"Grandma, what else do you know? Has anyone ever succeeded before? Who told them this way?" Chen Ge wants to determine what he thinks in his mind, first of all, he must have a general understanding of the various things.

"What do you ask about this? Too much knowledge is not good for you. Some things will be punished as soon as you touch it." The old lady looked good to you. She turned into the room next to her, rummaging through it. Two yellowing runes came out.

"Give it to you, take them with you, and it will be able to withstand the disaster at a critical time."

Chen Ge didn't refuse the kindness of the old man, he took the rune paper.

Strange symbols are painted on it, it seems that it is not used cinnabar, but ordinary red dye.

"Grandma, are you sure this thing is useful?" The ghosts in Chen Ge's own body were not only not afraid of this rune, but even a little curious. They wanted to come out and see for themselves.

"It's useless. I don't know. Since I put the rune paper all over the house, the ghost outside has never been near my room."

"She has appeared in your room before?" Chen Ge was puzzled. Some ghosts were extremely aggressive and unable to communicate. They would kill all living creatures that are blocking the road, regardless of whether the other party is innocent.

"Your boy said something unlucky, if she had entered my house, do you think my old bone can still live to this day?" The old lady was very dissatisfied and pouted twice behind the door, Chen Ge also I do n’t know the significance of her doing this: “When I first saw the female ghost, she stood at my door with her head down. It was n’t until later that I filled my house with runes and did she start to go to the door. "

Chen Ge knew that this might not be the effect of rune paper. The female ghost was originally looking for a little girl. There might be another reason to stay at the door of the old lady.

Chen Ge couldn't say this clearly. Although the old lady looked at her kindness, Chen Ge always felt that she had something to do with the little girl's family.

"Grandma, I won't go around you anymore. The little girl's situation is not very good. The ghost you said seems to be entangled with her. If you don't care, the child may be in danger."

When Chen Ge said this, Granny hesitated.

"No matter what wrong things their family has done, the child is innocent, she should not be a victim. Furthermore, this matter is not irreparable."

"You haven't seen it, so that's why there are ghosts in this world. It will appear every night. If you have seen it, you won't say that again. This is their family's retribution, you intervene. You will also be targeted by ghosts. "The old lady wanted to dissuade Chen Ge, but Chen Ge's attitude was very firm.

"Since let me meet, I have to manage."

"Why is your child so stubborn?" Grandma said after more than ten seconds: "Forget it, you have to go to death, I won't stop you, I just hope you get better luck."

The old lady's tone changed: "I didn't want to mention this again. At the beginning, I proposed various things to their family, that is, my husband. The old man's nature is not bad. He just casually said, who can think of that family? I really will do it. The old man died of illness after Wenwen was born. When he left, he blamed himself and regretted it very much. "

"Your husband helped Wenwen's family?"

"Don't talk nonsense! The old man in my family just heard about it, he intended to be good." The old lady walked into the back room again and found a few pages of yellow paper in the drawer. It looked like a prescription: "It ’s all kinds of recipes, and I do n’t understand it. It is said that they were found out of nowhere by their parents. They were hidden by the old man in my family. My old man wanted to stop them, but they were crazy at that time. . "

"Inherited diseases in their families are transmitted from men to women. In order to continue the incense and change their own blood, so their family regarded the first daughter as a" seed ". The child I have seen before is very healthy and cute."

"The specific method of planting seeds is only known by the old man and the grandparents of the child, but they have already died of illness, so no one knows exactly what they did to the first child."

The wrinkles on the old lady's face huddled together like bean skin. She pondered hard for a long time: "I can tell you only a few things. Before the first child had an accident, they ran all over the eastern suburbs and seemed to be looking for a In the right place, they chose Donggang Reservoir in the end. I do n’t know what happens next. "

"It seems that I am going to the Donggang Reservoir myself." Chen Ge took a few pages of yellow paper and probably glanced at it. He could not understand the words written on it. It felt like Chinese characters, but he didn't know. What does each word mean.

"Grandma, can I take these pieces of paper? I want to find someone to study it and see what is written on it."

"No, absolutely not. These pieces of paper can't be circulated anymore. If the old man had an account before leaving, I was going to burn it directly."

"Then do you know where they got these pieces of paper from?" Chen Ge asked casually, unexpectedly.

"The Lijiao Town in the eastern suburbs is said to have been asked by the grandparents of the child in a building called the Minglou."

"Ming Lou ?!" The word Chen Ge had heard before when he took the last bus on the 104th bus. Only by taking the last bus would he have the opportunity to enter the Liwan Town's underworld: "Is it also related to the behindhands in the eastern suburbs? This Was he a free move, or did he have other arrangements? "

Chen Ge doubts that behind-the-scenes blackhands have murdered so many children in the eastern suburbs ~ www.readwn.com ~ is for all kinds of reasons.

"All of them only need one child, but the number of children missing in the eastern suburbs is huge ..." Chen Ge flashed the word "Birthless Child" in his mind, and he was not calm at all.

Originally he thought this was a very simple two-star trial mission, but he did not expect to be in contact with the four-star trial mission.

"Grandma, can you get me a few more runes? I'm going to the Donggang Reservoir tonight. I will take a look on the ground, maybe there will be a major discovery."

"Go to Donggang Reservoir? It's going to be dark this day. What are you doing there?" The old lady really thinks that Chen Ge is a weird man who knows that there are tigers in the mountains and knows that the tigers tend to go to the mountains. "Many people died in the reservoir, that place Not clean, you have to think about it. "

"I'm also scared, but I'm more concerned about this than scared." Chen Ge took out the rune paper given by the old lady: "Grandma, give me a few more runes, what if the key time is not enough? ? "

"Dare to be so timid, don't force yourself." The old lady finished walking into the house, looking for rune paper, and while she was away, Chen Ge took out her phone and took all the words on the yellow paper. Down.

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