I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 571: Donggang Reservoir

The old lady walked out of the house, carrying a black cloth in her hand.

"There are so many characters left that I have no use for. You are going to find the female ghost's trouble. Naturally, this thing is more beneficial ..." The old man pushed the package forward: "All are for you."

Looking at a package of rune papers, Chen Ge's mouth twitched gently: "Grandma, how much did you spend on buying so many rune papers?"

"The price is secondary, the key is to be effective."

Chen Ge felt that the old man was good to himself. He did n’t want the old man to continue to be deceived. He was going to help the old man: "Grandma, can you also introduce me to the people who sold you rune paper?"

"Okay, when I come back, I'll take you to find him. It's a tall man. He looks very sloppy. In fact, people with real talents and learning are like that. This is called hiding in the city."

The more he listened to Chen Ge, the more he felt that the old man was deceived. After asking for the address of the man, he took a parcel of rune paper and left.

Walking out of the community, Chen Ge took a look at the photos he just took on his mobile phone. The handwriting on the yellow paper was very scribble. It was not a Chinese character but a symbol with a special meaning.

"Who can understand this?" Chen Ge turned off the page and called the park again, asking about the situation.

It was already afternoon when he sent Wenwen home, and there was some delay on the way. Because he was not there, Xu Wan closed the door before the sun went down, according to his previous account.

Lao Zhou and Duan Yue performed very well, and there were no surprises. Chen Ge also let go.

"It is necessary to give Lao Zhou and Duan Yue some rewards. They both have no desires, but I can see that Lao Zhou is a favorite Duan Yue. I can help him pursue Duan Yue. As for Duan Yue ... female Should n’t the child refuse the temptation to become a big star? I can give her a promise to let her be the number one when she fulfills the writer ’s wishes and prepares to make a movie. "

With clear rewards and punishments, Chen Ge has always treated his employees very well.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Ge stuffed the old lady's things into the backpack and called a taxi to the Donggang Reservoir.

"The task of Wenwen, a special tourist, has not been triggered. What's the problem? Is it necessary to let the girl have access to the water entertainment facilities?" The girl's aunt once told Chen Ge, don't let the child go to the water's edge In order to ensure Wen Wen's safety, Chen Ge will not put the girl in danger for the task, which may be the reason why the black phone has not sent information so far.

When Chen Ge came to Donggang Reservoir, the sky was completely dark.

Opening the car window, he can clearly feel that the temperature here is much higher than the bottom of the city.

"A total of twenty-five." The driver looked at Chen Ge and said casually.

"Twenty-five? It's so expensive? Do you think I haven't been here before?" Chen Ge was watching the surroundings, but the driver didn't expect him to ask him for so much money.

"According to the taximeter, it doesn't need so much, but now there are few people on the Donggang Reservoir who are willing to come. There have been several accidents within a month, so everyone will increase the price at the edge of the eastern suburbs at night, and let me pull you It ’s definitely empty when I come back alone, and I ca n’t make much money. ”The driver is not very old, he put his hands on the steering wheel, and he was a little impatient:“ If you hurry, it will be dark after a while, the road is even worse. Let ’s go, this place is not very peaceful at night. "

"Do you still know that it's not fair?" Chen Ge looked at the driver: "It seems that your company still hasn't achieved the safety education for employees. You don't even know me."

The driver frowned and looked back at Chen Ge: "Who are you?"

"I don't want to have an accident, I honestly calculated according to the original price, I want to kill the customer, you are looking for the wrong person today." Chen Ge lay down on the seat: "I'm fine with me anyway, I can spend time with you in this wild countryside All day long, but you have to be careful, the eastern suburbs are really messy now, and anything can happen at night. "

Taxi drivers are people who know more about this city. They walk through the city every day and know many things that ordinary people do not know.

When Chen Ge said this, the driver's face became not too good-looking. He encountered a **** who was shameless than him. What made him sweat more was that he found Chen Ge to be very reasonable.

A man carrying a bag and running to a reservoir in the wilderness at night?

The more he looked at Chen Ge, the more he felt that Chen Ge didn't look like a good person, but he didn't give in: "Everyone increases the price. I'll calculate 20 for you."

"I will give you as much as you want, and I will do it for you, because the money earned by the conscience will hit the ghost when it is spent."

It took a while for both sides, it was getting dark, Chen Ge not only did not get off, but also took out a lot of rune paper and yellow paper with quirky text from his backpack to study it.

The driver talked to him, and he ignored it.

In the eyes of Zaike drivers, Chen Ge has changed from a bad guy to a lunatic. This is not a normal person, and a normal person will put a lot of symbols in his bag.

"Okay, I'll recite it today." Chen Ge simply drove the driver down to serve.

"You are still too young, and the service attitude will be better in the future. Maybe you will meet me next time you drive the night bus." After paying the car, Chen Ge walked out of the taxi, and the driver looked at Chen Ge's face. The last sentence of Chen Ge echoed in his ears, and he felt inexplicably chilling in his back as if he had been cursed.

He whispered in a whisper, as if afraid of being heard by Chen Ge, he hurried away in a car.

"You are young and vigorous. You haven't been beaten by society at first sight. Fortunately, I met someone with a gentle temper like me. This is also a good thing for him." Chen Ge walked to the reservoir with a backpack.

Donggang Reservoir is just a small reservoir, very close to the eastern suburbs, so people often came here to swim and fish a long time ago ~ www.readwn.com ~ But I don't know when it started, the number of people coming here suddenly decreased.

Standing next to the reservoir, Chen Ge took out his mobile phone for lighting. He found that there was a bright light not far from himself.

The pupils narrowed and Chen Ge used the yin pupils only to see clearly. There seemed to be two people fishing on the shore.

One sat on Maza, the other sat behind him to watch.

After watching it for a while, it might be boring, and the man behind him quietly left.

"I just said that there is no one in this place, so I ran out of two." Chen Ge wanted to explore the situation of the reservoir. These fishing enthusiasts should know something.

He walked quickly to the man fishing, the other person's expression was focused, and he did not look back, staring at the night light floating on the water.

The sky was slowly shrouded in darkness, and the light was conspicuous on the dark water.

After a while, the night light drifted down suddenly, and there was a smile on the face of the otherwise motionless man: "Finally hooked."

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