the girl lovingly, completely ignoring Chen Ge who is still standing in the house.

"No wonder your sister won't let you bring strangers back. If you meet a bad guy, I'm afraid the house has been evacuated. You don't even know." Chen Ge turned around in the house, the room was not big, only a bedroom And a very small living room, simple but cozy.

"Afflicted with a family genetic disease, abandoned by the only normal wife, and still alive so strong, it is quite powerful."

When Chen Ge walked into the bedroom and glanced across the bedside table, he accidentally saw a photo.

He reached up and picked up the photo, which was a bit strange in the photo frame.

On the sunny grass, the middle-aged man grinned and the butterfly chased by the little girl, there should be another person standing beside them, but that person was cut and there was a humanoid gap in the photo.

"Is that the girl's mother?"

He wanted to find more clues, opened the bedside table, and found a notebook under some clothes.

Turning around casually, Chen Ge found that there was no word in the notebook, but it was obvious that many pages of the notebook were torn off.

"Whose notebook is this?" Looking at the notebook, Chen Ge thought of another thing. Although the little girl suffers from genetic disease and has lower intelligence than her peers, she can write and watch it in the haunted house. She wrote the words of her sister.

"Who taught her to write? Is it her father, and someone else?"

When the middle-aged man ’s sister heard the words of her sister, her expression was intense. These two words should be taboos that cannot be mentioned in their family, so the person who taught the little girl to write these two words should not be her relatives.

Closing the notebook, Chen Ge put it back in place. He closed the door of the cabinet, and when he stood up to leave, he discovered that the middle-aged man didn't know when he stood at the door of the bedroom.

It seems that because of the oppression of the cranial nerve, his facial features tilted, looking at Chen Ge with a trace of incomprehension.

"Photo ..." Chen Ge didn't know how to distract from the topic, and picked up the picture frame on the bedside table.

Before he had a good reason, the man had walked in. He didn't seem to care what Chen Ge did, but walked quietly past Chen Ge and picked up the pillow on the bed.

During the whole process, he didn't say a word to Chen Ge. After getting the pillow, he went straight out and put the pillow behind the girl's head.

False alarm, Chen Ge continued to wander around the house, but he did not find anything valuable.

"I'll be relieved to deliver you safely. If you want to come to New Century Paradise in the future, or you need help, you can come to me." Chen Ge found a pen and paper and wrote down his phone number. Put it on the coffee table.

The girl fell asleep on the sofa. For a whole day, no messages were sent from her black mobile phone. The task carried by this special tourist was not triggered by Chen Ge.

However, Chen Ge is not in a hurry. He has already confirmed the identity and address of the other party.

After saying hello to the middle-aged man, Chen Ge left.

Closing the door, Chen Ge was about to go downstairs, and suddenly there was a voice in the corridor.


Stopping, Chen Ge looked around. He found that the door of the house opposite the middle-aged man had been opened by someone, and the voice came from there.

"Are you calling me?"

"Don't want to cause trouble, you better stay away from their family."

This time Chen Ge heard more clearly. The old lady who spoke was very harsh.

"I'm not afraid of trouble. The family looked so pitiful. It would be better to help this matter as much as possible." Chen Ge took a few steps towards the door of the old man's room.

"Poor people must have hateful things. I advise you not to walk too close to them. Be careful to provoke the upper body."

The old man's words aroused the interest of Chen Ge, and the other party seemed to know a lot.

"Grandma, their family has a genetic disease, which is congenital ..."

"I think you are kind-hearted, so I have to talk to remind you, as to how you are willing to do it is your own business."

The old lady was about to close the door after she finished speaking, but Chen Ge first grabbed the door: "Grandma, don't talk half of the way! I'm confused."

The old lady might also be looking at Chen Ge for being kind and indeed doing good deeds. She paused for a few seconds and then opened the door completely: "Come in."

"Okay." When things turned out, Chen Ge would certainly seize this opportunity.

After entering the old lady's house, Chen Ge discovered that it was wrong. The old man's house was covered with various spells of the malady, and various evil-proof things were stuck on the door with tape.

This room and the middle-aged man's room are completely two types.

"Grandma, your house ..."

"Don't be afraid, these spells are for dealing with evil spirits, and they are not harmful to people." The old lady was very sure, but Chen Ge shook her head. The ghosts on her body were not afraid of these spells at all. Certainly the old lady was cheated.

"You have a relationship with that family, and you might get caught in dirty things in the future. I can give you two when I leave."

"Dirty stuff? Is there really a ghost in this world?" Chen Ge touched his chin: "Grandma, have you seen it yourself?"

"Sinfulness, it's really sinfulness." The old lady meditated for a moment and nodded: "It's in this building, every zero, the sound of water droplets coming from the corridor, like it's raining. Then you will listen As if the sound of a wet mop sliding on the ground, but you think about it at one or two in the morning, who would be fine to mop the floor in the corridor with a wet mop? "

"Is there really a ghost?" Chen Ge cooperated with the old lady very well, showing a surprised expression.

"Once I couldn't sleep because of the noise, I looked out through the cat's eyes on the door."

"What do you see?"

The old man seemed to recall the terrible thing, the wrinkles on his face were all squeezed together, and his expression was very dignified: "I do n’t lie to you, when I saw a soaked woman coming upstairs, she would Stopped at the door of the opposite room. Her skin was blistered and whitish, which was not the skin of a living person at all. She also had some water plants and strange things wrapped around her, her hair dragged on the ground, and the name of the girl in the door chanted . "

"Drenched woman? Wenwen's name?" Chen Ge crossed his mind, and he blurted out two words: "Sister?"

The old man didn't expect Chen Ge to say these two words. Her expression eased a lot: "It seems that you also know about his family."

"I don't know." Chen Ge took the blank piece of paper left by the little girl in the haunted house from her pocket: "I am an employee of New Century Paradise, and our paradise sees that their father and daughter are not in good health and they are worried about their safety. , So I was specifically sent to send them home safely. The reason I know my sister is because the girl wrote these two words in one of our entertainment facilities. "

Looking at the crooked sister on the white paper, the old lady snarled and motioned Chen Ge away from the door.

The two walked into the living room ~ www.readwn.com ~ The old man lowered his voice and said: "I don't hide from you anymore. In fact, many people in the old building know that their family has been planted before, and now it is Retribution. "

"Any kind?" Chen Ge didn't understand too much.

"The first kind means planting, and the second kind means seed. Their family has a genetic disease. It is said that men don't wear women, but their family wants a healthy boy to continue the incense. Finally, I found a remedy. Someone gave them an idea and asked them to do all kinds of things. "The old lady explained to Chen Ge all kinds of meanings:" The method sounds cruel. It is to find a child, treat her as a seed, and then plant it. It ’s okay in another child. I do n’t quite understand the specific operation method. I only know that they have planted seeds at home, but failed, not only did not give birth to boys, but also gave birth to girls also suffering from genetic diseases. "

"But what does this have to do with the ghost you saw?"

"It was their first child, the sister, who was treated as a seed by his family. They used their first child as the seed, and the second child born from the seed was Wenwen."

What the old lady said made Chen Ge take a breath. He vaguely understood why the trial task was called Twin Water Ghosts.

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